Outside of Camp

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Ice_Wing

Outside of camp and the terriorty

Thornpaw Ice_Wing

Thorn was wandering inside shadowclan territory after losing his parents. He was blindly running from a fox. His parents where rouges. Thorn yowled for help. 


Thornpaw Ice_Wing

Thorn was about to nod but Thornpelt had shown up. 

Thornpelt tackled the Fox from the side viciously digging his claw in as he lashed his tail back and forth fast. The fox bit Thornpelt's hind leg in an attempt to get him off which worked for a few seconds. He lunged for the fox's neck and bit down for a long moment. The fox knock him off and fled. Thornpelt was thrown into a tree but slowly managed to recover.

Thorn was shaking as he watched the scene.

Thornpelt Ice_Wing

Thornpelt got up and said, "I'm fine all there are a few bite marks and a gash."  He has a gash on his scruff and a few bite marks on his legs. He padded over to the kit and picked him up. Around thornkit he said, "We should head to camp." As he walked he had a slight limp but once they were at the entrance of camp he went in.

(Go to In camp thread to respond Hehe)

Diego Ice_Wing

Diego crawled out of a broken tree and shook his pelt. “Ugh I really hate cramped spaces.” He was on the ground now and stretched.

Diego Ice_Wing

Diego turned his head not afraid at all and said “umm what do you mean shadow clan territory my parents left me here as a kit and I haven’t seen anyone around.” He tilted his head questionly.

Diego Ice_Wing

Diego said "Yes why?" Diego was born somewhat of a limp his parents didn't like this and left him.

Diego Ice_Wing

Diego said "My names Diego what about you?" He watch their movements ready to move if needed.

Diego Ice_Wing

"I have been here since I was 4 moons..." He tilted his head and said "Nice to meet you Razortalon."