Frozen temple

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by  Bhaaloo SpaceHyena

Upon an ice planet stands a temple carved from the very surface of the planet. Inside bustles with life, beings of all shapes, sizes, and species going about their business. A woman in a blue robe seemed to be directing them, standing in front of a doorway. Beyond, you can make out the shapes of altars. Upon noticing you, she approached. "Ah, pilgrim, what brings you here? Do you fancy leaving an offering to one of the gods?"

Here, you can gain a blessing, gaining one of several benefits.

Each blessing only lasts five days and you must wait at least two days after the blessing ends to gain a new one. Only one blessing may be active per person at one time.

Bhaaloo may also have chores she needs help with.

To gain a blessing, simply state you are seeking one.

If asking for a task, simply state so. Remember: Characters cannot do tasks while battling.