Training Dojo: Wiki Submissions

Posted 1 year, 22 days ago (Edited 3 months, 24 days ago) by Celest

We are always accepting contributions to our wiki! This is a completely open, freestyle prompt where YOU get to add to our collective lorebook.

If you are an ARTIST: Draw any piece that illustrates any bit of existent lore. Whatever inspires you in whatever section you like.

If you are a WRITER: Write any piece that elaborates on any bit of existent lore:

  • Options for what you can write about include but are not limited to: a tourist's guide to a specific location, a naturalist writing about local flora/fauna, a historian's account of an event, a food writer's experience of a dish, a reporter attending a political meeting, a doctor's note on a disability, a teacher sharing something with a student, or anything else you think might help expand the world.
  • These submissions do NOT need to include approved characters, or even necessarily be from the perspective of a character.
  • You are welcome to make things up, introduce new ideas, and build on what exists! That's what this prompt is for!

You may also have your submission removed from the wiki at any time: just send a request to Enchiron.

Post this form:

Character's ML Link:
Memories: (Check the guide! Please note, Memories for this prompt are always DOUBLED.)
Relevant Wiki Section:
(Insert the actual image/literature AND the URL)


Name: squidlar !

Character's ML Link: N/A

Memories: 219 words * 2  = 4?

Relevant Wiki Section:


In the beginning, all there was was the void, which is all things and no things at once. Everything which has ever been made was made by our Mother, by slicing a part of the void into twain, such that each piece was more one way than another. So, for every thing which is light, there is necessarily another thing which is equally dark, and for every thing which tilts left, there is another which tilts equally right - some of this contradiction we will find inside ourselves, and some we will only find outside, in our complements. One day, all things shall come into agreement with their exact complement, and on that day, true peace will be known.

[ … ]

As of late, many of our Void Mother’s children have taken to hiding in isolated peaks and caves, whiling their days away in pure meditation and self-reflection. As much as I applaud their dedication, this is merely another way of embracing folly and imbalance. Humbly, I would beg them instead to travel and to educate themselves as widely as possible, so that they may grow to understand each perspective as well as any other, and to appreciate more fully those parts of themselves which they would otherwise forget.

~~ Excerpts from the writings of Chrysali, human religious scholar and diplomat.


This is fantastic! 4 memories have been added to your bank, and your entry may be viewed here.