January 2024: Resolutions

Posted 5 months, 14 days ago (Edited 5 months, 14 days ago) by Celest

As one year ends and a new begins, people all over Enchiron are sending off their new year wishes into the night.

For a reward of Memories, draw or write your answer to the following prompt: 

What're your character's new years resolutions? What goals do they have? 

You may do this prompt as many times as you have approved characters.

This prompt will remain live until January 31st. After that, you can still submit to the prompt, but the currency rewards will be halved.

Post this form:

Character's ML Link:
Memories: (Check the guide!)
(Insert the actual image/literature AND the URL)


Name: October_Heart
Character's ML Link: https://toyhou.se/23289215.cae-039, https://toyhou.se/24936413.ign-011, https://toyhou.se/25024138.phaedra/links, https://toyhou.se/25159321.ian-067

Memories: 2 (200+ words)


     -Lucian: For the new year Lucian’s resolution is to leave the caverns for a short trip alongside Alaric each time he visits. Lucian loves venturing outside and making his star maps, but he is slightly frightened of the outside world. With Alaric there he can spend time with his boyfriend and also feel safer while outside his cave.

     -Alaric: For the new year Alaric’s goal is to explore more specific areas of Sayil on his quest to find the perfect home for Lucian. Alaric knows that he has to find a safe place where his slightly agoraphobic boyfriend will feel comfortable.

     -Phaedra:  For the new year Phaedra’s resolution is to take better care of herself. She is often very busy with work, but wants to practice more self care to prevent burnout. For specifics, she intends to spend more time relaxing when at home, cooking food rather than eating at restaurants, and spending more time admiring her pet snails.

      -Florian: Florian’s resolution is to take Stanley out to make friends with other sea snails more often. Florian does spend a lot of time with his sea snail pet/service animal, but he feels that Stanley could use the company of other snails (despite the fact that snails aren’t actually super social)


Alaric and Lucian are so sweet, and I'm wishing the best for Phaedra and Florian!

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