Leader's den

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Ice_Wing

Inside the Leader's den

Spotpounce Ice_Wing

Spotpounce looked at Cootstar and said, "If you're not better in a little bit I'm getting the med cat."

Cootstar CinnaBee

Cootstar groaned “You should probably leave then, I don’t want you getting sick”

(I’m fine I’m fine - Famous last words lol

Spotpounce Ice_Wing

Spotpounce mewed stubbornly "I won't completely leave but I'll move to the entrance. but first." He left and grabbed some prey and brought it over to Cootstar before sitting by the entrance.

Cootstar CinnaBee

Cootstar neatly began to eat her meal, happily nomming on it.

Spotpounce Ice_Wing

The tom watched happily and thought Not sure when to bring up having kits tho...I know now won't be good sense she is sick.

Cootstar CinnaBee

Cootstar ate slowly and then curled back up, half asleep.