
Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Ice_Wing

Inside the Nursery

Sandface and Nightblaze CinnaBee

Sandface stood up and walked over to Blossomkit "You excited to become a apprentice soon?"

Blossompaw queercoded

She shook her head slightly. "I have a feeling my ceremony will be delayed actually." she paused, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws.

Sandface and Nightblaze CinnaBee

"I was a delayed apprentice, back when Larkstar was leader," Sandface meowed comfortingly, "Besides, I don't think you will, Cootstar doesn't delay for things like sneaking out of camp"

Palepaw Ice_Wing

Palekit stood up and stretched wondering what to do. He walked over to the entrance and looked out in while sitting there.

Sandface and Nightblaze CinnaBee

Astercloud walked in to check on Sandface and Nightblaze “Oh, hello little one” she meowed, looking at Palekit.

Palepaw Ice_Wing

Palekit merely moved out of the way. He wasn’t feeling talkative but liked to listen to others.

Astercloud CinnaBee

"Would you like a story?" she rasped softly

Blossompaw queercoded

She nodded after hearing Sandface speak. "Thank you." she mewed, looking at Astercloud curiously. 

Astercloud CinnaBee

Astercloud settled next to Sandface and Nightblaze comfortably, "Well" she began