Hunting Grounds

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Ice_Wing

Where Hunting patrols go 

Sunpool Ice_Wing

Sunpool had followed Cormorantwing to the general hunting area. @CinnBee

Cormorantwing CinnaBee

Cormorantwing pounced and landed on a mouse killing it with a quick shake.

Sunpool Ice_Wing

Sunpool found a crow and stalked it. He landed and managed to catch it. I was the size of a 6 moon old cat. Sunpool padded over a said "Look." He dropped the crow.

Cormorantwing CinnaBee

Cormorantwing looked at it, eyes widened “It’s huge!” He yelped.

Sunpool Ice_Wing

"Yes it is but I wonder why?" He was curious about it.

Cormorantwing CinnaBee

“we live nest to a corn field”

Sunpool Ice_Wing

Sunpool said "Oh yeah." He gave a nervous laugh.

Cormorantwing CinnaBee

Cormorantwing nodded, picking up the mouse and motioning to head back to camp.

Baytalon Ice_Wing

Baytalon curled their tail around themselves and said "What are we doing out here Vulture?" They didn't mind the rain only the fact it was sundown and they would rather be sleeping. Baytalon moved their paws slightly as a blast of cold air came thru. "Hello are you staring into la la land mouse-brain." They stood up shaking out their coat fluffy it out which protected them against the rain.


Baytalon Ice_Wing

Baytalon said "Okay mr.Mentally here. How about you get to the point." They locked eyes with Vultureshadow waiting on a response.

Baytalon Ice_Wing

Baytalon's eyes went wide but then soften. They said, "Wow took you this long?" Their voice was playful. Soon Baytalon got more serious and said "Of course, I'll be your mate mouse-brain." They walked up to Vultureshadow and touched noses with him. They backed up some and said "Im curious don't you have kits by now?" They remembered the crime that cause Vultureshadow to be driven away from Gorgeclan.

Sootwing CinnaBee

Sootwing walked out the camp into the hunting grounds for their patrol "Over here" he meowed.