Outside of Camp

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Ice_Wing

Right outside of the Camp entrance and the rest of the terriotry

Voleblaze Ice_Wing


Volepaw continued to Run and Run.

Heatherfur CinnaBee

Heatherfur caught up with Volepaw easily and fully tackled the she-cat. "Your just making it worse for yourself."

Voleblaze Ice_Wing

Volepaw growled. The she-cat wasn't in her right mind something was obviously wrong with her but what. Volepaw unsheathed her claws and attacked her mentor. Volepaw's normal personality is calm caring understanding and loving.

Heatherfur CinnaBee

Heatherfur did the most logical thing it could think of, and sat on Volepaw, just, sat on the apprentice and waited for her to calm down.

Voleblaze Ice_Wing

Volepaw hissed struggling against the weight of her mentor. After a few minutes she passed out. Something was wrong tho. She is sick but what is she sick with?

Heatherfur CinnaBee

Heatherfur grabbed Volepaw by the scruff and started to drag her back to camp, to Spiderface's den.

Spiderface looked over to Volepaw and Heatherfur, "Set her down I heard the commotion."

Spotpounce Ice_Wing

Spotpounce was returning from a hunt

(Go to the medicine den thread its where i replied)

Blossompaw queercoded

Blossomkit looked around excitedly before turning to her siblings. "This is amazing!!" she squeaked, still wobbly on her legs as she walked in a circle in excitement. 

Palepaw Ice_Wing

Palekit hushed his sister with his tail. Making an obvious gesture to be quiet unless you want to be caught. He padded forward. Palekit noticed they strayed a bit too far. 

Blossompaw queercoded

She sighed gently and kept quiet, still looking around. "Are we lost?" she whispered 

Palepaw Ice_Wing

Palekit sat Leopardkit down gently and said "Yeah I think so Shortie." He like to tease Blossomkit about her height since he was taller than her. He said, "We should at least find some shelter before anything happens." He picked back up Leopardkit and padded off. He found tree roots that the three would fit under and was warm. He laid down Leopardkit under there sense they where asleep. Palekit turned to Blossomkit and said, "We should be able to stay warm here." Palekit was more mature for his age which was unusual.

Blossompaw queercoded

"Just you wait! I'll be taller than you when we're warriors!" she retorted, rolling her eyes. She followed him and sat under the roots. "Alright then." she looked away, still upset with her brother. (it would be funny if she was taller) 

Palepaw Ice_Wing

Palekit said "Great a snow storm." He looked to his sister and said "Let's get all the way back it is gonna get cold." Palekit was like the Leader of everyone in his litter because of how unusually smart he is. He moved back and moved Leopardkit back too. He curled up with his siblings because unlike them he didn't have thick fur.

Sunpool was coming back for hunting and walked by the tree roots not noticing his younger siblings.

Blossompaw queercoded

She didn't like being bossed around but her brother but moved back as well. She peered at Sunpool with wide eyes. 

Sunpool Ice_Wing

Sunpool paused scenting the air and then looking down. He said, "Palekit, Blossomkit and Leopardkit really you can freeze out here you know."

Palekit didn't say anything to Sunpool.