2022 Halloween Hunt Feedback!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by iinkt

How would you rate this event?

13 Votes ★★★★★
5 Votes ★★★★
1 Votes ★★★
0 Votes ★★
0 Votes

Please let us know how we did during the Halloween Hunt this year!

For answering any number of questions, you will receive 2 Scales! If you answer all five questions, or create a unique and detailed response (to our discretion), you will receive 5 Scales! 

In your response, you can include:

  • What did you like about the event/scavenger hunt?
  • What did you not like about the event/scavenger hunt?
  • What do you think we can do better in future events/scavenger hunts?
  • What would like to see in future events/scavenger hunts?
  • Any suggestions you may have?
  • Treasury Acc. Number (to receive Scales)
Please make sure your response is constructive! We won't be able to improve otherwise. Thank you in advance for sending in feedback! We really appreciate it :)

  • What did you like about the event/scavenger hunt?
I liked the designs and the variety of prizes a bunch!

  • What did you not like about the event/scavenger hunt?
How short it took to find about as much as I could, only took about 15 minutes

  • What do you think we can do better in future events/scavenger hunts?
Others contribute to prizes (guest designers) and potentially different prizes, such as custom/pre-made designs!

  • What would like to see in future events/scavenger hunts?
More people participating and a wider variety in prizes, I’d love team games as well

  • Any suggestions you may have?
Nope I think I pretty much covered everything!

Thank you for your thoughts! 5 Scales will be added to your account.


What did you like about the event/scavenger hunt?

there was plenty of prizes for everyone, and they were pretty well hidden :D

What did you not like about the event/scavenger hunt?

i didn't find any mythic smh /j i wish it was easier to input the tickets i found but i'm not sure how you'd do that so its not on you ofc!

What do you think we can do better in future events/scavenger hunts?

nothing really! it was pretty great :D

What would like to see in future events/scavenger hunts?

maybeeeee lil shrimp designs along w myos? cuz i dont have design ideas a lot of the time lol

Any suggestions you may have?



Thank you for your thoughts! 5 Scales will be added to your account.

  • What did you like about the event/scavenger hunt?
It was rly hard to find some things! It was very exciting! The use of the candy codes made it easier to keep track of which candies I'd found. It was a good number, not too overwhelming. I got it done in one sitting.

  • What did you not like about the event/scavenger hunt?
It was disappointing to work rly hard to find rare candies, only to discover they're out of claims. The [out of claims] thing also made it harder to keep track of how many I'd found, since there was no code to refer back to.

  • What do you think we can do better in future events/scavenger hunts?
More claims, code for expired candies.

I once participated in a similar event, and instead of using a google form to keep track, they made stash links for each "candy", and you commented on the stash profiles to claim them. It was easy to know if you had a repeat cuz you could see ur comment right there.

  • What would like to see in future events/scavenger hunts?
Clues and riddles are always fun.

  • Any suggestions you may have?
Thanks for doin this :3

Thank you for your input! I tried to do a comment system, but unfortunately via toyhouse, you can’t comment with an access key. Do you know if anon users can comment on stash links? 


not a clue. probably not? 🤔 dA is kinda archaic.

thats rly weird that you cant comment with access codes. the profiles had comments enabled??


Ah, that’s unfortunate, since I really would rather have a method where anyone can participate, which means the funky google form.

And yes—I had Jay try. I think it would be a better method, especially to visually see if you have claimed it or if it has been claimed a maximum number of times, but sadly it didn’t work :(


Thank you for your thoughts! 5 Scales will be added to your account.