2023 Spring Hunt Event Feedback!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by iinkt

How would you rate this event?

10 Votes ★★★★★
2 Votes ★★★★
1 Votes ★★★
0 Votes ★★
0 Votes

Please let us know how we did during the Spring Hunt Event this year!

In your response, you can either answer some or all of these questions, or create a unique response. You can respond even if you didn't participate in the event.


  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not?
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why?
  • What did you like about the event?
  • What did you not like about the event?
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events?


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes?
  • How was the organization for the event? 
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts?


  • Treasury Account #:
  • Scales or Remnants?

Specific discussion helps us further improve the organization and structure of our future events!

Answer any number of questions and receive either 3 Scales or 2 Remnants! If you answer all questions (both sections!), or provide a detailed and unique response, you can receive 5 Scales or 5 Remnants! Please include your Treasury Account Number in your response to receive this prize.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? I did! i love scavenger hunts so i thought id participate! (plus who doesnt love free stuff?)
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? Meant to put 4! while there was a few things that could have been a bit better i had so much fun trying to find them all!
  • What did you like about the event? I liked all the different prizes + the exclusivity of some of the harder ones!
  • What did you not like about the event? I wish the wording about where you could find the flowers were about clearer. Also it was said that all flowers were somewhere Inkt could edit but at least two of the flowers wer posted by someone else (M283 - Chickenzi (A322 - Spaceshrimp))
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? Like i said above i wish the wording were a bit clearer! More scavenger events would be awesome in the future!


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes? I liked them! I loved the flower YCH!
  • How was the organization for the event? Good! distributing some prizes halfway through the event was great +questions were answered in the discord decently quick!
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? TYSM for always hosting fun events ^^!


  • Treasury Account #: 099
  • Scales or Remnants? Scales please

Thank you so much for the feedback! 5 Scales were added to your account.

I actually can edit any textbox in the forums; I'm not sure if that's a mod thing or an admin thing but that's why--I suppose a lot of people didn't know that though so I'll clarify that for next time! Thanks for bringing that up.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not?  Yes! even though I joined late, when starting the hunt, I decided to participate because it looked like a fun event!
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars, because I enjoyed the event as a whole, and was it frustrating to search for some? Yes! but that's all part of the fun and the challenging aspects for some of the flowers added some sense of happiness when I found a lot of the flowers in general!
  • What did you like about the event? What I said above and also the flowers! they were very pretty
  • What did you not like about the event? I don't really have anything that I didn't like about the event. honestly, it was really really good
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? I saw that someone mentioned riddles up there and I agree, that would be really cool


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes? The prizes were really good! I enjoyed the fact that there was artwork involved, instead of just myo's, scales, and remanents. That was really cool. I also got to explore the world more because I was looking all over the place (and scrolling through all the forums and the comments,,,)
  • How was the organization for the event? The organization was nice, with the starting post as well as the follow-up posts (the second and the last, honestly) nice to have.
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? Just tysm for hosting this event, and giving us the opportunity to do something fun like this!


  • Treasury Account #: 119
  • Scales or Remnants? scales please!

Thank you so much for your feedback! 

5 Scales were added to your account.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? Yup !! I participated bc i wwas bored, the event seemed fun and shrimpshifters...
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5!! nothign bad i can say it was run rly well woah
  • What did you like about the event? everything !! it was rly fun and i enjoyed it a lot
  • What did you not like about the event? nothing i can rly compare abt !! i was a little sad to see me not getting some prizes (bc i didnt know it was full) but nothing much lol
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? nothing rly it was rly fun lawl


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes? THEY'RE rly good omg,, a lot of art/design prizes too!!
  • How was the organization for the event?  also rly good!! i applaud the mods they did this so well 
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? nothing rly i just want kfc rn lmao (ALSOO ty to the mods for doing this!!)


  • Treasury Account #: 045
  • Scales or Remnants? scales pls !! 

Thank you so much for your feedback! I hope you got some KFC lol (and you're welcome!!)

5 Scales were added to your account.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? i did!! i loved the spooky hunt last year so ofc i wanted to participate in the spring one
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? ★ idk i just love the hunts
  • What did you like about the event? the prizes were more unique than the spooky one for sure! i love the ychs and i cant wait for mine to be done ee
  • What did you not like about the event? honestly it was really hard for me to think of anything bad lol but yea as the first review here said maybe be clearer on where the prizes can be hidden? cuz i dont think i knew that they could be in other mods' comments but thats on me probably!
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? i dont know if there was a prize option for a mod to design one of your previously-existing myos (apologies if there is and i missed it!) but i think that might be a good prize? cuz im kinda stuck on what to do with my myos hm. also since the event lasted for a while maybe like new flowers could have been placed every other day or something so people who missed out on the first batch have more chances? if that makes sense


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes? oh i kinda already answered above haha, but i think they were great!! no complaints rly
  • How was the organization for the event? seemed pretty organized! only thing is maybe it lasted a smidgee too long?
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? i luv my shrimpies


  • Treasury Account #020
  • Scales or Remnants? scales pls!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'll definitely be a bit more clear next go-around ^^ 

There was a honeyclemz design slot but it was one of the Legendary prizes since I essentially asked the LTAs how much art they might be able to do for the event/what they'd wanna volunteer for and honeyclemz said they'd do 2 customs! 

I definitely want to do "round 2" of hunts as well, I considered it this time but I was soo busy towards the end of April that it just never happened :'0 I will plan a bit more for next time though! October shouldn't be so bad. (But yea, the Halloween Hunt's 2 weeks was a little better, so I'll do 2 weeks next time).

5 Scales were added to your account!


ohhhh ok gotcha!! ty for ur hard work anywho :D


Of course!! :D



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? I did! I enjoy hide and seek type events and this was another one of those. Brilliant!
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars, it was a straightforward event and it seems like everything was under control
  • What did you like about the event? I liked the variety of the prizes and the concept of the event itself of course 
  • What did you not like about the event? I can't say much for this section, I liked the event a lot, I found it challenging but not too challenging.
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? I would have maybe added a higher maximum limit to the items so as to not discourage searchers, I did feel a little discouraged after hearing people found rarer ones as it meant I didn't have much chance of getting one.


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes? I like the prizes I have received, although I've not yet received all of my prizes (premade prize in particular) so I cannot fully answer, but overall in concept they are good!
  • How was the organization for the event? The organisation seemed fine and smooth, I can't really fault it.
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? From what I've gathered, the premades are being worked on post-event? I feel like next time it's best to just make premades for all the possible slots and then give them out (maybe letting people choose in order of which they found the item) and so forth, and then perhaps raffling or selling any leftovers so there isn't such a wait. Though this isn't really something about the event or something I can exactly fault as whoever was running this probably had a different thought process. Anyway - thankyou guys, as always, for hosting the event! You guys are awesome🤍


  • Treasury Account #: 026
  • Scales or Remnants?  scales please

Thank you so much for your feedback! I think I'm going to make higher caps in the future, I just didn't expect so much participation to be honest, compared to the last hunt I suppose our dedicated member-base has grown!

Unfortunately for the premades, they were going to be completed beforehand but something came up for the LTA who was going to do them originally, so I am now working on them with the others (so it's just taking a bit because I have so many other things on my plate at the moment ;^;). However, we are still planning to let the winners pick in order of who found the flower first! Should go smoother next time :)

5 Scales were added to your account!


i totally understand, and again thank you for hosting the event, i always love the dedication this community has


Aww, of course! And thank you for being one of the consistent members, its so fun to see you return to events!