2023 Artfight Event Feedback!

Posted 10 months, 13 days ago (Edited 10 months, 11 days ago) by iinkt

Event Rating

2 Votes ★★★★★
2 Votes ★★★★
1 Votes ★★★
0 Votes ★★
0 Votes

Please let us know how we did during the Artfight Event this year!

In your response, you can either answer some or all of these questions, or create a unique response. You can respond even if you didn't participate in the event.


  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not?
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why?
  • What did you like about the event?
  • What did you not like about the event?
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events?


  • What were your thoughts on the prizes?
  • How was the organization for the event? Was it easy to find everything?
  • Did you like the multiplier function?
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts?

Specific discussion helps us further improve the organization and structure of our future events!

Answer any number of questions and you will be entered into a Rare MYO Raffle!


Since pretty much every cs defaults to an artfight themed event in July (not a bad thing) it was nice to see from the shrimps! I wasn't able to be very active on artfight this year so I didn't personally participate, but from seeing everything in the server it seemed to be organized well! I thought the multiplier raffle was a really cool and unique idea that set it apart from quite a few other cs events, but the only downside was its short time frame. A day is a quick turn around for an art fight submission so it seemed reliant on double luck if you were already attacking the person chosen/they were going to attack that day.


I had alot of fun! I only did a couple attacks but It was fun to do :]

The prizes were good and i thought the points were fair. I think the Multipliers could've been better but i don't know how i would've done them