Comfort the character above you!

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by Gattoleone

(I hope there are not too similar threads already, tell me otherwise!)

Do you ever find yourself stuck and confused when someone is having a hard time and you don't know how to help them? Do you and your characters find it difficult to provide emotional support, and wish you could practice that? Are you feeling down and want to read some wholesome content? Do you really wish you could give a hug to that poor, poor character whose life is so hard? Then look no further than this thread!

Simply post as one of your characters, and tell us what is bothering them at the moment: the next person will try to comfort them, and leave another problem for the next one to fix!


Character A: "Oh no! I really wanted to eat a slice of that nice cake, but it's already been finished! I'm so sad now..."

Character B: "Oh no, that really sucks, but we can try baking a better cake ourselves! And your mother seems really good at making pastries, maybe we can ask her for help..."

"Ugh, the train is late again! I'm so angry, my boss will scold me for being late again and it's not even my fault!"

Character C: "That's so unfair! But at least you have more time to listen to music. I also love your favorite band and I've heard they're about to release a new album, isn't that cool?"

"Man, I wish my best friend wasn't away for their holidays right now... I'm so lonely..."


  • You can post both IC, to make your own character comfort the one above, or OOC to comfort them yourself as long as you leave another character and something they're upset about for the next person.
  • This thread is meant as a way to practice giving support to someone: it's ok if you and your character are not good at that, but do not willingly say harmful and untactful things to the OC above, and do not try to belittle them because of their problem! Some characters are going to need comfort because of heavy topics while others are going to face smaller difficulties, but both kinds of issues need respect and we're not trying to start a competition about whichever character has suffered the most! Also consider the user might have a similar issue their character does, so you don't want to be rude about it.
  • Check out the above character's profile at least a little bit before posting: it might give you ideas for your answer (such as knowing why that thing is bothering them, what not to say to them, or what to push on to make them focus on something else), and the owner will surely appreciate it if you do!
  • If your character needs comfort because of heavy and potentially triggering topics, such as losing someone they love, being heavily injured, struggling with the symptoms a mental illness, having an abusive family and so on, please hide the text under a spoiler tag (<div class="fr-spoiler">your text</div> in code view or with WYSIWYG off) or black it out (make sure the text and the background are the same colour, so it will work on every theme and not just look like this on dark ones!).
  • If the character above has a troublesome backstory, but they're being bothered by something unrelated at the moment, just try to focus on the unrelated thing first: just like what might happen to a real struggling person, maybe they're not comfortable about talking about it yet or they've already sorted out the problem. You may want to support the character above by suggesting them to find a therapist or something like that, but consider you should gain their trust first or they might not listen!
  • You can edit your comment to make the character react to the support, but remember: this thread is for practice, so please assume the person below tried their best even if the results weren't satisfying. Giving IC or OOC advice on how to do better next time would probably be really appreciated!
  • Try to write at least 3 sentences! Just giving a hug might be good comfort already, but it doesn't make an interesting response.
  • Wait at least 3 people have posted before posting again, unless 24h have passed and nothing new happened. If 3 days pass, you can answer to your own character too if you wish so.
  • I suggest claiming, but if the claim stayed empty for 24h then you can skip it.
  • Have fun, be safe and ping or DM me if you need anything!
Vy PicklePantry

     "Whoa there, partner! Keep drinkin' like that and you ain't gonna be seein' straight for a week," Vy laughed while hopping onto the barstool besides Caelestis. The bar was fine indeed, probably too fine for a farmer like him, but that didn't stop him from ordering some wine. "Now'n then I like comin' to places like these and treatin' myself. But you ain't here for self-love, are ya? Now I can't sit by and watch one of my best customers'n fellow lemon lover drink himself silly. Why not tell me what's eatin' ya?"
     There seemed to be some hesitation and resistance on Caelestis's part, but there was only so much an emotionally devastated person could do against so much alcohol. Eventually the contents were spilled out. Vy nodded his head and paid attention, even when he was distracted with the terrible taste of wine he tried to hide with a strained smile.
     "I've met all kinds of walks of life in my time," the Reaper said while bracing himself for another drink. "Plenty of demons they're fightin', and plenty of heartache. Sorry you ain't exactly immune, either, but I ain't so sure you're the root cause. Sounds to me like you tried helpin' 'em, ain't nothin' wrong with that. Ain't no real answer to that stuff, neither. Maybe you oughta help again, maybe you don't. Maybe there ain't even a right answer and it just wasn't meant to be? Who even is this heartbreaker?" he asked with a small smirk before, with a sigh, taking another sip.
     Hmm. A mummy, huh? Now that's one strange thing he'd heard. Mummies weren't around still, were they? At least not dressed like... that...
     A voice in their head?
     Stealing looks?
     Vy nearly spat out his drink when he connected the dots. Caelestis was aching over a Sin?! Even though he was a farmer now, Vy was still a Reaper, and he'd known long about each of the Sins and what they've all done. Shit, Caelestis practically dodged a bullet then! He'd say as much but the way the celestial was in so much pain, that'd only be throwing salt into the wound.
     The farmer cleared his throat awkwardly and looked everywhere but at his companion. "Maybe, uh... M-Maybe this is Fate! Y-Yeah! Fate!" he stammered with a nervous smile. "M-Maybe this means someone else out there is meant to be with ya, huh? U-Uh-- Hey! Can I get two more glasses of this here wine!" he waved towards the bartender.

     Vy sighed as he set the crate of lemons in the back of his truck. Not a single customer today. Normally, that wouldn't bother him, but this was the third day in a row! What was going on? Was there competition around? Did people no longer like lemons or lemonade? Both options made his heart sink. Maybe it was time to pack things up for good...

Wraith Stormheart SpiritdragonRyuu

(Wraith half unknowingly comforts Vy xD )

Wraith rubbed the back of his neck as he walked, the sun beaming down on him as he did so. Ordinarily he didn't mind the sun so much, he would often find a high spot and just lay in the sun in his panther form, but today.....the bright ball of fire in the sky seemed especially harsh; especially on the shifters exhausted eyes. He hadn't been sleeping well recently, which had caused him to develop large black bags under his eyes. Looking up from he saw someone sitting on a crate in the back of a truck, as he got closer, the scarred man noticed that there was a sign that said the man was selling fruit and lemonade, the shifter gave a half shrug, why not.

Approaching, he saw the man look up at him, a smile forming on the strangers face as he did so. Business must be slow today Wraith thought as he saw the look of relief on the others face. Though this did confuse the shapeshifter, most people normally scowled or coward in fear upon seeing him, this man didn't....why? Brushing the thought off Wraith eventually walked up to the stand and was greeted by Vy. Wraith gave a nod in response and looked at the selection of fruit, there were a mix of different colours, but mainly strange shaped yellow fruits. "So what are these things?" Wraith asked with a visible look of confusion on his face. "I'm not too familiar with fruits." The shifters nose twitched, able to smell a arrange of scents from the different fruits, though the yellow things were certainly to strongest, most likely because there was more of them. 

After a look of shock? The man began to explain to the shifter what each of the fruits were and showed him the lemonade he was also selling. Wraith gave a nod. "I am...sort of familiar with lemonade, I think I had it once." He explained before looking back at the fruits and lemonade and then at the prices for each of them. "Tell you what...." He said opening one of his pockets in his bullet proof vest and pulling out a large thick sack which, when placed on the floor, came up to the shifters waist. "...think you can fill this up with the different fruits for me." He said handing Vy the large bag, noticing the look of surprise on the other face which was replaced with a huge grin. It took a while but eventually the sack was filled handed back to Wraith, then the shifter handed over the money, which was easily double the amount that was asked, when being told this Wraith put his hand up. "It's fine, keep the extra." He said before wiping some sweat from his brow. "I'll buy a lemonade off you as well....the suns deadly today." He said before being ushered into the shade, that caught him off guard. "I- thank you." Wraith said, relieved to be out of the sun, the dark clothes the shifter was wearing probably didn't help with the heat either. He looked up as he was handed the lemonade and gave a thankful nod. 

After a few seconds, Wraith spoke up. "If you're looking for a place with better foot traffic, come to the city of Vallore." Wraith said as he pointed in the distance where the large buildings of the city could be seen. "They have a large festivals about 8 or so times a year and famer markets every week; they are always looking for new people to have stands there." He said before taking a sip of his drink. "Though if big cities aren't your thing, I know a few people who would be interested in doing business with with name? It's Wraith." He said extending his empty hand out for the other to shake. "And you?" 


Wraith's vision swam and blurred around him as he stumbled into an ally way, one hand was on his stomach, the other pressed against the wall as he walked. Sweat poured down his face as he continued to stumble through the darkness. The scar on his stomach gave another shock of pain, causing the shifter the fall to his knees. "Shit......why now?" He growled slightly as he continued to breath heavily. He went to stand back up only for his balance and co-ordination to fail him, causing him to collapse onto his side onto the cold cobblestones. Confused and semi-conscious, the shifter curled up into a ball, his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach. The scarred man coughed a few times, his vision still blurry from the pain. This was bad, he was incredibly vulnerable right now, and the pain wasn't going away. He gave a pained groan and shut his eyes tightly, praying that the triggered body memory would fade.

Kai Jia VictoryDrawsStuff

Kai Jia knows that even in the times of modern, he is somewhat of a coward, constantly haunted by the memories of war, specifically the Battle of Shanghai in 1937. He was used to many therapists comforting him when he was alive, but he was not used to being the comforter.

And he didn't expect to be a "comfort" to Wraith, and god knows he was no medical physician. Wraith was suffering from a good amount of injuries, curled up into a ball, in great pain.

Kai Jia gulped. Wraith had once comforted the former soldier when he was in a crises, but now the roles have reversed. 

Not knowing what to do, Kai Jia took out his phone, calling 911, but stayed next to Wraith, mumbling comforting words in Chinese.

"It is going to be alright. Do you remember me? I am Kai Jia, do you remember? You will be okay, I know you are in pain...I am getting help for you, don't worry..."

Perhaps Kai Jia was rambling, his ramblings becoming incomprehensible, but he hoped that at least his actions will be enough as payment for what Wraith has done for him before.


Content warnings for basically mental crises stuff.

Again? Again even in 2021?

Kai Jia was having another mental crisis. The trauma of war, the changes Shanghai and China itself have gone through all the years, all the changes, the poor soldier couldn't handle all of it. 

It is not 1937 anymore.

Now only a Spirit, he still can wander the world like any other normal human, and now his mind hates it. His body says he liked it, but his mind hated it. He cried in a small neighborhood in the city of Columbia, South Carolina, the neighborhood where he lived in. The dead of the night meant nobody can hear him, nobody can help him.

He felt like he was about to die, and he wanted such a hell to end.

But will he get help?

 Zero confusedthing

"Good night." the reaper greeted with his deep, gentle voice. "Mind if I join you for a while, dear spirit?" Zero asked, a friendly smile on his face. Of course he did not expect an answer, but he wanted to make his presence known to not scare the lonely soldier. Since Kai Jia did not say anything against it he sat down next to him, his eyes resting on the spirit, a sympathetic look in them. "How long have you been wandering around? Judging by your clothes since the battle of Shanghai, is that right?" the reaper sighed, briefly looking up at the night sky. "I am sure it must be hard for you, many things have changed since then. ...I suppose I understand, actually. For I have been around quite a while now, though I have lost count of the years. It's hard to find purpose when everything you have once lived for is now only part of history... but, you know, it is possible to find something new. The world is full of wonders and people these times are fascinating, really. But it does require a change of perspective. I am sure you are much more than just a tool of war, you do have a name, not just a number, right?" the man without a name asked.
"You see, while history will always be a part of you, you are still allowed to shift your focus. To find something new, for yourself." Zero gave another smile, "Have you ever tried talking to likeminded people? I heard it should help to cope with things. If you'd like, I can always listen to you as well. After all, we've got all the time in the world." ...and possibly even more than that.

The reaper sat on an old tree stump, looking up at the night sky, his mind somewhere else. Sometimes he felt melancholic, being alone, confined to a solitary life, more or less. Well, not anymore, actually, but it was still... surreal? And in moments like this one he did question whether it had really been the right choice to keep on existing. What even was he, at this point? A mere image of something that was once a human shell; a damaged one at that, as the cracks all over his skin unmistakeably showed. He certainly could see why people would find his appearance off-putting. 

(Ennette you are too precious for this world qq)

It took him a moment to realize his name was called - mainly because he was not used to being called 'One' instead of 'Zero' - but the vaguely familiar voice finally did get him out of his head and back to the presence. He watched as Ennette approached him and couldn't help but chuckle when she needed to catch her breath before she was able to talk. "It is nice meeting you again." he smiled, tilting his head slightly as she explained why she had been looking for him. "Oh that wouldn't have been- ...thank you." the reaper said, deciding it would not make sense to debate something that was already there. "I'm glad I could help and grateful for your gift." He really was. It had been nice to talk to someone about plants like that, a lot of people were not interested in this subject at all. Still, he hoped she would help him eat the pie. Eating alone always was kind of lonely, on the rare occasions he even ate.

"Please, stay. ...if you'd like, I mean. You were not interrupting anything." Although he really was not sure if she should be out this late at night? It seemed a bit dangerous... but now she was here anyway, right? He probably was a bad influence but he enjoyed her company.
It was understandable that she would ask about the marks that were exposed by his rolled up sleeves. "Those are... cracks... Healed over as far as that is possible, but a reminder, of sorts, I suppose." the reaper gave another smile, albeit a slightly bitter one. It would have been an odd story to tell and he did not want to scare Ennette, so he left it at that.
"I believe you are the first person to say that." the man explained, after listening to her words. "Surely most people are admiring you though, aren't they? But I guess being stared at tends to be uncomfortable anyway." Again, he chuckled. "So I guess that does sound like a plan."

(Also I hope this makes sense bc my brain isn't working anymore since it's late but I really wanted to reply to this ;v;)

Ennette PicklePantry

(Sobs it made perfect sense to me, I loved it   )

     Ennette wandered the field. Was it dangerous to be alone at night like this? Most certainly, but... She adjusted her grip on the picnic basket in her hands. What if he was around? That man she'd met before around here, who helped her find unique plants to study? He was so nice, and... strangely melancholic. She wanted to meet him again. And! It... It didn't at ALL mean she'd been coming here daily to find him! Absolutely not!
     After a few minutes of wandering, the princess slowed to a stop and let out a noise between a sigh and a groan. Oh, who was she kidding? He wasn't going to be around. Even if he was, what kind of impression would he get from her inviting him to a picnic? At night? Gracious, how foolish she felt! She should just turn back and--
     Suddenly, she noticed something off in the distance. It was a figure slumped over a stump, one too thin to be a tree yet too big to be an animal. Was that...? Ennette caught her breath and moved closer, eyes widening when she could see the figure better.
     "One!" she gasped. She called out his name again, "One!" and hurried over to meet him. By the time she'd gotten there, she had to double over and catch her breath. She'd been too excited to keep calm! "Oh, I thought I'd never see you again!" she laughed breathlessly. She lifted her basket. "I wanted to thank you for your help the other day with a pie! It's baked with the berries you helped me find!" Remembering her situation, she slowly, awkwardly lowered the basket. "Ah... I can... I can leave it here, if you'd like? You looked like you were deep in thought, I hope you don't mind me prying."
     She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, observing him carefully. "Those marks on your skin," she pondered aloud. "What are they, exactly? They're very unique." When answered, she gave a slight tilt of the head. "Cracks...?" Silence settled over them, and Ennette glanced up at the moon. "Well, I still believe they're unique. I like them!" she said while smiling over at him. "With my hair and my eyes, I have my own share of standing out! So if the two of us stick together, we can always blend in!"

      Ennette sighed from her seat on the bench. To think she'd be that bad at making medicine! She thought she'd made something simple! Something a beginner could do! But apparently she brought the wrong herbs and instead made an... an itching cream! As in, one that made things worse than healed!
      Groaning, she pressed her hands against her face. "How mortifying!" she whined.

(It wasn't bad at all! It was wonderfully written, I had a blast reading it!)

Alby owenpuppy21

(its been a while since ive rp'd so excuse me if this is bad ASDFGHJKL)

Alby had been walking along the streets of the small town, taking in the gentle atmosphere. It was a quiet day, and other than the flittering of birds and occasional chatter of the few passers by, everything seemed still. This wasn't necessarily common for the area, but days like this were therapeutic for Alby- a moment of peace. A small sigh of contentment escaped him as he made his way to turn a corner. However, what he saw there would quickly ground him.

On the quaint bench before him sat a lady with her head in her hands. Alby almost instantly picked up on how her shoulders slouched and knew she was certainly having a hard time. When she whined the words 'How mortifying!' well, that just sealed the deal. Without so much as taking a moment to think, Alby approached her. Doing his best not to overstep any boundaries, he stopped a good distance away before speaking out to her.

"Miss? Are you ok?" He asked, cautiously reaching out a paw to her and she parted her hands to look up to him. Her face didn't show any signs of her having cried (that's good at least) and come to think of it, Alby felt a nagging feeling that he recognised her. Maybe he'd seen her in the street before, or perhaps she was a popular figure in the media? It's not like that mattered now, anyway.

The lady proceeded to tell him of her problem, of how she had tried to make a potion to heal, and it instead making you feel as if you'd been doused in fleas. He sat down beside her as she spoke, and tentatively wrapped an arm round her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry too much! It sounds like you had the recipe on point, right? If it was just the wrong herbs, then you're on the right track!" He looked towards her as he continued. "And every 'mistake' is just a chance to learn! Because you'll be able to make it easy next time!" Alby sighed. "And hey, I've had my fair share of mishaps in science! I'm still an amateur, so I've messed up wayyyyy worse. And I learnt from it! And I'll keep learning!"

Alby sat and stared, seemingly disconnected. How had it gotten to this point? He... He let his friend take this way too far. The guy had wanted knowledge, and now he was cursed. Alby should have stopped him. He could have stopped him... He could have...

The guilt he felt was insurmountable. Alby took the weight for his friends decision on his shoulders, simply because he hadn't heeded the signs. He felt that... he should have known Mason was going to throw his life away.


(you can start anew by skipping me i cant be bothered to write again asdfghjkl)

 Set confusedthing

Given the indication of throwing one's life away I'm going to spoiler this.

"You look sad, what's the matter with you?" Set asked, before plopping down next to Alby. It took a while before that distant stare allowed the other to notice him, but he had time, so he just waited and offered a reassuring smile when Alby finally came back from his thoughts. "Whatever it is that's bothering you, it seems heavy. Mind to share it? It might take off some of the weight..." he offered.
It took a while for the stranger to open up, reasonably so, but on the other hand, there was really nothing to lose telling someone who wasn't involved, was there? As promised Set patiently listened, occasionally nodding or humming to indicate he was still following the conversation. 

"You know..." Set mused when Alby finally finished, "...let me tell you something that is unpleasant and painful to hear... but I suppose it's better to hear it from a stranger you can just call an idiot and forget about than someone actually close to you..." he chuckled lightly, before being serious again, "...if someone truly wants to give themselves up like that, you can not stop them, whatever you do. How would you even have gone about that? People get obsessed with things beyond reason. In the end, it was his decision to make, not yours. You stuck around, you tried your best, you are still there... carrying a burden he himself is no longer aware of." He took a deep breath, offering another smile. "I'm not telling you to forget about anything, but maybe it is time to re-evaluate the situation. And, as hard as it is, accept that the person you once knew has changed." The mercenary looked at Alby who undestandably was anything but happy. "Listen, I'm not just telling you something I read in a book once... it's something I had to learn myself, so I get why you'd be angry. But at some point you have to take care of yourself as well and accept that not everything lies within your control - whether you have seen it coming or not."

(loss of loved ones!)

Set usually wasn't one to be sad or to focus too much on the past but the last few days had been a bit difficult. Maybe because today was the day they had died. His father had it coming, really, but accepting the fate of his mother and sister was something else. Especially his sister... he sighed, crouching down before the well kept grave with the simple white marble slab on top of it. "It's already been a year again, huh?" The mercenary offered a weak smile, placing the bouquet of white lilies on the slightly wet soil. On days like this one he actually missed her. Her laughter or the way she used to get embarassed when he asked her about her crushes... even her stupid teenage tantrums. Well, this day he would allow himself, tomorrow he would go back to the usual routine. After all, dwelling in the past rarely helped anyone.

(What foor? That was sweet!)

Rehael's appearance took him by surprise - it almost felt like the guy just came out of nowhere, but maybe it was just him not paying as much attention to his surroundings as usual. Yeah, that was probably it... While he was about to say something about being randomly touched by a stranger it did feel oddly comforting, so he just allowed it to happen. As far as he could judge the guy's body language did not seem threatening and today he just did not feel like questioning everything and everyone. 

"Thank you for the flowers, I'm sure they appreciate them." he said, not bothering to hide his slightly melancholic mood. Tomorrow he would wonder why he did not, but right now it was just comfortable talking like that for some reason... strange. "Sure, you're right. But it's fine, really. I accepted things long ago, today is just a bit more difficult than most, since it's the day they died." he didn't know why he was even explaining this. But... it was not only the day they died but also the day he found them. His last memories of them were... well, nothing he liked to think about. There were much more positive things to remember after all. "I'm afraid their stories got cut short, but if you'd really like to hear about them I can tell you some things..." Set sighed, then chuckling when he remembered the time his sister had thrown her phone after him only to then get mad that it broke. It was stupid, really, but it was a fun memory. So he went on to share a few, about how his mother enjoyed her tea and how she was adamant about having it at a certain time in a certain way and would get almost annoyed if anything came between her and her teatime, but was never quite able to stay mad at her children. How many afternoons they had just sat there in silence, drinking black chai tea with half a teaspoon of honey and a dash of lemon juice... he had never understood the importance of those moments until long after their death and now he looked back at them fondly. Even at his sister getting antsy and annoying everyone after having to sit still for five minutes. She was such a sweet child though. The purple crystal pendant he was wearing had been a present of hers, back when she went on a class trip, one of the few she was allowed to go on, and of all things she could get for herself she chose to buy something for her brother because it reminded her of him. He remembered her being awkward about it because she had not been sure if he would even wear anything purple, taking weeks before she finally mustered up the courage to actually give it to him - at four in the damn morning because that was the time for overthinking. Probably a weird story... but it was worth mentioning that their father had quite the impact on how they viewed things, on what was acceptable and what wasn't and what gave her all that anxiety... he surely meant well, but... he had it coming (he would not explain why). So Set's stories focused mostly on his mother and sister. 

"I'm sorry, that must be terribly boring." he chuckled. "But I guess in the end it really is the little things that leave a lasting impression." Again, he smiled over Rehael's words. "Thank you. I just hope they were able to find their peace." That mattered most to him. He chose to believe they did, but who really knew? He followed the Angel's gaze, almost feeling like there was something else present... but maybe that was just the effect of cemeteries. One never felt quite alone in a cemetery...

 ❖ Rehael ❖ Merii_Deshu

confusedthing ohgawd imsorry sopoopy athishaaaha

Flying around the world is fun. You get to see many beautiful and things that The God has created. but You also couldn't ignore there's also many not so beautiful thing is happening. Like what is happening to that Man that currently kneeling down beside a well kept grave, presumably, His dear ones

Rehael comes closer to The somber man. There are fogs of sorrow, anger and regret around the Man, not thick enough to be worried about, but, It's just a part of his nature to be concerned about humankind well being. so obviously the next thing he do is giving the Man one of his healing touch, The whisper of tranquility. one of his Angel ability to calm one's mind and soul, to give them a sense of peace. A power given from God that he forever grateful of

Now that the Man is not looking as helpless as before, Rehael bring him many Pink and a White Carnation flowers and put it on the well kept grave, It looks prettier now. Rehael doesn't bother to introduce himself (anymore). He puts his hand on the man's shoulder, his power still flowing around and through the man

" It's alright to feel hurt and lay down for moment. You don't have to hold it all at once, it would break you. You're allowed to let it out. Say, Do you want to talk about them a little? I would love to hear about their story "

Rehael smiled softly. it's the only thing he could do for the grieving man. Acceptance towards the death of someone dear to you is indeed very difficult. Sometimes the pain is too heavy to be carried, one could be stuck in the past and not able to move on. Sometimes you wish you could bring them back and make more happy memories with them even if it's just for a day. That's why, Rehael prayed for the man and his loved ones to find their peace and happiness until the end of the day.

" I'm glad that you choose to go forward and live the life that your loved ones has introduced you to. it's good step forward to healing "

" And I have a feeling that your loved ones would be very proud of you "

as he looks up, seeing two figures that couldn't be seen by the eyes of most humans, smiling fondly at Set

Although humans tends to forget about his existence, if he's lucky they remembered him till their end and leaving him all to himself yet again. He is...already used to it. Being forgotten hurts, But Rehael prays that they could at least remember his words

Little did Rehael know, The Humanlike Man is no Ordinary Human

[ His fear of getting abandoned and being all alone is catching up again ]

The little girl was safed now, not even a scratch on her body...but, somehow he feels like he failed to safe the most important part. it's car accident. Happy family is one their way to their home. and Rehael is on his way to the forest until he sees it,

The Grim Reaper.

It happened so fast. One second the little girl is laughing with her parents, and suddenly everything has become silent. she is alone. Wide dull eyes, staring at the bloody seats where her parents body is sitting. completely silent. Not knowing what to do. just like he was back then.

Rehael kneeled on a nearest wall, Disappointed gazes flashes through his mind, trying to control his slowly rising anxiety attack and Prays for his strength.

'No no no-He needs to be there for the girl- he- he need to-'


Randy walks behind the distressed being laying a hand on Reheals shoulder with a sympathetic look " what a horrible event... but its not your fault " randy turned him around " even if it was, some things are out of control, but you gotta be there for the girl in the moment of now. She needs you. " and with that randy smiled and walked back into the night


gore/blood warning 

blood ran down his mouth and nose, he leaned against the wall of his office " damn fricken... " then he mumbled something inaudible. His door was left open. Despite this he actually cry for once?? Oh no...

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Lukys Taeya

A loud scream had caught Lukys' attention. He found the source of it was none other than a clearly distressed old skeleton, holding a book that was destroyed by the rain. He heard about Gilda before. People respected her greatly. A person like this was intimidating for Lukys to approach. However, leaving her alone while she was so devestated just felt wrong.
"Um... Excuse me..." he spoke softly after approaching cautiously. "That... that book... Was it important to you?" The half-elf fingers were fidgeting with his vest, while he focused his gaze on the book. "You seem really... sad it's like this... I get it. Once my favourite book fell in a river and I cried for 20 minutes..." That was probably too much information.
"What kind of book was it?" he asked and looked up at the skeleton. "My old home had a huge library. Maybe it has the same book." He paused for a moment, then timidly looked at the ground. "Or maybe that wouldn't mean anything, but... I'd really like to help somehow..."

A sparkling purple lightning bolt illuminated a training field in the late evening. It came from an exhausted half-elf holding a smoking magic wand. "No! Damn it! That was supposed to be wind!" he scolded himself. "And I didn't even hit the target!" He looked to the training dummy, which was unscathered, unlike the grass around it and one tree further behind.
"Stupid shiny stick!" he yelled with a voice crack, and threw the wand to the ground, while it transformed back into a much less imposing version of itself. Lukys stomped to a nearby fence and sat with his back against it on the ground, hugging his knees.
"I can't do shit..." he hissed with a shaky voice as his eyes became glassy. "I don't even want to do this... What's the point?..." Defeated, he lowered his head, hiding his face.

omg nervous thunderbois 👀 I'll have to see if I have the energy for a follow-up tomorrow

Shamus Taoi SpiritdragonRyuu

Shamus certainly didn't expect to hear a bolt of lightning rip through the air, nor for said lightning to hit the tree he was currently sitting in whilst in his raven form. Giving a surprised squawk, the bird flew out of the branches and into the air, just in time to see Lukys throw an object to the ground before sitting near a fence and drawing his knees to his chest. Giving a low wark, Shamus flew down and landed several feet away from the stranger, tilting his head in wonder, he generally seemed upset by what happened, did he not mean to shoot lightning at the tree? It was then the shifter saw the training dummy. Maybe he was trying to hit that instead?

The raven hopped a little closer, and gently picked up the strange object in his beak before slowly walking over the Lukys, giving a low squawk to get the others attention. Once the other had looked up, the purple eyed bird gently placed the wand on the ground and hopped back a few steps, not sure what the other would do; but they seemed interested in why such a strange looking raven was sitting with him, maybe he didn't like birds?

After making sure no one else was around, Shamus closed his eyes and concentrating before transforming back to his human form, now sitting down on the grass with his knees also drawn to his chest. "H......hello...." Shamus said nervously. "A.....a..are you....o...okay?" He asked softly. He looks like he's about to cry, of course he's not alright, you idiot. He thought. "Oh.....w....were you...d...doing magic? that why...y...your upset? Did you...n...not mean to...m...make lightning?" He paused before his eyes went wide and he began shaking his hands worried. "I'm sorry.....I....I didn't mean to pry.....I....I just...thought...."Shamus cut himself off, feeling his nerves getting the better of him. "I.....I don't like it.....w...when I' understand...w...why you were...trying to...m..make wind instead." He explained as he hugged his hoodie. "I make wind...I...I mean you...weren't...t...that far off...I....I mean you get wind....and lightning during a...s...s...storms right? need a....b..break and....when...y...your energy...c...calms will...make wind...and...n...not lightning......I'm sorry am I making this...w...worse? I'm so sorry." 


In spoiler for mentions of a panic attack.

Shamus drew his kneed to his chest, his hood up as he sat shivering. The night air was cold, much colder than was expected during summer, and to top it all off, he was completely lost. Some people had chased him when he was trying to find something to eat and then sun had set, making it impossible to see where he was going. He certainly didn't recognise this place, where even was he. He gave a sniff and hugged himself more, pressing himself into a small opening in a large wall to try and keep himself warm. Where I am? Oh no....what if.....what if...I'm stuck here forever....what if someone comes and attacks me whilst I was sleeping, or what if the people who chased me come back, what if.....what if..... He felt his heartbeat began to speed up along with his breathing, tears began to sting his eyes. No.....I'm going to die here, I'm going to freeze to death....I....I..... He rested his face in his hands and started crying, though he did his best to muffle the panicked breathing and sobbing as to not draw any attention to him as his frail body continued to shake and shiver.

Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

     "Hey. You doing okay down there?" Terry stood over Shamus, hands in his thin jacket's pockets while he blearily watched him and waited for an answer. Even with how dark it was outside, the bags under his eyes were still visible, on his face. The exhaustion meant a lack of care showed on his face, but at the same time it lacked judgement as well.
     He blinked in recognition. "Oh you. You're that person I gave my shake to the other day." There was a small twinge of bitterness on his face that quickly melted back to exhaustion. A stick poking out from between his lips twitched, and he pulled it out to show a thermometer. He squinted at it to gauge his temperature, then sputtered what could've been a chuckle while putting it back in his mouth. "Don't think I've ever gone a day without a fever," he muttered.
     Realizing he wouldn't get the full story, Terry sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Come on, you're shaking more than an abandoned pup. You lost? Don't know who to call?" He peered down at Shamus once more. Kid had sunken cheeks, like he hadn't been eating well. Again. Another sigh. He turned around. "If you don't mind the mess, I've got a guest room you can spend the night in, or at least rest in until you can get back on your feet. I've got food too." He shook his arm, where the bag hanging off it shivered in reply. It was full of gas station burritos.
     "Name's Terry, by the way." he introduced as he walked on, only pausing to glance over his shoulder and see if Shamus was following. He'd never seen a guy this age seem so helpless. Wonder what happened to him. Still, the teacher couldn't help but feel a small smirk. He recognized anxiety and fear well, having experienced it himself long, long ago. Hopefully the fear would give way to existential dread in no time.
     "You ever seen Seinfeld?"

     Terry sat down at the closest bench he could find, slumping against it and leaning his head as far back as he could. He let out a weak groan. God, what a terrible week. He'd had plenty of terrible weeks before, and this wasn't even the worst one he'd ever gone through, so why was he so exhausted from it? Why did it knock it out of him? Shouldn't he be used to this by now?
     He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose and cursing under his breath. Every lesson he wrote up ended up getting trashed last second by either administration or the kids doing something he didn't expect. All that quick adapting wore him out, and it made him dread next week. At this rate, he'll be too damn anxious to relax over the weekend.

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