Comfort the character above you!

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by Gattoleone

(I hope there are not too similar threads already, tell me otherwise!)

Do you ever find yourself stuck and confused when someone is having a hard time and you don't know how to help them? Do you and your characters find it difficult to provide emotional support, and wish you could practice that? Are you feeling down and want to read some wholesome content? Do you really wish you could give a hug to that poor, poor character whose life is so hard? Then look no further than this thread!

Simply post as one of your characters, and tell us what is bothering them at the moment: the next person will try to comfort them, and leave another problem for the next one to fix!


Character A: "Oh no! I really wanted to eat a slice of that nice cake, but it's already been finished! I'm so sad now..."

Character B: "Oh no, that really sucks, but we can try baking a better cake ourselves! And your mother seems really good at making pastries, maybe we can ask her for help..."

"Ugh, the train is late again! I'm so angry, my boss will scold me for being late again and it's not even my fault!"

Character C: "That's so unfair! But at least you have more time to listen to music. I also love your favorite band and I've heard they're about to release a new album, isn't that cool?"

"Man, I wish my best friend wasn't away for their holidays right now... I'm so lonely..."


  • You can post both IC, to make your own character comfort the one above, or OOC to comfort them yourself as long as you leave another character and something they're upset about for the next person.
  • This thread is meant as a way to practice giving support to someone: it's ok if you and your character are not good at that, but do not willingly say harmful and untactful things to the OC above, and do not try to belittle them because of their problem! Some characters are going to need comfort because of heavy topics while others are going to face smaller difficulties, but both kinds of issues need respect and we're not trying to start a competition about whichever character has suffered the most! Also consider the user might have a similar issue their character does, so you don't want to be rude about it.
  • Check out the above character's profile at least a little bit before posting: it might give you ideas for your answer (such as knowing why that thing is bothering them, what not to say to them, or what to push on to make them focus on something else), and the owner will surely appreciate it if you do!
  • If your character needs comfort because of heavy and potentially triggering topics, such as losing someone they love, being heavily injured, struggling with the symptoms a mental illness, having an abusive family and so on, please hide the text under a spoiler tag (<div class="fr-spoiler">your text</div> in code view or with WYSIWYG off) or black it out (make sure the text and the background are the same colour, so it will work on every theme and not just look like this on dark ones!).
  • If the character above has a troublesome backstory, but they're being bothered by something unrelated at the moment, just try to focus on the unrelated thing first: just like what might happen to a real struggling person, maybe they're not comfortable about talking about it yet or they've already sorted out the problem. You may want to support the character above by suggesting them to find a therapist or something like that, but consider you should gain their trust first or they might not listen!
  • You can edit your comment to make the character react to the support, but remember: this thread is for practice, so please assume the person below tried their best even if the results weren't satisfying. Giving IC or OOC advice on how to do better next time would probably be really appreciated!
  • Try to write at least 3 sentences! Just giving a hug might be good comfort already, but it doesn't make an interesting response.
  • Wait at least 3 people have posted before posting again, unless 24h have passed and nothing new happened. If 3 days pass, you can answer to your own character too if you wish so.
  • I suggest claiming, but if the claim stayed empty for 24h then you can skip it.
  • Have fun, be safe and ping or DM me if you need anything!
 Jace [Y01-029] confusedthing

According to the post above, CW: children death

He was just at the hospital to pick something up for Dr. Kurosawa when he came across Azrael who, honestly, did not seem to be in great shape. "Hey, Doc, you don't look too great..." he mumbled. Great Jace, you stated the obvious. Well... maybe staying five more minutes would not hurt too much... after all, he did have a lot of respect for doctors, especially those caring for children.
"You know, uhm... I'm sure it is a sad job a lot of the time, if you lose a patient and stuff, but... you know, you give those kids a fighting chance and that is more than a lot of us could ask for, really." Jace gave somewhat of a comforting smile. "I just- I have been a patient. in a place like this." Actually, he had also died, but that he did not say, "...and while sure, you see the bigger picture of what could have been and of a life ending too soon, they don't. For them, you were there anytime they needed you, probably comforted them when no one else did, you did everything you could to not only save their lives but also to make them better while they were in your care and they know that. They died knowing that. And honestly, that is worth more than you can probably imagine. Having someone who believes in you even if you yourself are too tired for that... it's a nice feeling." 

Jace awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I know it's an old stupid saying, but you really can not save everyone. And I know that doesn't make things any easier or better, but know that you not only do save a lot of people, but you also give those you can not save comfort and a chance to pass on in a peaceful and caring environment. Which feels very nice..." wait, why did he know that? "Anyway, uhm, I'm sorry I suck at comforting people, just... some insights from the other perspective, I guess. You are a wonderful person for doing what you do, despite all the pain you face and the losses you endure."

Jace sighed, throwing another rock in the small pond. He did not really know if he was angry, frustrated or just tired. Maybe a combination of everything. It was stupid, really. After all, he did like the Doctor and he wanted to support him as well as he could, but having no other contacts really got painful sometimes. Of course he knew that most of his friends were either that or had forgotten about him by now, but that not make him miss them any less. 

He took out one of his earrings to look at it. Was he going to start talking to dead people? Hopefully not today, although the voice he tried to suppress told him to do so. Man, how he would have preferred a real person. Someone to talk to from time to time. Not even about depressing stuff. Just normal things. But he could not have that anymore, could he?

(sdlfbshdbf dw about it, I just realized I have -2 braincells today and claimed again too early xx I shall reply, just give me a bit! <3)

He might have been drowning a little in his sorrow, so much so that he did not hear Roderick until he was right in front of him. Sure, the voice in his head had been getting louder, but he paid it no mind... as much as he could. Once he did notice the mafioso he quickly closed his hand around the earing, lightly poking it into his palm in doing so. While the man's appearance was certainly intimidating he seemed... calm. Calm enough for Jace to not flinch and instead just listen about the stranger's speech about nature and all its beauty. He was right, of course. It was beautiful. Today was a pleasant day, one of those that were neither too warm nor too cold, the rays of sunlight making the water's surface glitter like in one of those nature movies and the little fish... well, now he felt bad for probably scaring them. Had that been on his mind? No. But now that Roderick mentioned it he got to appreciate it at least a little... it was probably a better thing to think about than what was on his mind otherwise. 

Of course he could not tell how high the man's spirits were compared to his usual demeanour, but he seemed... pleasant right now. That much even Jace could tell. So when Roderick's monologue hit an awkward pause he smiled, as much as he could when he rather felt like crying. Still, it was genuine. He appreciated the stranger trying to talk to him and maybe cheer him up? He was not sure, but he was grateful nonetheless.
"Nono, it's fine." he reassured, looking back at the lake for a moment. "It is very beautiful and something that should be appreciated more." Only now it hit him... "I'm sorry if I scared the fish away you were trying to watch..." Maybe that was why he had been approached in the first place? No, the explanation came quicker than Jace could lose his mind about this possibility. 

"Thank you for that..." he smiled faintly, looking back at the mafioso next to him. "I don't want to be a bother..." ...he had just said he would listen, you dense catboy, " just has been... a rough day, I guess." Now he was wondering how far he would have to go back to make his words make sense. "I- I would talk about it, if you don't mind..." That was no way to make friends but he might as well take the offer, right? "It'll probably sound stupid though..." he warned, before finally getting to the point, "It's... I have been sick most of my life, you know? Like... I spent most of my life in hospitals sick." oh boy, here we go... "...anyway, it's just background information, shit happens I guess and I mean, I'm here so I got that going for me or something... but thing is, most friends I had were from the hospital and well, the survivability of some illnesses isn't exactly great. And I mean... most days I don't mind being alone too much, you know? But somedays it's a bit sad wanting to talk to someone but everyone you knew is just... dead." Yeah, he was great with words. 

Jace opened his fist again, as it had gotten too tight around the earring and he was afraid he would break it. "This is basically the only thing I have left of them and I mean, I guess the advice here would be to make new friends or something, but it's not that easy. I can't exactly... go back to my life before. I've just traded an old sickness for a new one and I'm not sure if that was a good idea. Some days I think-" he sighed. No, that would be too dark. "...nevermind. If you want to talk about nature or something again... I'd listen..." it sounded more like he was asking Roderick to actually do that, because at least it was a distraction and he could ignore the fact that he had just dumped all that on a poor unsuspecting stranger who probably just wanted to be nice. "...I'm sorry..."



roderick ludovisi hokkaiido

confusedthing I AM SO. SO. SO SORRY ABOUT THE LATE RESPONSE I WENT PRETTY APESHIT HERE THEN GOT DISTRACTED THEN FELT SICK TODAY WAS NOT MY DAY FOR WRITING BUT MANNNN ;_; I AM SO SOO SOO SOROORRY... but alas i shall revive this thread by throwing you my dumb mafioso man at you, confused.... I HOPE THAT IT'S ALRIGHT ))

The sweet silence of tranquil fluttered all around the Scotsman, as he lounged by the shore of the lake where small fishes had swam about in their habitat. The warm ray of sunlight glittered itself upon the surface of the lukewarm water, illustrating a reflection of his own exact silhouette on the water. The wistfulness, yet serenity in him had circled around through the Scotsman, diving into his own flight of fancy as he fixates his softened gaze at the reflection. The reflection of his own face had swirled so softly, almost so delicately as mild currents washed itself in great serenity. The small fishes bolted and wandered, as the strength of the currents taking control of their frail, scrawny bodies.. They were such feeble creatures, after all, just the size of a young woman's finger segment. Nonetheless, Roderick proceeds to catch himself afloat on what seemed to be a daze within his own headspace.. It was one of those instances where he successfully achieves the kiss of nature's beauty itself, always longing for some sense of serenity as stress and other factors were nothing but some tedious impediment for him.. In his daily life, that is. Though, he didn't seem to realize how much that tender kiss of nature absorbed throughout the cherry red veins scoring across his flesh. The warmth seemed to circle within, as spark seemed to finally radiate on the surface of his olive irked eyes. While caught within a daze of such tranquil, the man lifts up his hand as he pulls his sunglasses out of his head where the loose yet fluffed locks of his unkempt hair embraced them. He folds the temples as he tucks them into the collar of his henley shirt. 

Roderick finally lifts up his head, hauling up as the cold yet mild breeze permeates into his bumpy, ivory face.. Almost like feeling the fresh, chilled breath of the wind. The soft winds proceeds to swirl with such grace, whistling through clear skies. The relief had sunk into the man, the seeds had been dug into the soil of his own mind, cosmos and violets sprouting out so keenly and gleefully through above earth's bed. His lips only began to subtly curl, truly beginning to grasp the gratitude of nature's kiss.. What could be anymore better than the chill breeze condensing through his face? It was just like his early years of life, back in Scotland, a little thing that he always cherished and had merry chime within him. He finally releases a small huff, as the cold breath permeates into his nostrils, cleansing the earthy fetor that maliciously circled through his own body and lungs.. He finally blinks, only for his daze to be completely erased off by the large splashes coming from the pond that transformed into a lake.. Where had been a young man, who had seeped in his own dismay.. longing for someone to speak to or some affable company in general. Reality had completely shattered infront of him, as stones had been propelled upon the shallow waters of the pond. Though.. it wasn't so vexatious, as the series of stones plummeting against the water was something that he found tranquil in.

And luckily for Jace, Roderick had no desire to hold any cold rancor against anyone. His spirits had flourished, perhaps a bit more than usual. Even if his countenance had remained completely reticent and displayed no distinguishing hint of genuine happiness, the radiating warmth and ease had been easy to distinguish within the latter. Roderick had always retained such reserved matters, after all. Though, where did the source come from? 

The mafioso instinctually disconnects his gaze from the sky, blinking as he shifts his head over to that same young man who proceeds to propel rocks over to the water. He finally fixates his gaze upon him momentarily, only for him to quickly jolt back his eased gaze over to the surface of the water.. He still remained to be at a distance, though the two were close to each other.. He only picked up the ugly dismay that the young man, like bars of weights hefting him down until his last stance.. Perhaps. Though, he longed for some company, and.. Roderick didn't seem to know to provide that. In general, he didn't really seem to mind the company due to his great spirits.. Even if it never appeared to be like that. That was the sort punishment one would blemish for having no stance of expressing one's self, or atleast having no knowledge how to. Whether it be indifference, discomfiture, or a combination of the two, one could either consider it as a hinderance or not. Roderick manages to speak up, keen to express his gratitude for nature's kiss. `` Y'know, the water seems to be glistenin and clear. Quite pretty, ain't it? Especially with those wee fishes near the shore.. Well, and the other creatures too. `` Roderick proceeds to pause, proceeding to praise all that nature had to offer infront of his sight. His heavily painted Scottish accent seemed to sing within his voice, despite it remaining rather flat.. Though, it wasn't as flat as usual, but that might be somewhat difficult to distinguish from the latter. 

Nonetheless, he remained in great spirits. `` Wouldn't ye agree, lad? It's impeccable on whatever nature has to offer ye. It's.. quite saddenin' that sometimes, others seem to underestimate the art of it.  It's nice, really.. Better than the overwhelmin' shit where ye gotta deal with crowds and all. `` Struck by a bit by his own discomfiture, his lips stiffly straightened as he intertwines the both of his hands together, his fingers embracing one another as he proceeds to speak. As that discomfiture somewhat intoxicated him, so did the sheepish condensed into him. He stiffens up a bit, absorbing the silence of contemplation whether he should proceed or not. Roderick, almost defeated by his own discomfiture, gives in as he remarks, almost flatly as well. `` Eh, my apologies about that-.. tangent. I'm sure ye get the whole picture of it all. Nature's nice.. aye. `` His croaky, medium-toned voice remains completely flat now, stifling his own contentment through the facade. He finally shifts his gaze over to Jace, it still remains to be vibrant and warm.. Hooray?

`` I mean.. ye looked kinda lonely. I could've gone my own way and not give a shit, though I didn't want to do that. I ain't that much of an ass.`` Roderick proceeds to pause, partially disconnecting his gaze as the hard and cold aura softly seeped into him. He was.. partially true in that matter, though he still wasn't that much of a great person. Jace seemed to be rather fortunate this time to not have the rancor permeate through Roderick. He wasn't a man with ill intent and bitterness circulating around him, but the rest of him was an enigma. It didn't engulf the rest of his tender, contented gyres, however.. Though it wasn't enough for the chime of merry to ring through his body. `` Ye may uh.. talk if ye wish, I guess. I'm willin' to listen..- or vice versa. ``  

CW for self loathe, trauma, grief, child mistreatment, child death, and child abuse (mention though, no implication of it), mafia talk, and self-blame.. nothing graphic but it's all pretty much naunced in the post below. however, the implication of all of these subjects are in the post. please toggle at your own risk. it's also a monster of a post soooo YEAHHh ahhahahahahah HAVE FUN WITH THAT /lh

As the flashes of daunting memories brutally impaled the mafioso’s head, he stretched across the concrete floor, where his combat boots had hastily and vigorously skipped from one position to the other. The Scottish-Italian man was on the run, escaping the building facility that distanced him just almost a block away. His dingy olive eyes abnormally dilated, as nothing but the piercing, thick thorns of guilt and shame constricted so maliciously against his skin.. It swirls and extends with no limits, almost like the whetted, razor edge of a dagger, leaving him no opportunity for him to lift himself off the depths of brackish, baneful waters of where he’d drown and painfully stifle to his demise. His jaws stiffen up, as he sprinted across the concrete path, brisk puffs of air escaping out of his chest as he kept darting at his purest. He never grasped upon the courage to even turn back, as the fierce rancor left him and his boss completely estranged. Though, this estrangement.. Wasn’t just the ordinary affairs between a boss and an employee, it was more than that, in fact. Enough for him to escape out of the facility, without a second thought as the emotionally scarring memories thrusted him at such excruciating force. It was more painful than a minor stinging cut, the throbbing pressure against your head, even a large haemorrhaging gash ugily running against your skin. Too painful, in fact, as it was a wrenched gargantuan bash of cold memories sickening his courage, his confidence, his happiness, it sorely sickens everything within him, including the subtle smidge of warmth in his blue raspberry veins scoring on his flesh. He couldn’t take it, no.. He just couldn’t! He couldn’t take anymore of the heartwrenching reprimand that left gashes and gouges deeply scored against his aging, limestone skin.

Even if it had been more than 20 years ago, the memories were sealed onto the wrinkled folds of his brain, mold rots to the core only for him to convince himself that he might’ve been deranged. 

It was only time the Boss had scolded him, distinguishing the guilt and shame seeping so excessively into Roderick’s blood, poisoning him as the portrait of his dead adoptive son’s face had plastered onto mind. He couldn’t erase it off his head, especially with the task that he must do, with someone notoriously young and frail, stepping into the light of dawn where the monstrous grandeur of a creature only took him and his life. Why..? Why would anyone so young have to be subjected to this, just for the sake of money? The worst of all, is that he never retained the opportunity to freely flee and search for a completely new job. But as the mentality goes, he had to do it for his own finances, no matter how much pain it cost him in the end. No matter how much the Boss could remind you to remain strong or else the spine-chilling punishment that loomed behind him would strike behind him any moment.. The punishment of killing his beloved cat, taking away all his finances, and burning his house. It was something that made him chatter against his brittle nails, that made him tearfully wail for mercy in his head, it dwindled so eerily into his head, as it sank so agonizing against his gut.

Unfortunately, that was what matters where, after establishing a contract like that in the Mafia, that is. After so many years of dedicating yourself to a jail gang only for it to develop into such a deceptive, malicious business. It was like a pair of rabid raccoons, mugging your greatest possessions and using them for who knows what. Perhaps, a bit more than that, as the Yellow Phantom Organization was like any Mafia business. 

Despite fighting his shortness of breath, the mafioso proceeds to keep on bolting at his fullest. He knew far too well that he had to escape, he had to flee from the hell that the beast itself had dragged him into. Even if that beast had loomed behind him, unsheathing the whetted machete had sneered at him.. Just like how the beast had sneered at him and bombarded him with the dumbest of taunts, striking him at the core at such great force. Well, too great of a force, really. It was too much.. Enough for him to have his standing stoic face and crumble feebly like porcelain. The face of genuine tenuousness had been revealed, no matter how he put effort into assembling the pieces all together on his facade.. Despite the pieces having no ability to mold itself back. His dingy olive eyes, lacking any vibrant radiation, had only begun to softly moisten, the throbbing tumor ascending to the center of his throat. The tension, the pain, it all jolted through the countenance of his lip, wincing with each second he slipped his foot against the hard, rugged concrete. Roderick eventually stops his own tracks, hastily jolting his head as beads of sweat and brisk breaths escape out of him.. The deep racing of his own hearts were tremors that scaled down his own body. To the bones and rib cage, it was all dangerously tremulous. 

Spotting a narrow, fusty alleyway opening between the walls, Roderick hastily scuttles himself up. He heavily pants, his hefty hands feebly quivering as his palms were all clammy.. Only worse that the elastic blackened fabric of his gloves absorbed it all. Not that the mafioso seemed to care however, as tremors and tension fiercely jolted through him.. It was more than just simple discomfiture, it was all just the whiplash of guilt, shame, and grief ferociously plunging at him at his best.. After all, the profuse amounts of melancholy, self-blame and fury had condensed into a deranged amalgamate of a beast, poisoning him with that same image of his deceased son’s innocent, loving face.. His laddie, who he referred him as, a loved one that trailed off the Earth in such unfortunate demise.. That same child whom he was assigned such cruelty to just a few hours ago, he couldn’t. No.. he couldn’t erase him out of his mind, no matter how much he strived to do so, to forge even, he genuinely had convinced himself that he was the monster after all, the responsibility of genocide of his loved ones. Especially for his son.. Why couldn't he? It all stung him so immensely, leaving him in such a saddening state of wretchedness. He had no right to love or do anything after all, especially now that he’s a criminal. As a matter of fact, it’s been no more than 20 years that he had been a criminal.. Deathly plunged by the terror of having to be bombarded back to prison. No, it was not an experience that he’d want to live again.

The distraught Scotsman leans himself against the cold brick wall behind him, lifting up his own head down as his lips feebly quivered. His eyes had slowly begun to moisten up, as the trembles escalated each and every second. He fixates his own moistening eyes upon the open sky gregariously stretched out in front of him.. The only ray of light sparking up the fusty, and dim halls of the eerie alleyway. He proceeds to pant, attempting to collect his breath and himself so that the waterworks won’t slip up on him.. Even if that possibility was about to be soon, considering all that Roderick had to absorb and just.. Take in. It was too much for him, far too much, the taunts and reprimands of that same amalgamate had thrust him with. Only for him to finally pinpoint.. That he deserved the fate that was from 20 years ago until now, after all. The more his feeble self had begun to convince these taunts and sneers from that baneful creature, he.. Believed it. He was nothing but a failure, after all, just the scum of the Earth.. With no right of being this planet, ever. 

Defeated in dismay, he hunches his head down. His bagged, weary eyes softly scrunching up as his lips began to subtly curl down into a frown, no matter how he attempts to stifle a countenance of bereavement and shame. Warm tears began to spring into the corners of his eyes, deluging against his lids as they glistened within the light. He lowers his head down, balling up his face as he stiffens his own posture. Roderick’s lips only begin to quiver, as small warm tears trail down through the curves of his cheeks, raining down and being caught by the fabric of his henley shirt. Engulfed by his own dismay and grief, his face softly scrunches up as more tears messily trickle down his cheeks, only for him to rain down and crash next to his feet. Roderick sniffles, swiping his hand to sloppily wipe the warm tears peaking down his cold, bumpy cheeks. He finally gazes at his own palm, moistened by the glistening tears he swept off his face. He drops his hand, his tear-struck face scrunching up as he releases a few airy sobs from his chest. Roderick proceeds to linger there, now seeming to be confined in his own mess of tears, releasing what had been bottled up for perhaps.. Several months now. Something normalized from him, already. Crying was always something he looked down upon, despite its benefits.

Why couldn’t he redeem himself? He couldn’t just be in peace, or do something good for himself.. Just for once. Perhaps, his presence was never meant to be and was nothing but a devalued human being. He was nothing but that.. Even if he managed to accept it a long time ago, it all stung to just face it all. Just perhaps, he really was a child abuser.

note for NProderick has an irrational fear when it comes to physical touch, especially if he doesn't know you that well! if your character is someone that he trusts, then he'll more likely not freak out when you attempt to give him physical affection as a way to console him. otherwise, roderick is an individual that is extremely wary of others when it comes to that sort of situation, especially when you aren't so close to him. though, don't let that discourage you, however! :0 

En Litari II ([King En]) PicklePantry

     Having seen someone run to the side of a building in what looked like a panicked rush, En had decided to follow him in. He'd only caught a glimpse of the figure, and even that was for a brief second, but the man seemed big. With the right stance and attitude, he could be an imposing figure, maybe he was already. So what could have caused such hysteria then...?
     The alleyway was dark, even in the middle of the day, and only got darker with the more clouds lumping together in the sky. Besides the young man and himself, only alley cats occupied the space, each one eyeing them both warily; angrily.
     Getting closer to the sounds of gasps for air and sobs, En slowed his steps and grew quieter. "... Are you okay?" he called out. He hesitated, then risked a couple steps closer, still a few feet away from the man. Up closer, this man looked even more intimidating than he'd suspected. The way he was dressed, was he part of the Mafia here? Not just a henchman, either. Was it really best to try and talk him down, then...?
     "It's going to rain soon. Do you have a home to go to?" Ultimately, he decided it was best to focus on the now, speculations could come later. En attempted a small smile. "Are you hungry? I was just on my way to lunch, maybe you can come with me?" Inwardly, he cringed. He didn't know how to comfort someone that wasn't his own child.
     The man didn't seem wounded, and in the brief moments they'd make eye contact, the king noticed something in his eyes. Guilt, pain, doubt. They were feelings he was all too familiar with, yet this man's held a different weight to it, almost like it was actively consuming. He pursed his lips, exhaling through his nose. "I know we've just met," he started quietly, "but maybe that's for the best. I don't know you, so I can listen to your troubles without judging you like someone you know would. It's only a suggestion, you don't have to talk if you don't want to, but I don't mind listening." His gentle smile returned. "Sometimes just letting it come out can help."

     All around the world fireworks went off, day or night, to celebrate the start of a new year-- a new chance. His entire homeland had celebrations stretching to every inch of land, and even here he could hear the cheers and music.
     En smiled softly, leaned against the stone railings in silence. His kids were old enough now, he let them handle the festivities of each castle. He even let all his employees have the day off to spend time with their loved ones, though only the head butler chose to stay.
     He took a drink and gazed at the castle's cemetery, melancholic as he chose to spend the first day of the new year with the rest of his family.

sobs nea please he's at a cemetery

God bless you confused

     En slowly turned his head when he heard the familiar voice, offering a smile, albeit one that couldn't reach his eyes. "Ah, Lior. It's good to see you. Are you sure you're okay to be here? You don't need to be home celebrating?"
     Nevertheless, he looked happy to see Lior, and welcomed him when he got closer. He looked in small shock at the hand placed over his, but smiled at the warmth, and turned to look back at the cemetery. "I've seen so much of my family leave," he murmured softly under his breath. "Nearly thirty years since the first funeral and I still get swept away by these emotions. It always happens so randomly, too. One minute I'm angry about everyone being gone, the other I'm sad, and sometimes I'm not bothered at all." He chuckled bitterly, "I used to think I was cursed to be alone." He gave Lior a tender smile. "Maybe that's not the case anymore. Thank you for being here."

This post has been removed.

Nea ran up to en 

" heya! Lovley fireworks huh?" She smiled " you have such a lovley family! You lucky duck gaha!" She smiled at the king " i hope to have a family like yours someday!" She offered him a drink, going into scilence, they both watched the fireworks toghether

 Lior confusedthing

(^ ofc, I couldn't just leave him like that D:)


The beginning of a new year was always accompanied by grand celebrations everywhere, people being cheerful and drinking... or just one of the two... well, anyway, it was beautiful but with the new beginnings came old goodbyes and memories of the ones long gone. And well, he knew some people... okay, he just had a gut feeling and wanted to check on En because by now he knew him a little (at the very least) and he wanted to make sure the king was fine.
It was no surprise to see this part of the palace as empty as it was, it seemed like En to give his employees time off on occasions they could spend with their loved ones. For once it was a good thing that he knew his way around here, he thought. Sure, it was not the most elegant thing to avoid detection as much as he could, but if it spared people the worries of an intruder in the palace it hopefully was somewhat okay. He promised he was not there to do anything bad. 

Some turns and hallways later he finally caught a glance of the familiar white hair and made his way towards En. To make sure he was not startling him he gently knocked against the glass door before stepping outside. "I figured I'd find you somewhere around here..." Lior smiled. The air around this felt heavy, not necessarily with grief, but with memories. Maybe melancholic... he remembered he had a similar feeling when they first met. To a degree he felt like he was interrupting something. Time with the dead was usually spent alone and in silence and he, of course, respected that.
"I'm sorry for sneaking in here..." the elf carefully stated. "I-I was just... thinking about you and figured I might as well try to visit..." he explained. Trying to hide the changing hue of his cheeks and looking at En was difficult to combine, but he decided the latter was more important right now, so he just once awkwardly glanced at his own feet before looking back at the king's face. "If you don't mind my company, that is. I understand if you would rather be alone." Lior smiled. And he meant that. In a fleeting moment of confidence he gently placed his hand over En's, maybe to indicate that he would just be silent this time around.

-NEA_BUN- Idk what Nea would be sad about since you haven't specified anything, so I just let clueless elf be clueless, I hope that's okay. :)

It was a stormy and rainy day today, not many customers for an ice cream parlor... and to be fair, he was 'just' there to ask if they possibly had tea. Well, that was until he saw the lady... bunny... bunny lady? behind the counter. She seemed sad... "Hi-hi there..." the elf gave a faint smile, his attempt to be cheerful failing miserably. "A-are you okay?" What a stupid question. "P-please do-don't try to force being cheerful for my sake." he quickly added, afraid his question might have the wrong effect otherwise.
Lior let out a quiet sigh. "You know... i-if you need to talk to someone... I-I am a decent listener." he offered, actually confident in that statement. "The weather's bad and we could just... sit down? A-at least until a customer walks in or something?" he just successfully ignored the fact that he was, technically, a customer. "Also... you know... it's okay to be sad sometimes... I'e heard people talk about you, how bright and happy you always are..." he gave Nea a sympathetic smile. "No one's always happy and that's okay, you know? People will accept that... it seems like you are very much loved." Was that helping? He was not sure, so he just opted to stay quiet and instead encourage Nea to talk, it was about her, after all.

Lior did not really like getting lost in his head... and yet, sometimes, he couldn't help it. He absentmindedly stared out of the window of the small tavern he was sitting in, as usual at the table in the farthest corner. It was beautiful here, one could see the water outside of the window, the stars reflecting in it... It was nice. If only he could appreciate it right now. Instead his mind went back to things too far in the past to justify still thinking about them, but that came up anyway. 

The last time he had seen his father... oh dear. To say he had lost his mind would have been an understatement. He felt guilty for leaving his brother alone with this, yet he didn't know what to do to help, considering the man just saw red whenever he got to see his youngest son... and that just because of his appearance. The more time passed the more he understood why Valerion was that terrified of the same thing happening to him, even though Lior thought it was unlikely for his brother to end up like this. If only their mother had been alive still... 

The elf sighed, burying his face in his arms while his mind jumped from one unpleasant memory to the next. 

FearMePlease that was so nice ;v;

Lior's ears twitched once he heard a voice seemingly addressing him and he hummed a little "Mmmhm." despite not actually understanding what had been said, he was sure it would be fine. He was drifting off again when the man now across from him continued to talk. Slowly the elf pulled himself back into the presence to listen to Carl, greeting his words with a small, somewhat empty smile. "S-sure why n-not..." he mumbled. The man seemed genuinely friendly and trying his best, Lior appreciated that, despite not really wanting to talk about any of this.
"I-I don't think it's s-something that gets better when talked about..." he said honestly, his smile more convincing this time (they had both been genuine). "But I think sitting here and admiring the landscape would be nice." the elf added, to make sure he did not sound unwelcoming. He was sure it would be nice to sit here with Carl, he seemed pleasant to be around. Quiet and calm... though that was just a fleeting first impression, of course.

Carl FearMePlease


“My apologies for the intrusion, but this appears to be the last available place to sit away from the crowd.” Carl pulled out a chair, taking a seat and glancing out the window for a moment before looking back at the elf across from him, hesitating then clearing his throat, “I cannot help but notice that you appear to be rather… down. I understand if you do not wish to speak to a stranger about the cause of it, but perhaps some sort of distraction might take your mind off whatever it is?” He offered, taking a handful of coins from his pocket, “I am willing to supply a few drinks if you would allow me. I do not enjoy drinking alone, and my companion is running late as usual.”

He waited for some form of confirmation or decline before placing his order, turning back to the window and sipping his drink, murmuring, “I am not one for small talk, so I do not mind if we sit in silence and merely observe this stunning landscape. Of course, you may still speak if you would like to. Perhaps I could even offer perspective or advice. I believe that I am a rather adept problem-solver. Although I am aware that at times one may prefer to vent without input, or not to talk at all. I myself am quite often in the latter category, so I do understand.”


Carl stiffened as a crash of thunder echoed through the quiet library, frozen for a moment before he could bring himself to flip to the next page of his novel and attempt to keep reading. Unfortunately, what with the rain sounds on the roof and windows, loud peals of thunder, and the bright lightning flashes, he was unable to focus and ended up rereading the same paragraph multiple times before giving up and putting down the book. He hunched down in his chair, forgoing his typically perfect posture. It was humiliating to behave in such an undignified way in public. He did have an umbrella, of course, never one to go out unprepared. But how could he possibly face the storm outside for the full walk home, if he could hardly bring himself to even leave the chair? Besides, he had planned to stay long enough to finish the book without having to bring it to the front desk. 

His face reddened as he flipped it over to hide the title on the cover. He would surely become a laughingstock to anyone who discovered his adoration for such sappy romance novels. He wouldn't be able to keep their respect if they knew. His reputation would be dashed. More thunder rolled outside, louder than before, and Carl flinched, holding his breath until the low rumble faded away, then muttering, "When will this be over?"



Carl jumped when Kazue sat down beside him, blinking wordlessly then glancing at the book of cat pictures. Grateful to be stuck in the library… It was a fair point, he had to admit. While he might have preferred to be someplace he could hide under blankets with no shame, if he had to be in public during a storm, at least he was trapped in a library. 

“...Carl.” He murmured finally, trying to be polite despite the circumstances. He picked his book back up, making sure to keep his fingers splayed to cover the embarrassing title. The momentary startle had been enough to jump-start his mind, getting him back on track. He would never say it, but having someone there reading- if flipping through pictures could be called reading- beside him was oddly comforting. Nothing could beat his blanket fort, of course, but this was certainly less terrible than waiting out the storm alone.

Kazue Hyun dandelionfields


Kazue was visiting the library just to grab a few books, which was just books about cats. But could ya blame him? He loved cats so much, but now he was stuck in this library due to the storm. Was it worth to be stuck in a library during a storm to just read about cats? Of course it was! He didn’t want to go out driving in this type of weather..He was nervous enough when driving! The handsome young man was glancing around, his light brown eyes surveying the quiet library. Kazue did flinch a bit when he heard the crash of thunder and he muttered something under his breath. Kazue liked when it rained, but he definitely did not like thunder storms! Kazue was grateful there wasn’t much people at this library, it would sure damper his mood if he was crowded by fans..Not that he disliked his fans, he just wanted time for himself sometimes. As Kazue was glancing around, he noticed there was another man here, but he seemed a bit off..Scared perhaps? Maybe because of the storm..Kazue looked at him sympathetically and he made his way over towards him. Kazue pulled a chair and sat down right next to him. Kazue definitely had confidence! “Well hello! Names Kazue!” He grinned at the other man. “Quite a storm huh? Hasn’t stormed for quite awhile..” He hummed quietly as he set his book down. He opened it up and flipped through the pages and eyed the pictures of cats. “I’m just grateful Im stuck in a library. Wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else.” Kazue turned his head to smile at him. Kazue wanted to comfort the man, he didn’t know why, but he just didn’t like seeing others uncomfortable. “So, Whats your name?”

Kazue was at a small coffee shop, he was sitting in the corner with his gaze lowered. He was staring down at his phone as he scrolled through social media. There were rumors speculating online about him that weren’t too kind. Kazue tried his best to ignore it all, but it finally got to him. Seeing what some people said to him was like a punch to the gut. Tears brimmed the edge of his soft brown eyes and he quickly wiped his eyes, worried that someone might see. What’s wrong with me? I cant be seen crying in public..He shook his head slightly, holding back a heavy sigh. He took a sip out of his warm coffee as he continued to scroll through his social media. Kazue knew he should just put the phone down, but he just couldn’t stop. What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this..? Kazue will never find out the answer to his question, but he couldn’t help but to wonder. He glanced back to his coffee, the handsome young man looked utterly crushed. I knew life wouldn’t be easy as a idol..But..God..This sucks. 

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Juliet Spinebby

Juliet flinched when she heard all the commotion out in the schoolyard, and was pretty surprised that the stress was coming from one of the younger students. Since she was a senior, it was one of her free periods, and it was clear to her that she was skipping, but she wouldn't snitch. She'd only heard pieces of what he'd said, she'd always carried around a first-aid kit so she pulled that out when she noticed he was bleeding.

"Hey!!" She called to him, keeping a friendly tone though she sounded frantic. "Are you okay? I just can't stand to see someone else so upset..especially to the point of hurting themself. Juliet took out a roll of bandages and just grabbed his hand and started patching it. "Sorry if you don't want to be touched but you gotta cover the bleeding.." she mumbled, looking back up to his face. "Aren't you one of the sophomores? Or freshmen? What are you doing out of class?" She asked innocently, "Do you need help with anything? I can help." She offered then stopped talking.

"Oh what am I saying..I overheard you a little. Is there anything you need to talk about?" Despite her eyes being covered by her fluffy hair, she did seem genuinely worried and concerned. "I know you don't know me very well..but..If there's anything you need to get out to someone, I'll listen." She gave him a smile. "Or, we can just change the subject if needed."


Juliet had locked herself in the bathroom over her lunch period. Normally her boyfriend would pick her up and take her out, but he wasn't able to since he was working that day. 

Juliet's mother had called her, screaming at her about how her grades were just slightly below her standards, and that she saw a picture of Juliet wearing an outfit that "wasn't modest enough" or "slutty." Fashion was something Juliet really loved, but it was so restricted as long as she lived with her mom. She wasn't able to find her friends that day, so the only thing she could do is hide in a stall, lock it, and cry to herself. 

Viola ArtisticTiger

                Viola had heard sobbing from the bathroom. She ran over to the bathroom door and knocked. “Hey there! What’s wrong?” She tapped her tail on the floor. “I’m Here to talk if you want. Or I can just listen. “ Her pet frog croaked and hopped about. “Do you want to pet my frog! He’s very squishy and cute!” 

    —-/ (A group of mean girls had made fun of Violas hair and made her sad.)

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Solita Desperationis melodiemori

Solita didn't particularly mean to hear the fairly silent crying, but she certainly did. 

She was taking a rather pleasant, quiet and peaceful walk beforehand. These were the sorts of walks that she rarely ever got to have, the walks with no one around to stare, no king around to give her endless tasks, and her alone with her thoughts. Sure, it was... excruciatingly lonely, but she was used to that. Loneliness was her only companion, the only thing that ever walked by her side. She supposed she shouldn't complain much, since now she was surrounded by others, but either way the loneliness was eating away at her bit by bit...

These were the kinds of thoughts that were playing through her head when she heard someone gently crying. She was curious, and mildly concerned, and so she tracked the crying all the way Pierrot. If the clacking of her heels didn't alert him to her presence, perhaps nothing would, at least not in this very moment. She stood with her face carefully void of any emotions, and she watched Pierrot for a moment before she went directly in front of him, squatting down in front of him with her eyebrows knit in concern. 

"I hate to startle you," she started off, her voice gentle and concerned. Tilting her head to the side, she offered a tiny smile. "I couldn't help but to hear you as I was walking. If I'm being a bother, then do tell me and I'll be off. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm here to listen. Or if you simply need me to sit with you, I can do that too." She paused, considering her next words rather carefully. After this second of consideration, she knelt down in front of him and placed her hands gently on top of her lap. "I am... willing to do whatever you need me to do. I would like to help you to feel better. But if that's not what you want from me, then I can go."

She smoothed down her dress a little, shifting so that she was in a more comfortable position. Which was a rather pointless thing to do if Pierrot didn't want her around, but she would rather be comfortable as opposed to uncomfortable either way.

"Perhaps you'd like a rose? I have a few roses in my bag." She held up her rather pretty black velvet purse and opened it up, producing a small black rose from inside. Despite having been in her bag for who knows how long, it looked as if it had just bloomed. No petals were missing, nor were they a crumpled mess, and it looked as fresh and beautiful as when it had first bloomed. "Isn't it beautiful? It smells really nice, too. You can have it, if you would like." 

Spoiler for length ^^

Solita sat on a bench with her knees pulled up to her chest, a position she was only in because she wasn't in her usual dress. She had a deep frown on her face, and listening to the trees leaves rustling in the wind she only felt the cold embrace of loneliness surrounding her. She wasn't used to feeling so bad, at least not like this. Sure, she's felt this feeling numerous times in her life, especially when she was still living with her mother, but nonetheless it scared her. She hoped that she would have gotten used to it by now, but she had not, and it just amplified these feelings so much more. 

The truth was, the loneliness was starting to get to her. And it was starting to get to her bad. It was eating away at her on the inside, plaguing her mind and her every thought. She was starting to become convinced that she was the very root of the problem, and those thoughts made her feel even worse. But there was simply nothing that she could do, and so she was forced to sit around and waste away every single day. It was hard, feeling so terrible, and what was even harder was that she had no one to talk to about these feelings. 

But your honesty is why no one wants to associate with you in the first place. She scrunched her eyes shut as her brain brewed up yet another lie. It wasn't a new lie, by any means, but it sure did sting. It stung more than anything. She wished she could just get rid of such thoughts, but she had no idea how she could do so. All she could hope for was someone who wouldn't run away from her for once. It wasn't like she tried hurting people with her excruciatingly brutal honesty. She wasn't one to keep much to herself, and people didn't like that. She only wondered why. Wouldn't everyone much rather her be flat-out and honest with them than... lie to their face? Who would want everything said to them to be sugarcoated? Solita always appreciated honesty, even when it hurt. Why couldn't everyone else be this way too? 

What a dumb, dumb problem to always think about. She was certainly blowing it way out of proportion. But one person simply wasn't enough for her. Not for her. she needed many people there for her, people to go to when she couldn't always talk to someone else. The boredom she faced otherwise was excruciating and painful. She was beginning to think that it was always going to be this way though. She was always going to be alone until the day that she died. 

Thoughts like these are the thoughts that eventually broke her. Solita could feel her throat close up, could feel her heart banging loudly inside of her chest. She struggled to control the tears. It wasn't often that she lost her composure like this, especially not in public when she was having her alone time, but it happened nonetheless. She couldn't help but to cry. And cry she most certainly did. She was a little louder than she may have liked to be, and she was trying her best to keep it in. But this wasn't an easy task, especially when she'd been feeling like this for what felt like centuries... she'd certainly been feeling this way for her whole life. 

It was taking more of a toll on her than she would like to admit. She was beginning to feel hopeless, and it wasn't often that Solita, of all people, lost hope.

confusedthing yes ofc it makes sense!! And she's trying and that's all that matters, Solita appreciates it lots <3 Sorry this is a tad late, here's a follow up though!!

Solita looked up at the girl besides her, roughly wiping away the tears from her face. She couldn't help but to give Lola a tiny yet genuine smile of gratitude, because someone to sit besides her and show they even remotely cared was what she'd needed in such a moment. Taking a shaky breath, Solita lowered her legs and sat properly, a habit that she always fell back on whenever anyone else was around her. Brushing some of her hair out of her face, she was silent for a moment. Not because she didn't want to talk to Lola. Of course she was going to talk to her; Solita couldn't let such a sweet girl be ignored, especially since that wasn't anywhere in Solita's nature. She simply had to take a second so that she could compose herself. She felt a little embarrassed having been caught sobbing on a bench, but Solita ignored that embarrassment as much as she could. 

Finally, rubbing her arm, she looked back at Lola. She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment, considering just what she wanted to say to her, but then she let out a rather long sigh. 

"Thank you," She started softly, though her voice wobbled and cracked slightly. Clearing her throat, Solita continued. "I - I appreciate everything you said. Even if you don't quite know... what to say. You're sweet." She looked away, staring at what seemed to be nothing. Her mind was racing and her cheeks were uncomfortably sticky from the dried tears which she'd wiped away. Rubbing her hands on her pants, she licked her lips and looked back at Lola. "Trust me, you are not being a bother one bit. I'm more than glad that someone so sweet decided to attempt to make me feel better. This is exactly what I needed, actually, so don't worry about how good at this you are or not."

She sat forward and she clasped her hands together, looking away from Lola yet again. She had no idea what she should say to her. She didn't want to burden her at all, but she took the time out of her day to comfort her so perhaps she wouldn't. Then again maybe she felt obligated... Solita was able to stop such thoughts right in their tracks now. Which felt more than good because she didn't want her brain to cause more tears. That was simply the last thing that Solita wanted and needed, especially in this moment. She had to stay calm, composed, couldn't break down into a mess again. She didn't want Lola to feel any more awkward and helpless than she may have already felt. So now she was trying her very hardest not to let the negative thoughts overtake her brain, and she looked at Lola again with a totally blank face, her default expressionless expression. 

"I may not seem grateful that you're here but I promise I am." Solita reassured her. "All that matters to me is that you care enough to sit down with me and talk to me a little. That means everything to me, especially right now. I think..." She hesitated now, and she lowered her eyes in thought. She wasn't sure if she should ask Lola to do anything, especially since she had no idea if the girl had things to do and places to be, but she didn't want her to leave just yet. Maybe it was wrong of Solita to ask her to stay with her for a little while, but she didn't quite know if she would last very long on her own again. She didn't want to cry anymore. "If it's not too much trouble for me to ask, do you think you could just sit with me for a little while?" She sniffled, pausing for a moment before she went on again. "I... I don't know if I can handle crying any more today. I'd appreciate it, and it's totally alright if you can't. Either way I thank you for sitting down with me for as long as you already have." 

 Lola confusedthing

(^ that was so nice to read! <3 I don't know if I will be able to write smth else but know that Lola would absolutely sit there with Solita and listen if she wants to talk, she has time. :))

(lilucy I hope that makes sense. She may not be the greatest but I promise she's trying. ;v;)

Lola was on her way home from work when she heard someone sobbing. Would she really...?
Damn it, one could say many things about her but not that she was (entirely) heartless. So she tried to find the source and ended up in front of the bundle of pity that was Solita. "Hey..." she started out. Strong. "Are you okay?" Obviously the girl was doing great! Good job, Lola. To be honest, she was not even sure if Solita heard or noticed her, she seemed pretty lost in her own head. Yet, the undead waitress continued, "I don't want to bother you or anything and I get I'm a stranger but you know... if you wanna talk about it, I'm a pretty good listener." she offered. Maybe she could even open the shop again and make her some tea, if Solita would accept. That probably would have been better than sitting on a cold bench for someone who was still alive. 

After a moment of contemplation she sat down next to the crying girl, with some distance between them so it did not feel like she was invading Solita's space more than necessary. If she could she would have crouched down in front of her but that was... difficult with her legs right now. Maybe that would have been a distraction though... albeit a disgusting one. What even could she do? She could not even offer a warm hug... well, she could offer a hug... but she was cold. Though again she was not sure if Solita would want that. Most definitely she would not just touch her, being touched by strangers was terrible.
"You now, I suck at this but if you need a hug... uhm... yeah." Lola let out a small sigh, giving the girl another sympathetic look. What else, what else...? "I obviously don't know what you're going through right now and... it obviously sucks... life does that... sometimes... sometimes more than just sometimes." she let out another sigh to somehow fill the silence and figure out how to phrase her next attempt at actually being comforting, "...but I genuinely hope it gets better for you. I- I don't know... sometimes when things are bad it helps to focus on what works... you know, the small things we actually have control over... I'm sure you've got something going for yourself and whatever it is... that's great. That's something." It may have been poorly phrased but she hoped Solita understood what she was trying to say anyway. None of that 'look on the bright side of things' shit, just more... even if it feels like it be aware that not everything is terrible and you are a capable person in one way or another.

Even if she still was not sure if Solita had heard her she hoped that at least her monotonous voice was somewhat soothing to a busy mind... at least people had told her in the past that it was. "Anyway, I will just... stop rambling. If there's anything I can do let me know, otherwise... I'll just stay here, if you allow. So you're not alone..." That was the least she could do. Just sit there in silence and wait until the other girl had calmed down enough to tell her to leave or whatever. Either way, she would not leave Solita's side for the time being, to make sure that she was safe as well as to let her know that she was not alone if she did not want to be. For a second she extended her hand in a mindless gesture of stroking the other's back but stopped herself in time. She did not want to scare her, after all. 

(As usual it's nothing graphic but in case it bothers anyone: CW: Death, self-depricating thoughts)

Lola sighed as she closed and locked the door of Allister's shop, staring at her own reflection for a moment. Sometimes she wondered if all of this was worth it, somehow. And then she wondered how one would measure that. Maybe she should have stayed dead but getting back up had not exactly been a conscious decision... none of that had been. Sure, she barely felt physical pain anymore but sometimes she could not shake the memories that were etched into the back of her mind, constantly waiting for an 'empty' moment to return. Nonsense... before she could get too disgusted by her face in the glass door she turned away, about to walk home. It was needed exercise, to keep her body from freezing or however one would like to call it. 

She did not pay much attention to her surroundings this time, it did not matter anyway, did it? ...Geez, she annoyed herself right now. Could her slow brain just shut the hell up please? Today just was a day where everything sucked, she could do without thinking about it or remembering things she did not want to remember. She would just need to make it home, then she could stare at the wall for hours that would either feel like minutes or an eternity until she had to get back to work. Great evening plans. But well, it probably just was like that sometimes, no matter how much it annoyed her. There was no way she would cry in public, no damn way. Too bad she did not feel the tears running down her cheeks, she would have been embarrassed by how stupid that was.

(I'm sobbing that was so sweet. ;v;)

Unlike Illanya Lola was not very alert, so the hand on her shoulder came as a surprise. Yet she only flinched a little before turning around, probably not caring enough to properly panic right now. The bigger problem was... she did not know what to reply. For a moment she was even confused by the masked figure's notion and only realized after touching one of her cheeks that her hand was wet. So she had been crying... that explained some things. She had probably just zoned out enough to not be bothered by her sight getting weaker - she had walked the same path endless times now, so she would have found it even if she had been blindfolded... oh well. That thought process took a moment, at least it was fairly obvious by the way she was looking at her own hand in confusion.

"Uhm.. yeah... not doing too good right now." she mumbled, not sure what kind of answer the stranger expected... or wanted to hear. Lola watched as Illanya took off her mask, revealing her scarred face that, in essence, was not too different from her own. Skin paler and greyer than it should be, the scars merely hinting what had been. Another one who had 'survived' death... if one could call this surviving.
For the most part she just listened to the knight's words and even if they were a little...odd... she appreciated them. (And considering she was terrible at this herself she was not really in a position to judge any attempts at comforting someone.) She managed to reply with a little "Sure.." and followed Illanya to the nearby bench she had made out. 

Again she slowly blinked at Illanya as the woman was offering to stay with her and to listen. Maybe it would indeed be less weird to talk about with someone with a vaguely similar fate? "That is... very kind of you." Lola stated slowly, pulling at the stitches on one of her fingers. "I just... sometimes don't know how to deal with all of this... you know..." she looked down on herself, "being dead and all. Well. dead but alive..." It seemed like the other would understand. "Everything just feels empty and pointless... when you're alive you have plans of what you want to do, who you want to be... but looking like this? I can't really do much... with people, I mean. Most of the time I get disgusted looks at best. If my boss gave a single damn about reputation I wouldn't have a job. But I guess his stuff is good and unique enough that people come back anyway..." Lola let out a small sigh, looking at Illanya and trying to figure out whether she could continue or if the woman was tired of her already. Hard to tell with expressions as subtle as theirs, yet she figured there was not a hint of annoyance, so she continued. "Some days just suck is all. When I remember... things I don't want to remember." The undead girl chuckled lightly. "I mean, what can I do about it? Go to therapy? What am I gonna say? 'Hey I got murdered but I kind of survived so now I gotta deal with the fallout?' ...sounds great, doesn't it?" Lola looked back down at her stitched hands. "I just don't see a point to any of this..."

There was silence, before Illanya spoke up again. Not uncomfortable, more just... mutual acceptance or whatever. At least that was what it felt like. Lola listened intently to every word, maybe feeling a little relieved that the woman understood. That was nice, for a change. The hug came as a surprise, but it was a pleasant one. Cold or not, it was still a gesture of comfort and well, she had once been human so it still had its effect. While it lasted Lola sunk a little into it, appreciating that someone actually just had hugged her... that was nice. "I guess that's all we got going for us, hm?" she mumbled into the knight's cape. "Keeping on trying and hoping that someday it will be different. or better." Now that sounded a little bitter. But it took another moment of silence for her to speak again. "Thank... you. For understanding."