Comfort the character above you!

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by Gattoleone

(I hope there are not too similar threads already, tell me otherwise!)

Do you ever find yourself stuck and confused when someone is having a hard time and you don't know how to help them? Do you and your characters find it difficult to provide emotional support, and wish you could practice that? Are you feeling down and want to read some wholesome content? Do you really wish you could give a hug to that poor, poor character whose life is so hard? Then look no further than this thread!

Simply post as one of your characters, and tell us what is bothering them at the moment: the next person will try to comfort them, and leave another problem for the next one to fix!


Character A: "Oh no! I really wanted to eat a slice of that nice cake, but it's already been finished! I'm so sad now..."

Character B: "Oh no, that really sucks, but we can try baking a better cake ourselves! And your mother seems really good at making pastries, maybe we can ask her for help..."

"Ugh, the train is late again! I'm so angry, my boss will scold me for being late again and it's not even my fault!"

Character C: "That's so unfair! But at least you have more time to listen to music. I also love your favorite band and I've heard they're about to release a new album, isn't that cool?"

"Man, I wish my best friend wasn't away for their holidays right now... I'm so lonely..."


  • You can post both IC, to make your own character comfort the one above, or OOC to comfort them yourself as long as you leave another character and something they're upset about for the next person.
  • This thread is meant as a way to practice giving support to someone: it's ok if you and your character are not good at that, but do not willingly say harmful and untactful things to the OC above, and do not try to belittle them because of their problem! Some characters are going to need comfort because of heavy topics while others are going to face smaller difficulties, but both kinds of issues need respect and we're not trying to start a competition about whichever character has suffered the most! Also consider the user might have a similar issue their character does, so you don't want to be rude about it.
  • Check out the above character's profile at least a little bit before posting: it might give you ideas for your answer (such as knowing why that thing is bothering them, what not to say to them, or what to push on to make them focus on something else), and the owner will surely appreciate it if you do!
  • If your character needs comfort because of heavy and potentially triggering topics, such as losing someone they love, being heavily injured, struggling with the symptoms a mental illness, having an abusive family and so on, please hide the text under a spoiler tag (<div class="fr-spoiler">your text</div> in code view or with WYSIWYG off) or black it out (make sure the text and the background are the same colour, so it will work on every theme and not just look like this on dark ones!).
  • If the character above has a troublesome backstory, but they're being bothered by something unrelated at the moment, just try to focus on the unrelated thing first: just like what might happen to a real struggling person, maybe they're not comfortable about talking about it yet or they've already sorted out the problem. You may want to support the character above by suggesting them to find a therapist or something like that, but consider you should gain their trust first or they might not listen!
  • You can edit your comment to make the character react to the support, but remember: this thread is for practice, so please assume the person below tried their best even if the results weren't satisfying. Giving IC or OOC advice on how to do better next time would probably be really appreciated!
  • Try to write at least 3 sentences! Just giving a hug might be good comfort already, but it doesn't make an interesting response.
  • Wait at least 3 people have posted before posting again, unless 24h have passed and nothing new happened. If 3 days pass, you can answer to your own character too if you wish so.
  • I suggest claiming, but if the claim stayed empty for 24h then you can skip it.
  • Have fun, be safe and ping or DM me if you need anything!
 Phila hydrangeas

one sad lad to another?

  Truthfully, Phila would not deny that a sudden shadow diving under the table at him did not startle him- he in fact flinched away from the figure at first. He placed a hand over his chest, and let out a deep breath when he realized it was just a person. "A-ah, sorry... my eyesight... isn't... as..."

  He trailed off- perhaps realizing first that it wasn't normal to be under a table- but also taking in the sight before him. Oh dear. Just his luck, that he'd be suddenly put on the spot like this. And as soon as he thought it, he bit his lip hard. That was no way to think, this was a person just as he was, deserving of respect. Phila folded his legs back at his side, and leaned a bit closer, murmuring just loud enough that he might be heard despite everything around them. "I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be here, I, er, fell... and I didn't want to be trampled... but, would you look at me? I-if it isn't too much, of course..."

  Regardless of whether or not Aspen obliged, he offered a gentle smile. "You can call me Phila... and... I'm not asking you to share... no, I know what it's like... just look at me. It isn't right... no, not at all... but... I'm here now, with you. P-please... if there's anything I can do right here..."

  His tail flit about, as though his worry and shyness were not overt enough. "If it's... okay... I could... get you some water... actually, I could make it right here! O-oh, or if you'd like a minute I could go get it... just um... nod even if you don't wanna... talk..."

  There was no reason to rush, he had to remind himself- they had all the time in the world. It was all he could do.


was phila actually to blame? actually unknown! 

oh also cw for uhhhhhhh HEAVY guilt and.... basically abandonment/disownment from an elder sibling, no abuse though

  The scent of sweet incense wafted through the air, heavier than the gentle voice speaking. 

  "... Say, Maupin? I know... that you can't hear me... but I hope that wherever you are, you might be listening... I was just thinking, I had seen a nice pendant in the town some time back... It's been a while since I'd even set foot in a town proper. It was a simple black pendant. And... I know my own nails are black too, but isn't it natural to think of one's sister when it comes to jewelry? Aha... that was its beauty. It was so simple, and it would fit you... I mean... assuming... that you're still... living."

  There was a deep sigh, one that barely hitched at the morbid thought. 

  "I'm sorry... I know... I know that you're not gone. Giving up was never something you knew. That's not the Maupin I know... knew... I'm sorry if I'm bothering you... I never got to say I was sorry... I'm sorry that I... I hurt mother and father... I'm sorry... I hope that whoever you have now, whoever it is that you love, that they are well. I... I don't blame you for what you said... if you're away from me, then I'm sure you're well. Right... I promised I wouldn't say things like that, but... for my only sister, I have to say things like that, right? I mean it all. I'm sorry that sometimes I hope that you think of me. That's horribly selfish of me to think, isn't it? Of course it is... One day, your little brother might grow up. Until then... I wish you well. As much as that can mean from me."

  He snuffed out the incense, and rose with a deep breath. And as he turned- he came face to face with someone, with a sharp gasp. 

  "O-oh! I-I-I! I'm sorry-! I wasn't- wasn't blocking you, o-or bothering you, or... ah..."


CW for abandonment/disownment from an elder sibling and a mention of death

"Ach," Winter mumbled, staring at his feet. He hadn't meant to disturb the half-elf. "Sorry about that." He looked down to meet Philia's dark eyes. He had heard bits and pieces of the elder party's words - technically he was older, but frozen years didn't count. Something about a lost sibling - a sister, from what he had heard - and the possibility of that sibling being dead. "That sister of yours," he said a bit uncomfortably, scowling at the ground behind his muzzle. "Doesn't seem as if she cares about you much. If that isn't like her to leave, she left because she didn't care." He thought that was a nice enough comfort, then cringed at his own words. "Wait, no, no, forget it."

He sighed, the sound coming out somewhat strangled. "Look, I bet still living. Alive somewhere, and probably happy, da? And nyet, you're not selfish for thinking things like that. It's normal. We lose someone, whether they're dead or alive, and we wish that they'd stayed, or that they think of us, or that we could see them again. You're not wrong to think like that." Quite kind words, from the Winter Soldier who had murdered hundreds whether in cold blood or not.

"I doubt you hurt your parents," Winter continued on, staring up at the sky for no apparent reason. "They might not love you, da, but they're your parents. You could never hurt them. Unless you killed them." He barked a laugh. Typical Winter, always spouting bits of morbid humour that was hardly funny - he hoped he hadn't hurt Philia. "You're a strong person. Or elf. Whatever you are, you're strong, and I'm sure your sister is too. People do things, and they have reasons, that they might not want to share. Until then, until you find her, or she comes to you, or you find out why or what or even how, be strong. Shouldn't be too hard - you are strong. And brave. And not selfish at all, from the bits I've gathered from you. Keep...doing what you're doing, and you'll be alright." All the wisdom the Winter Soldier had to offer.

TW: Mentions of blood/death/murder

Winter groaned, his head in his hands, sitting in his room. He hadn't taken his muzzle off, only keeping it on to ensure he didn't hurt anyone. It brought a sense of strange comfort for him, and he had no idea why. All those people he'd been programmed to kill. He had just killed. "If I'd been strong, I could have resisted," he muttered to himself. "I could have disobeyed- NYET." He found he was arguing with himself, contradicting himself again. How could he ever repent for his sins? How could he ever be "good" when he had done so much evil? He was lost in himself. And didn't know what to do.

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Hyde Milkman

"Artistic struggle huh."

He was a normal human who lived around other humans. Anything supernatural would be rather intimidating to him and he'd be on his toes. But watching Viktor get upset over something like this - it was very human. And as an artist, Hyde has very much underwent that process several times... if not almost all the time.

"Listen sometimes two days won't take you anywhere," he replied after overhearing his struggle. And he shook his head as he walked around the large avian wings, so that they could see face to face. Hyde, too, had a rather sour look on his face. Though it was rather normal for him to do that - a resting bitch face one could assume. "It takes me weeks to finish a painting. And it takes me even longer to find inspiration - that shit takes time. But that last part you said? Sounds pretty fuckin' stupid."

He put his foot on the ground. Losing your talent the more you age? You've got to me kidding it. "The longer you've been working on it - the more your skill develops and your talent will eventually soar through the roof! How about you doodle on something else so that you'll find something to create with this big block!"

Hyde was sitting just outside of his studio, loosening up his painting smock that was utterly covered in all shades of paint - depending on the work he was putting it on. In this case, all shades of greens and blues because he had been working on a unique kind of landscape that he saw a few days ago during a date with his boyfriend.

But Hyde had to pause for a moment. These past days bothered him when he received a message from one of this brothers - about his dad - hospitalized because of his poor health due to his stubbornness. And because of how his father treated him and his seven other brothers, none of them wanted to visit them. Who knows if Herald would even have visitors?

But he sighed. There was guilt that settled in his heart. Every one of his friends had a father they loved dearly but Hyde did not. He had one himself but his past affected his relationship with him - he felt as if he visited him, he'd immediately have the thoughts of wringing his neck with his own two hands just so he could finally die. No, Esmer was never going to be that kind of man who would just kill off their father. These guilty feelings within him were inflicting into his hate. It had been years since he was sent to the orphanage because of their father - and despite of how much he had despised him before... should he at least visit him at least once?

Esmer leans over, his hands over his face. He was almost trembling. Should he visit him? Would he recognize his own child? Would he be happy if he did? Or would he start spatting nonsense and hate at him? Hyde... was scared.

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Reserved: Ciyabloodland-Jaden Carnage

"I pity you." Flint sighs, allowing the woman in front of him to cry in silence for a little bit. "But the truth is always important. Feelings only keep you weak. Feelings control you. It-" Flint pauses, his eyes behind the mask widening in mild horror when he realizes that he was just reciting words from his captors when they were training him to be less human. 

"Look." Flint almost makes the mistake of taking off his blindfold, but luckily he didn't. "Hurting him is inevitable, when he finds out... it'll hurt, whether it is sooner or later." he frowns, kneeling in front of the doctor in an attempt to make her feel more relaxed. "Humans are greedy and selfish creatures. Safety and allegiance are often their top priority." 

Feelinig like his words might cause another flood of tears he quickly adds. "But their greed and selfishness is rooted deeply in feelings. Love, relationship, those are things humans crave too." he offers a small smile, it felt and looked awkward but he does it anyway. "Just speak to him, tell him the truth. His heart and courage will be tested, but I trust that he cares for you."

Flint grits his teeth and pulls at his hair. This was something he was taught--no, trained to do when he was younger. If he felt like screaming or crying, just grit your teeth and pull your hair. Making sounds earned him 10 more minutes of training, training made him want to scream and cry. It was a vicious cycle. That was when he was younger but the habit always stuck.

"I'm fine." Flint barks out when he senses body heat behind him and hears the crunching of grass against shoes, he mentally curses at himself, he had been so distracted with feelings that he didn't even notice someone sneaking up on him. He would have been dead if it was an enemy.

Hot tears roll down Flint's face and the boy makes a quick effort to wipe it away but more just kept coming, running down his cheeks in waves, in his desperate attempt to wipe them away his frustration only created more waves. "I'm sorry." He hiccups, feeling like all the strength has left his body, his knees hitting the floor. "I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to be a weapon. I don't care about the money, or the fame it gets me." he sobs, "I just want to be someone." Flint's fiingers grasp at the grass under his palms, his nails digging into his skin makes him feel a little better. "I just want friends, a family, I just want someone to love me... not as a weapon, but for who I am. But who am I?!" his throat burns from the tears and not being used to speaking this much or this loudly. "I don't even know who I am! The person I am was shaped and controlled by disgusting and aggressive people! Who am I? How do I find myself?"

This post has been removed.
En Litari II ([BrokEn AU]) PicklePantry

     En silently stared down at Flint, watching him breakdown. Not a single emotion flashed across his cold face, except for maybe a spark of warmth in his eyes. That desolate feeling, the pain of a Fate thrust onto him that he can't change no matter how hard he tries, the expectations of others. It was a drowning feeling, En understood it well. He understood the pain and the scars that came with it, too. This wasn't Flint's first breakdown, and it wouldn't be his last.
     The prince said nothing, unable to, and instead sat down besides the blindfolded man. With his eyes covered, and En's voice gone, it would be difficult to communicate. He reached for one of his sword hilts and questioningly knocked on it, hoping Morse code could be understood.
     'Can you understand me?' he tapped. 'You won't find yourself through others. Friends and family don't exist, they're just as bad as your enemies-- they're worse. They mask their intentions with fake kindness. They build you up, then toss you aside when you're not useful anymore. At least with enemies they make it known from the start that you're disliked; they don't build hopes up.'
     Although he was unsure if Flint could understand him, En stood up and continued to tap, 'You shouldn't want friends, you should hate them. Punish them for trying to use you. Punish others for hurting you. The only person you should rely on is yourself. Only yourself.' True to his own advice, he left. Solitude, in his opinion, was better than affection. Solitude promised to always be there, unlike dear friends.

     Ferocious whips of flames lashed out at the nearby trees, slicing into the bark and swallowing up the leaves. En panted heavily, sweat dripping off his face as he held his swords, both of which were smoking from the fire they had just exerted. He was tired, but he wasn't satisfied, he was weak. Compassion, mercy, kindness, he still had them in; he still allowed himself to be ruled by these feelings! He was supposed to be better! He was supposed to get his revenge on the cruel world, not allow it to reel him back just to hurt him again!
     With a silent yell, En swung his swords again. The roses shined a furious red, and fire shot out once more, engulfing anything in its way. He slowly lowered his weapons, breathing heavily. Not enough...

(If you don't want to reply to evil En, you're free to reply to his other selves! Normal En gets bouts of sadness and doubts when he thinks about not being good enough to return home, or remembering watching his brother die. King En is the same where he can sometimes feel sad from all the hate he still receives from his people, or when he thinks about his late wife.)

Nathaniel Clement fizzelston

Nathaniel reached for En's lowered sword arm and grabbed it. "Wow wow, easy now," he said before laughing. "Think about the trees," he joked. "And the grass," he added. The fire had spread to the dune grass. The smoke smelled horrible. Nathaniel gave En's arm a soft squeeze before letting go."There aren't many left in this dune landscape."
The harpooner looked around. Only a few trees were resilient enough to grow this close to the sea. Willows. With their gnarled trunks and sickly leafed branches.
"Besides," Nathaniel said. "Aren't you tired of practicing on inanimate objects? That tree is sure not going to fight back," Nathaniel said. He smiled. Allowing his sharp teeth to prick from underneath his lips.
"Maybe we should practice," he suggested. Nathaniel swayed his harpoon from his back. He showed En the weapon, its oiled handle, and polished blade.
"Sure it's no sword," Nathaniel stated the obvious. "But... I have no interest in training you proper. You fight as a soldier. Honorable and fair," Nathaniel pointed out.
"Why?” Nathaniel blinked. “The world isn't fair so why do you value their honorable rules? Fight dirty."
Nathaniel kicked up some fine sand to prove his point. "Use your environment. This world is out to get you, so use the world against them. The time to honor tradition is over." Nathaniel moved the harpoon better in his hands.
"Show me what you got. What you really got! Not you're straightened back and soft swings. I want you to get me."
He swung the weapon lazily at En's direction.
"Stop thinking as a knight. Start thinking like a killer."

Blacked out a minor graphic/gory detail. It's not necessary to comfort this self-pitty sailor. But I feel like writing one (1) edgy sentence once every blue moon so I had to take this chance. 

The Easterling's hands tingled as he held them under the tap. His knuckles were colored red. The same crimson that got soaked away by the tap water. Blood had caked under his nose and Nathaniel inspected his bruised eye in the greasy mirror. He winched. Then he smiled. Nobody would call him a bastard and get away with it.
Nathaniel's hand brushed past a bloody razor before he picked up a cloth. He dapped his face. Removed the blood. One of his bar’s customers thought that he was so funny. Called him a bastard… And now he couldn’t talk anymore. The man always had loose lips.  So Nathaniel had cut his tongue out.
He closed the tap and tested the sensitive tissue around his eye with his fingers. Nathaniel didn’t need the world’s pity. Not anymore.
Nathaniel's life-motto tbh 😔

“Hu..Oh thanks,” he said. Beaming Alaunus a weak smile as he accepted the towel. Nathaniel hissed softly as he pressed the ice against the sensitive tissue. Cold!
“Thanks again,” Nathaniel stated as he kept the ice in its place. “Mm,” he replied. Strengthening his grip around the towel. “It’s my bar. I can do what I want,” he said.
Lightly, as if he was talking about what type of beer his bar would serve.  The harpooner laughed. “But I would take it in reconsideration next time,” he said. Still pressing that towel against his eye. “I saw his mates dragging him out of the ship. Did he get help?” Nathaniel snorted. “Good for him.” Nathaniel’s only functioning ear pricked. He switched his gaze away from his mirror and to the Lytro. Giving him a sheepish grin. Not denying or accepting his accusations.

“It was right?” He huffed. “He always talks too much when he drinks, it’s so annoying,” Nathaniel said. The harpooner opened his tap again, this time to try and wash his cloth. (with one hand. It didn’t work.)
“I'm sure he’s overthinking his words now,” Nathaniel couldn’t help but chuckle. He wrung out his cloth. Soaking his hand.
“Well next time... People are actually shut up when I tell them to,” Nathaniel said. Drying his hand on his shirt. “Now that they know what I do when they don’t shut up. Right?” He laughed.
“Can you tap me a beer? I’m pretty useless with one hand,” he said. “You can tap one for yourself too. I got some coffee too.. If that’s more your taste.” 

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Noodles CreativeRed

Noodles it's spent for a moment,  taking the words in. And then they gently place a paw on the others shoulder.  "Hey.  Im scared of fireworks too. They're really loud and they startle me,  and I don't like the loud noise.  Usually ol close all three windows and put headphones on if I can.  But sometimes it's hard if you're not able to distract yourself. " they explained sincerely.  Then their eyes go wide and they look at alaunus "oh um... I don't mean to be rude... but um... do you have ears? Can you wear headphones? Umm... if not,  do you wanna watch some funny videos on my phone? That always distracts me!" 


For the next person: 

Noodles sat under a blanket,  bundled up and quietly sniffling.  Every so often a paw would come up to messily wipe away tears.  They startle when approached and asked what's wrong,  and then tearfully explain their woes.  "I-I had a bad day.  Some people were really mean to me,  and then I was so upset I dropped my lunch and made a huge mess and had to clean it up,  but I didn't have anything else to eat so I was hungry all day and I hurt a lot and I'm tired and hungry and hurting a-and now youu saw me crying and you probably think I'm stupid and annoying for crying and im so embarrassed" At the realization that they think someone might not like them because they are crying,  they let out s soft whine and burrow deeper into their blanket burrito

STRMR-0029-5 (reiner) hokkaiido

The German android in formal attire perked up as he perceived small convulsive gasps and whimpers coming from the other room. His pale lips straightened, as the tips of them faintly curled down when a surge of concern and care had been painted into the robot. The cyan hue of tranquil had been now dominated by a flash of stormy grey onto his facial imprints and musical note star on the front of his left hand, signaling as the concern and sympathy developed for him. His thick jet black eyebrows creased down, having his gut deliver him a message that something wasn't.. quite right at all. No, it wasn't quite. There definitely was something wrong, as the heaps of crying were easy for him to catch his hearing from.. Oh, how his heart ached deeply from the sound of it, as Reiner's heart had been severed in fissures from spotting others weep or express their vulnerability and negative emotions in general. He couldn't take it quite well, but perhaps he could do something in order to lift up the latter's spirits. Reiner then placed his plastic wide-toothed comb on the surface of the coffee table next to him, as he was tidying up his thick mustache a bit. The wide-toothed comb simply sat there as it observed Reiner, going onto his next business. 

He descended from the loveseat sofa, tracking the source from where the helpless whimpering and mewling came from.. As soon as he stumbled upon the doorway of the source's room, he would twist the doorknob and slide the door open. Reiner softly called out for the canine, shifting his gaze as he attempted to spot them. `` Buddy? ``  That was until he stumbled upon the brown Poodle that had been curled up under the thick covers of the blanket, their back pumping as soft sniffles came from the canine. The android blinked, as his heart seemed to drop a bit from the broken sight of the Poodle weeping.. Reiner couldn't help himself but have a wave of sympathy surge into his chest, along with heartache radiating through him. A small whimper escaped from the android as he would take a few steps closer to the bed. His lips only curled down a bit more the frown of dismay plastered onto the man, a gaze of care and worry gleamed onto the man, as so did his overall aura.. He softened up, as his eyebrows creased down as he finally went in and approached the canine.

`` Aww, buddy.. `` Reiner's sympathy and expressed as he softly called him out, sauntering over to the corner of the bed as he sat here and shifted his tender, compassionate gaze to the canine. He would then go in and pull off the thick cover of the blanket, as he was afraid that the canine would've suffocated. `` What's wrong? Did something bad happened that made you sad..? `` He inquired in sweet regard, as his deepened, sophisticated voice remained softened. Picking up on the fact that the canine was startled from his presence, he placed his hand onto their back as he gently kneaded it in order to soothe the canine, showing them that he wasn't here to hurt them or belittle them in any way at all.. But rather, to console them and lift up their spirits a bit, even if it was simply him listening to their wretched woes of the day. As the Poodle began to speak about their current issue that had distraught them, the android went in and intently listened.. He proceeded to go in and stroke his fingers through the blades of the canine's head, caressing their hair to console them.

As the canine elaborated on their situation that had caught them into a tunnel of dismay, Reiner couldn't help himself but have a small surge of aggravation and protectiveness struck the man. His jet black eyebrows furrowed down as a small vein blared at the side of his cheek. Why would anyone do such a thing to this poor pup?! He couldn't understand at all... Reiner couldn't be anymore enraged by what happened, as the pup didn't deserve this despicable treatment at all! `` What in the- Why would they do something like that?! That's so mean of them to do! I wish that I could be there to help you and give you some food.. I'm so sorry that had to happen to you! `` The man paused, as a small "hmph" escaped from his chest. Being displeasured by hearing about the terrible experience, a black hue dominated onto the stormy grey hue on his facial and hand imprints.`` What a couple of big, stupid meanies they are! Too dumb to get their own food! ` ` That was until the canine would mention about them crying, now believing that Reiner might've thought of them as a stupid, annoying individual.. When in reality, that wasn't the case at all.  `` Hey, no! `` The android softly exclaimed, placing his hand over to the cinnamon-furred Poodle's shoulder, contradicting them to their belief on Reiner thinking that he might've done such a thing. `` Crying doesn't make you stupid at all! It's okay to cry, y'know? We all cry, and I cry too.. `` He managed to tenderly smile, re-assuring the poodle as he proceeded to console him. `` Crying makes you strong because you're letting out your feelings! It doesn't make you annoying at all. `` He would then go in and gently pat their back, tilting his head at them as he beamed a widened, toothy grin at them. 


cw for dysmorphia  mainly based on looks

The android dismally sat himself on the leather arm chair as he placed his hands against the temples of his head. His shoulders tightened against each other, as awfully sturdy tension jolted through the man. His pale bisque fingers clenched against the thick strands of his feathery, curled dark carob hair.. His black wide-brimmed fedora had been placed onto the side. He wretchedly gazed down at his wingtip black and white saddle shoes, his eyes bulged as a hue of grey sparked onto the imprints of his face and hands. His lips were tensely straightened as a thick bead of yellow oil trickled down through the man's head, slowly trickling down over his neck as he simply let it out raced down.. He released a few brisk, yet hefty puffs from his chest, as his heart fiercely thumped against his chest completely absorbed into his racing, savage thoughts that constantly reminded him of how much of a complete failure he was into pleasing those with his fashion.. How he couldn't make others think that he was handsome, on how his looks were overall the most ugliest and hideous that one could ever see. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't make himself look fashionable. With every tidy strand of his hair, with no blemish of dirt soiled onto his clothing, with no sight of a crystal glistening upon his jaws with every moment he beamed with a toothy, playful grin.

It had been a while ever since Reiner had freed himself from the Android Acceptance facility.. He had been greatly (negatively as well) impacted from all the events that he had the experience along the way. It all came from cutting off his mid-length hair that he previously adorned, from losing multiple of his android familiars thanks to their abusive tactics and manipulation, especially as he was blamed for "not being good enough of an idol for them to raise money and awareness." He was severely scarred in his head from all of this experiences, traumatized to his very last breath as flashes of churning fear and and wretchedness surged onto the man. Though today.. Reiner couldn't seem himself the same, especially after he had been bluntly commented that he appeared absolutely hideous with his new formal attire.. It all had consisted of a black inverness cape coat hanging down by the top of his shoulders elegantly, along with a desaturated light blue mandarin collar. Ever since that harsh remark had been punched against his delicate, plush heart.. It had left a large gash onto him as it painfully oozed in blood, trickling down onto his wires and overall raw steel material from his inside. But that comment did more than simply hurt him.. It broke him twice as more, as so did every small nit pick and remark about his own looks, as he genuinely didn't want to look gruesome or unsightly in some way, to an extent where nobody saw no value in interacting with him or befriending him, thanks to his looks. Or perhaps, his hideous looks were just another unwanted trait of him, as he believed to please those that wanted for him to look good, no matter how hard he tried.. Reiner had always been apprehensive of it, no matter what.. It shook him to his very core of his spine, as all he ever wanted was to be handsome and striking in some way. How could he? 

Reiner descended from the arm chair as he would brusquely stride off from the room, only to make his way over to a small dressing room where vanity had been sitting at the front of the room. Balls of silver light beamed through the whole room, warming up the room and enhancing the overall exterior design of the borders of the square mirror that had been installed onto the vanity. That was until the man stopped his tracks as soon as he spotted a small sign that had been written, dressing room, at the top center of the door. He vacantly gaze upon the sign, reluctance pausing his tracks as he was afraid to see all of those nits, cracks and smudges possibly deteriorating his overall appearance.. But he had to go look inside, he had to know what was rupturing his appearance, why she would make a comment like that so he could try and fix himself.. Was his mustache uneven? Did his hair appear too demented from the fact that it was dyed silver? Was his hair messy? Were the colors clashing too much? He didn't know at all, he had to go look! 

The German android finally twisted the metal doorknob of the door's dressing room, stepping inside as his overall face and body reflected upon the surface of the mirror.. How distorted he must've looked in that reflection as he shifted his sight over to it, peering at himself in nothing but pure internal disgust and anguish. His eyebrows creased down as the stormy grey hue only darkened twice as more, now beginning to know why the female would make such a comment. He stepped over to the red cushioned stool infront of the vanity. He released a quivering whimper, as he ascended onto it and placed his hands against the deck of the vanity. No, he knew why he looked so hideous! It was all because of his hair, because of his sophisticated attire, his mustache must've been scattered with the tiniest of bread dumbs and disorderly with tangled tiny coarse strands of hair! Why? Why did he have to look so awful, everything was so much worse with that neck-length hair of his! `` Why..?-`` His large, frail hands began to tremble as he disconnected his gaze from the mirror, opening up his palms as he gazed at his own hands.. Why did he have to be so ugly? Why? Why couldn't he be handsome like how everybody said that he was.. No, nobody said that in the first place! It wasn't even true! They were all lies ever since from the start! Everything that the staff of the Android Acceptance said, mocking his looks and appearance, they were all true after all.. He believed them so well from the start..

More whimpers escaped from his chest, as the tumor throbbing against his throat won him over as frigid, heavy tears deluged onto the corners of his dimly lit chestnut eyes. A small hiccup released from the man, beginning to trickle down on the curves of his cherry curled cheeks.. His burning eyes scrunched up as his pale raspberry lips quivered, as tears crashed against the surface of the deck of the vanity. Louder whimpers and disheveled moans escaped from the man, as the small beads of tears never paused in terms of racing down through his cheeks and neck, or even crashing upon the surface to create a tiny puddles of tears glistening from the illuminated sphered balls bordering on the square mirror. His back severely pumped as heaps of squeaks and sobs escaped from him. He closed his eyes as he perceived every single freezing tear of his tapping down.. Even his hands clenched upon the surface of the cold deck infront of him, hunching his head down as he cried and cried. Why did he have to be so hideous? Why couldn't he look any better? All he wanted to be was handsome and happy with how he looked like everyone else did.. He was such a fool for being this way.. Oh, he didn't wanna be a fool! He just didn't! `` I-I just wanna.. be handsome..! `` He painfully choked up from his helpless cries, convulsively gasping and whimpering as he bawled. `` W-..why can't I b-be handsome..`` 

 Val confusedthing

(Okay, so, sorry in advance but my english isn't remotely as great as yours and I can not match the length of your post, but I tried my best! Honestly I just read it a few times and always hoped someone would reply bc I wanna hug him ;v; ) 

spoiler bc as per given situation: "cw for dysphoria mainly based on looks" 

Val had roamed around the rooms of the facility for a bit, trying to find that singer again. He had really pretty shoes and so Val wanted to ask where he had gotten them. A lot of the things he saw he had expected, they were vaguely similar to the club he was working at, if a bit darker - but that was probably due to the different individuals working here. What he did not expect was to hear someone crying. Immidiately his chest tightened, just because it was painful to hear someone sad... no one should be sad after all! Not, that he wanted to forbid being sad, he- aaargh, he was doing it again!
Instead of his thoughts he followed the voice and carefully knocked at the heavy looking door - was it actually like that or was it just the atmosphere?. When he did not get an answer he carefully pushed it open, just enough for him to slip inside before closing it again. "Hey..." Val said quietly as to not scare the sobbing man. Did he even hear him? He didn't know... as the man seemed to talk to himself. "Now, now... that's no way of talking to yourself..." the dancer remarked carefully and tried to make his way around the table to be able to actually look at Reiner as he ducked down a bit to meet his teary blurred gaze. "You know, I think you are handsome. You have like, the prettiest hair! And your mustache is kind of cute... your eyes are beautiful as well. also your outfit... I actually wanted to ask where you got these shoes!" Val took a deep breath. He was really bad at this and he was sorry already but it was better than being alone with this, right?

"Buuut that's not the point, okay?" this time a voice was a little more firm than before. "You know, people will always find things they can criticize about you, right? As much as you will always find things you don't like about yourself and that's okay, honestly. I mean, I don't know anyone who feels handsome all the time." Val tried his best at an encouraging smile. "The important thing is that those are all subjective opinions... and some people are mean and will tell you you look bad just to tear you down, especially if they know it hits you that hard. But you are so much more than people say or can even imagine! I know, there might be voices in your head telling you otherwise but you don't have to believe them! Imagine how great you would be if you never ever doubted yourself.... people just couldn't handle that! So they just HAVE to make you feel bad." while talking he got a little excited and now had a bright smile on his face, that faded a little when he saw all those tears again. Hesitantly he reached out to touch Reiner's hand, just lightly, he didn't want to scare him. Val knew that some people did not want to be touched when they felt bad about themselves - otherwise he would have hugged the man already - but surely a gentle touch to his hand would be fine? 

"Listen to me, I might not know a lot, but I do know that you sure have so many amazing abilities that no one else has. I don't even have to know you for that, you have like, such a warm and friendly aura and the amazing talent to absolutely capture people by your performance - not many people have that! You are incredibly talented and dedicated, otherwise you would not be as good as you are now! You have such a unique and great fashion sense and it looks so good on you, I mean, you can literally pull off anything! And, you know, these are just the things people can see without knowing you. I don't know what happened to you or how cruel people have been to make you think this way..." and it honestly made him angry on Reiner's behalf, because he did not deserve to be treated that way!, "...but don't let these negative thoughts and feelings get the best of you." 

For a while he was just quiet, listening to the silence that had filled the room. "It... it's okay to feel sad and to not like yourself all the time, no one does that, but it's important to remember that you are not what your heavy thoughts tell you. You are amazing and you have a beautiful heart..." Of course Val did not know that the man was actually an android, but even then, he surely had some semblance of a heart, right? It was more symbolic anyway, " one can take that from you, they can only be jealous and pathetic and try to tear you down for it. And you still have the strength to go out there and be kind to them. ...and if that isn't beautiful I don't know what is."

eeeeh another spoiler bc Val tends to hate and insult himself a lot so be warned. (still tried to keep it to a minimum, buuut...)

"You know you are just stupid, right?" the dancer asked himself, reciting the last question that was thrown at him before he had stormed off, just... away. Somewhere. "Of course I fucking know, I'm not THAT stupid, okay?!" he quietly yelled at himself out of sheer frustration. That's what you get for believing in the best in people! Just a bunch of stupid pain and even better unnecessary remarks. Val took a deep breath as to not break down crying in the middle of the street. Not that anyone would have cared, it was late at night and no one was around, really, but still... a dark alley looked as comforting as it would get so he snuck in there, not really watching his surroundings. If he happened to run into a serial killer they might as well try their luck, ha! After all, that was the one thing he was good for. As a weapon, a thing, to get rid of people while most people wanted to get rid of him instead... kind of ironic, wasn't it? 

He gave up a frustrated noise as he hit his head against the wall before leaning against it and slowly sliding towards the ground until he was no more than a small bundle of pity that hated itself. "Why can't I just, for once, not be the idiot of the story?" he sighed as he finally allowed the tears to stream down his face and blur his sight. "Am I really that bad?" he asked the void that was there to comfort him. "I mean, I guess I am..." Val laughed silently, choking on his tears. What was he, really? A disgusting creature created and groomed to fight and look nice. Didn't really scream 'human being', did it? Not that he was one in the first place... Of course no one would like him. Why should they? 

Remembering his own advice he tried to remind himself that what people said was not the most important thing in the world and yet, how could he ignore it when it was all he ever heard? No one ever tried to convince him otherwise, well, apart from Shin, but that was another... difficult... thing. How nice it must have been to be hugged by someone who just wanted to be there... and nothing more. But that wasn't for him, right? He had the darkness of this alley that slowly swallowed him. Next to the waste and sad remains of human life, where he belonged.

(Marco is adorable. xD)

Lost in his head he did barely notice the voice at first, just assuming it was more distant did not belong in this alley. However when it got the tiniest bit warmer than before he lifted his head to see why and, to his surprise, saw Marco. He tried to rub his eyes to see a little better (thank god for waterproof eyeliner) and blinked a few times, still quietly sobbing. Val almost choked on his tears when he chuckled lightly at the stranger's words. 'Not so good' was certainly one way to put it. He tried his best to pull himself together since he really hated to be seen like... this... but wasn't too successful.
"H-help?" he stammered in his best attempt to speak. Why did his eye have to act up now? Trying to make it stop he covered it with one hand, which probably looked weird. Not that it mattered, it looked weird anyway. "I- don't know..." the dancer then mumbled, to answer Marco's question. Was there really a way to help him? He wasn't lost and in danger... oh well, he didn't care about that. A hug wouldhave been nice but he could hardly ask that of a stranger, or anyone, really. Still, at the thought he pulled his legs a little closer to his chest. 

Val didn't really notice the word 'help' a lot, the man had just repeated it enough to actually make him understand what he was offering. "No... no it's fine..." he said quietly. "I'm- I'm sorry." For what did he apologize? He couldn't tell. Maybe existing. Bothering a stranger. Looking like this. Being like- nooo, that would go downhill fast. "Thank... you... for being kind." Val mumbled, followed by the sad attempt of a smile.

Marco Taeya

^ He is isn't he? 😔

(Val: why can't I just, for once, not be the idiot of the story?    Some goth himbo: allow me to introduce myself.)

Late at night, Marco was strolling the streets, as he usually does. The dark night always pulls Marco out of his pathetic apartment, whether it be to go somewhere and drink or take an hour long walk. It felt good to let life go once a day. Everything cold, dark and quiet... Except it wasn't quiet, because the man started hearing someone crying. He snapped back to reality and scanned the area, his ears twitching as he did so. How curious. Without thinking, he followed the noise into a dark alleyway, just to find a person in bright clothing, slumped in front of a wall, quietly talking to themselves. Now Marco, he wasn't good at comforting, or at the very least he didn't think of himself as being good at it, but he'd feel horrible not at least offering help.
Marco approached Val slowly. "Hey, um..." he started, speaking softly and squatted down to be on the same eye-level with the dancer. Once Val turned his face towards Marco, the black haired mans eyes widened. How pretty... He opened his mouth to say something, but it took a moment for him to start speaking. "I- uhh... Y-you don't seem so... good?..." Amazing observation, Marco. He shortly cleared his throat and let the sympathetic look on his eyes return. "Are you lost?... Do you need help, maybe? You shouldn't stay... here. It might be dangerous. I can help you if you need help!" He paused. "I said 'help' too much..." he whispered to himself.

(I wrote this so you can either reply to his human form or wolf form
Also spoilered for very brief and non-graphic mention of beheading)

(Marco: reject humanity. return to wolf... maybe)
Marco sat under a tree, leaning against it, as he wistfully gazed into the forest in front of him. Behind him, in the distance, loomed the city he lived in. At times he wonders if should just go into the woods and never return. Never return to humans, to the hardships, to everything he failed miserably at. Just enjoy being a lone wolf in the wilderness. If they knew, they'd chase him to here anyways. If they didn't cut his head off first, that is, like the hunters who were after him surely would love to do. Maybe he was just an evil demon. Maybe he should just leave everything behind. Leave everything behind... Like there was anything to be left behind. He didn't have that many friends and he never accomplished anything in his life.
He let his head hang low, choosing to look at neither trees nor skyscrapers, but the dirt, riddled with a few bugs, instead. Truly, the shapeshifter did not know what to do. What life was worth living? What path worth choosing? While so deep in thoughts, his body slowly slumped down the tree until he was halfway laying on the ground.

Marco thought there was a familiar smell in the air. As he heard foot steps approaching, one of his ears twitched before he lifted his head to look at Caelestis. If it was anyone else, he probably would've gotten up and ran away, but he saw no reason to do so with Caelestis. In fact, he was quite curious how he'd react to this form and decided to stay calm like the good ol' pup he is. He thought the wolf looked lonely? And came up to it just to talk? Marco couldn't help but smile to himself. That's so cute! His tail wagged weakly for a short moment. To his pleasant surprise, Caelestis felt comfortable around a huge wolf to pet it. Hmm. Marco closed his eyes, letting out a satisfied groan. Pets in this form just hit different.
He listened to the celestial with perked ears. He would want to meet him more often? Oh, the irony. He opened his eyes again when Caelestis began talking of someone handsome, awkward and adorable. Someone he apparently loved very much. It better be him. Oh, really? Tell me more. his eyes said.

Then the celestial began opening up to Marco. No place here? Intervene with his happiness? LEAVE HIM?! Marcos eyes widened in shock. What does that mean?... The wolf opened his mouth slightly. He was almost about to say something, but he could hold back just in time. He still was unsure if Caelestis should know and letting him hear his voice will definetely reveal who his other side is. What was he gonna do now? Sure, he could just continue to lay there and pretend to not understand his lover, but surely he could do something to at least show that he cares. So, he extended his head towards Caelestis dragged his large tongue across his cheek before looking him in the eyes and letting out a quiet whimper. Then, after pulling his head back, he lifted up his wing and chimmied it around a bit, while maintaining eye contact. Seems like he was inviting Caelestis for some wolf cuddles.

Caelestis Solaestial

(going for the wolf form bc i'm not gonna just pass up this opportunity 👀 also uhh this got a little long, whoops gjhkshjs)

Wandering aimlessly amidst his thoughts, the solitude of the forest calmed Caelestis' mind like little else. He felt at home, in a way. Or at least as at home as someone like him could truly feel about anywhere. Someone like him… perhaps it was a reminder that he never should have left his initial life to begin with. It was easy to tell he never truly belonged anywhere he would traverse.

These thoughts of his paused, however, at the sight of a wolf. Not… a typical-looking wolf, either, as most were not typically of that scale, nor at all with the similarly large wings. Caelestis' steps ceased, eyes blinking once or twice as he stared. How interesting… Beautiful, really. Without much thought, he found himself approaching. Light steps tread silently across the forest floor, weaving through trees and brambles until the distant figure was finally only a few meters away. Now close enough too see more clearly, the mysterious wolf seemed even more lost and aimless than himself, head hung low with slow, dejected movements. 

Noticing this, concern added on to the previous curiosity and intrigue, and Caelestis could no longer resist walking closer until it seemed as if he had finally been noticed. It didn't seem to be a reaction of aggression at least, although somehow he found himself not quite expecting that to be so regardless. "Sorry if I startled you a bit there," he said as if talking to anyone else, rather than a large, winged wolf. "You looked a bit lonely, is all." Up close, it became increasingly difficult to ignore the many similarities with a certain someone he knew. The wings, crystal, even eyes to an extent. It would do little good to jump to conclusions—even despite the many poor conclusions he'd jumped almost eagerly to only just earlier—so he decided to only make note of the thought for the moment. Since it appeared his presence at least wasn't unwelcome, the celestial stepped a bit closer, reaching a hand up to pet through the fur around the other's neck. Fluffy… He couldn't help but think. It almost reminded him of Marco in a way as well. A bit like his hair, wasn't it? 

"Do you live here?" Caelestis asked, despite no reasons to expect any answer. "It's a pity, in a way, for creatures so majestic to always have to hide away in such desolate places. But then… I do understand it." He sighed, pausing before returning to the topic of the question. "If so, however, I hope you won't mind running into me more often, for I may have found only all the more reason to return here now. Especially since you happen to remind me of someone. Someone who I love very dearly, ever so handsome, kind and earnest... A bit awkward sometimes, somehow always so surprising, so terribly, terribly adorable…" He trailed off, gaze drifting downwards as his hand retreated slowly to his side. Sighing yet again, he slumped down onto the ground before the wolf. "Oh, what ever shall I do…? I have no place here, and I mean not to intervene with the happiness he would surely find without me, but yet… to leave him..." A firm shake of the head in attempt to dispel the thoughts, and he peered back up at his intriguing new companion with a fond smile. "Sorry, you must already have many concerns of your own. It would be no good to force you to listen to mine as well."

(spoilered for drinking i guess?)

It was a fine bar with fine drinks, although Caelestis couldn't bring himself to care all too much regardless, as he downed glass after glass of the strongest wine, each cup only serving to strengthen the feelings weighing him down. Even if in a manner that was almost comforting. To feel nothing at all was far more terrifying of a thing, after all, even despite the pain it would always bring. It was a conflicting feeling, truthfully, between embracing them for the beauty they held, and running, for the overwhelming, unbearable power that they would shake him with until he could not find anything to do with himself at all. And so, he drank. The only easy conclusion that could be reached, and... the least harmful option, in a way. At least for him.

His entire existence felt as if nothing but an infinite series of failures. Each day he would continue onward, but each day it only became increasingly difficult to ignore the unfortunate fates that always seemed to follow along with him. Surely there were times that he'd helped—many of them, truly—but when nearly all that remained in his memories were the vague feelings of his countless heartbreaks, tragedies, and deficiencies, what did it matter? He could not dare ask for happiness when his ventures in search of it have only left behind sorrow and loss at nearly every opportunity. He was useless. Beyond useless, really, when it felt as if he always either could do nothing at all, or only make things worse. Was this his punishment for denying the path his existence had been meant to take? If any path at all, that is. Driven so thoroughly by his desires, it felt natural for the karmic consequences to follow soon behind, but why must others be harmed as well in the process? Even when he had not yet hurt someone, he still could not seem to do anything to help. It was only complete and utter powerlessness. Why did there never seem to be anything he could do for anyone? What good was he at all? And yet in spite of everything, he still continued on with this infinite life, driven only by his selfishness time and time again.

Caelestis set down the empty glass, letting out a long, quiet sigh. He almost hoped he wouldn't run into anyone he knew anytime soon, for it might be difficult for the feelings to resist spilling out. Or... anyone at all, really, although at least that would hold fewer consequences.


Caelestis turned his head to the sight of that… mysterious lemon farmer from before. He'd admittedly been hoping to encounter him again, but a place like this was not where he would have expected that to happen. Either way, it was a convenient level of familiarity for spilling out all his woes to. And though he'd tried to hold back, that was exactly what happened, unsurprisingly.

Not meant to be… It wasn't a thought Caelestis liked to linger on. Not in the slightest, if only for the frightening likely possibility of it being the simple truth. Even just describing NV was somehow difficult, the memories still so vivid and clear, and yet… already beginning to feel distant. Memories that would soon fade as any other, regardless of whether he wished for it or not. More than anything, he did not want to forget.

He raised an eyebrow at Vy's odd reaction. Did the man know something about them…? If Caelestis had been intrigued before, now he was thoroughly so, although he held back the urge to pry for now. It would be difficult when in such an emotional mood regardless.

"…Fate, huh?" He looked down, vision finally beginning to blur with tears. Was it? At this point, he wondered if it was the only conclusion that could be reached. "Someone else…" he repeated softly with a sigh, a sudden urge to curl up and cry overtaking him. There didn't seem to be anyone truly meant for him. It would be foolish to assume otherwise when one's countless experiences did nothing but continuously prove otherwise. He stayed silent for a few more moments, appreciating the company even so. 

Ah, fate… Was there truly anything more detestable in the end? 

He raised his head back up to down another glass all at once before turning to Vy, a bittersweet, but oddly resolute smile having formed on his face. "Thank you... I appreciate it, truly." Driven by the wine, the celestial pulled Vy into a sudden, impulsive hug. "I won't give up on them. Not so easily." Maybe… not the message the other had been attempting to convey, though. But if this was fate, then fuck fate. What good had it ever done? He would not so passively allow himself to be controlled. And then… somehow, perhaps he could work something out. If time was needed, he had plenty of it. If things were broken entirely beyond repair, then he could rebuild from scratch. It would hurt to be forgotten, but if it was for the best, so be it. If his form itself was too memorable, he could simply take on another. And if it was still no good even then, or it was to become undeniable that NV truly only suffered from his presence, only then would he finally be left with no choice but to let go.

Once somewhat awkwardly ending the hug, Caelestis slid off the seat, setting the tab onto the counter before turning back towards Vy. He paused for a moment in contemplation, speaking up a few moments later. "Might you have directions for your farm, in fact? I'd like to buy all the lemons you have. Or… at least return for more." He chuckled briefly. "I was terribly lost at the time, you see, so I haven't the slightest clue of the location." In addition, it could be a good opportunity to figure a bit more out about Vy, and also… hopefully NV, if possible.