Corrupt a Wish!

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by ARMed-Drifter-Ember

The premise is simple. The post above you wishes for something. Your goal is to make them regret wishing for it by adding some unforeseen consequence.

For example, if I said "I wish I had an apple," some good responses would be:

  • "Granted, but it has worms in it."
  • "Granted, but it's rotten."
  • "Granted, but it was a poison apple."
The rules are also simple:

1. Answers must relate to the wish in some way. If someone wishes for an apple, you can't drop a huge boat on them.
2. You must post your own wish after your answer.
3. You cannot respond to yourself. Borrowing from other games, a good rule of thumb is 24 hours and one person or three people in any amount of time.
4. Be creative! An unforeseen consequence doesn't have to be negative! The consequences just have to make the wisher regret their wish. If someone wishes for an apple, give them an apple surrounded by thousands of watermelons.
5. No rude behavior or harassment. I've never seen it happen, but let's not be a bunch of rascals please.

I wish for a Sylveon to be my lifelong companion.

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Granted, but it rains for four days in succession to counteract the monotony.

I wish for anything that makes sense?


Granted: the word ‘anything’ in any language now makes sense to you, but all other words will sound like garbled sounds!

I wish for the ability to immediately fully understand any academic article I read 🙏😭


Done but you will understand any academic articles except ones related to art 


I wish to have infinite memory space at my laptop

bob niktalks

Granted, but it can never go over 5% battery..

I wis for infinite free art for bob

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Granted but your justa n extra in teh bg, not the one he is fighting.

I wish i am always at the right tempreture. Not too hot or too cold


Your wish is granted; however, this means that all of your food tastes incredibly room temperature too! Goodbye to enjoying warm soup when sick or hot chocolate in the winter! 

You know how cats manage to be comfortable no matter where they lay or how they sit? I wish I could do that. 


Granted, but now you can’t ever stand up and walk again. (At least sitting and laying is comfortable!)

I wish I could meet my persona.


Granted, but their mindset is ‘there can only be one!’.

I wish I could get a pet cat :’0


Granted, but the cat is actually an alien in disguise and it takes you to the seventh dimension


I wish i lived alone


Granted, but it will be forever in your whole life


I wish i could live in my dream

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granted, but now you always have art block.

i wish i could fall asleep when ever i want


Granted, but this leads to concern sometimes.

I wish I could go to make more coffee.