Make an assumption about the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Kidd Callaghan primskorv

I thought this might be a fun game; basically, look at the character of whoever is above you, and come up with a headcanon based on whatever impression that character gives you! Examples could be "i feel like they really like sour candies" or "they probably got bullied in school" etc etc, anything counts and nothing is invalid! Post IC, please! (Just so the person below you has a character to write about, but you don't have to actually write your post AS your character if u get me)

I'll get this started with one of my own. Another fun idea could be to edit your post to confirm whether or not the person below you was accurate!

Mei Souzou

he probably makes "your mom" joke... a lot...

Adem Kayhan parvapinna

She probably hangs her towel on the equipment when she goes to the gym.

Lucius Captain_Fartbeard

Thinks the 9-5 workweek was the best invention since sliced bread 

đź‘» Michael Calendula! Nepphie

Binge watches cat videos in the modern era, proud to see that people are still intrigued by his fellow felines.

V HAHA love it

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Mayzie Najjar-Alvez CountryHorror

My heart says that this guy keeps asking people if they've heard of the New York Times when he knows that either A. THey are well aware or B. Do not care. He will explain whats happening there either way though.

Ralph Donohoe parvapinna

She's the type to befriend every animal and inanimate object she finds on the street.

 Allen crrisp

claim! (will be back with my comment in a bit)
he seems like a good man! (i like his design n green color btw) But probably people at his workplace took advantage of him. He is so good at his job that people rely on him to finish their work too. He is hardly able to refuse and ended up works overtime. Oof

Agneit Syndei EyesOfTheVoid

She takes pictures of EVERYTHING 

flower she liked? Picture. hanging out with her friends? Picture. Got a new high score in a video game? Picture. A cloud she saw? Picture. (Praying for her phone storage)


Audemus pocketbrows

I hope u don’t mind if I brainstorm on his fetch modus… since he likes making jewelry, maybe he needs to rearrange some wooden runic alphabetical beads on a bracelet in order to fetch something from his inventory? 

v LMAO not ever even remotely when it comes to his pursuit of knowledge (my man is anal about ethics), but he has been coerced into doing bad things for the sake of a good cause

Mihawk Souzou

I'm sure this man has broken severals rules of the Geneva convention. Yeah he is knowledgeable and all. But where did he go to find that knowledge ?   

v This is hilarious! Might make it canon cxfggh

Kaoni LJ_Catsien

Due to his power, I have a feeling that whenever he gets surprised or really scared, he accidentally turns into smoke.

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Cronan Grimley zidanetribal

i have no clue why this came to mind. but to me flint seems like the guy to work at like a cvs or something

Zenith Everhart LJ_Catsien

Well being a raven he must have impulses to croak loudly when he gets angry. Also for some reason I think he's that kind of person that really enjoys tavern music.

↓ Yup it's just for aesthetic XD, it's an avaitor glasses.