React to the OC Above [Memes]

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by PicklePantry

Kinda a marriage between the Which OC is this Meme and Character Reaction Gifs

Unlike the two, you're replying/reacting to the OC above with things like:
- Memes
- Reaction Images
- Gifs
- Vines/Tiktoks/Videos

OC 1: (is a cat)
OC 2: (posts an image)
OC 3: (posts a vine reacting to OC 2)

- It's an IC game! So the memes represent your character's feelings towards the one above!
- You can post again every two posts, unless 5 days pass
- Nothing too lewd/gory/rude
- Videos shouldn't be 5+ minutes long
- You can either post your meme and go, or you can add text to it; you can write/add a response only if you want.

Please keep in mind that this is a REACTION GAME.  You are not describing the OC above.

Want to describe a character with memes instead of reacting? Try these games:
Describe, in 0 words, the OC Above
Which of Your OCs is the Meme Above?

Need help finding the right image? Try these sites:
Know Your Meme

Roswell van Breek fizzelston




hes disappointing, but in a father-like way

Wraith Stormheart SpiritdragonRyuu


What did Wraith destroy?......We may never know.

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Quill Taeya

d1a.png(hating nobles/aristocrats solidarity)

4a6.jpg(Local man gets angry at flirtatious attention)

Allegretto PicklePantry


He's trying to figure out what expression she's making as;ldfk


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Derek Severine crowing


I feel bad for her having an alleged murderer and general terrible person as a mother, but whoo. She does not sound fun at parties (your ocs are very cool, though!)

Zinnia salternate

She will hug him.

[ Chun YeonJin ] StellaeNight


"How can you like chocolate?"

YeonSang doesn't like chocolate at all , for him is disgusting

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Zinnia (Zinnia's cattos) salternate


Cat-Brown cult will happen someday, please confirm

Luke Taeya

6e4.jpg(Luke doesn't like cats)

7c681032de65882c3d7f42eff7f785ed.jpg("Fuck yeah, I'm cute!")

Michael smlfall


probably the "idk he kinda cute pup to me thought"

@ michael: i also wear gucci down there thanks


Sneaky Golden-Bloomy


"Don't be intimidated, Sneaky. Try to imagine him in his underwear"