Write a headcanon about the OC above

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Azineli

So, yeah. The title says it all. I'm just saying, by the way, my character is undead.



When she was younger, she practiced glaring daily so she could get better at it.

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Caspian Faustus Sunlitsecrets

Their nose twitches a lot when they get angry. It looks more comical than anything else.

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Maxy Konno bulgariansumo

"Geeeeeez, you remind me of a guy I know! He used to be quiet too before working at the company, or so I've heard. Now he's a total jerk....

But I gotta hand it to you, I like your style. The chains are nice, and you can never EVER go wrong with a headband. Take it from me, kid. If I went to normal school, I'd probably be a banchou myself~" (he wouldn't, but a guy can dream)

WROOOONG THREAD Silly me! Please skip


I'm new, I messed up, ignore this.


Gregory VentingClown

Coroco Rinji looks like he's secretly a squishy cinna bun that might actually cry if someone gave him a gentle hug or pat on the back. 

Mary Butcher varkarrus

Gregory fucking loves baked beans. He gets cans of the stuff from the grocery store and will eat it at least twice a week.

(Wanted to make a somewhat light headcanon compared to his bio)


Mary absolutely loves sweets, like baked goods and stuff.

Mocha Genjitsutouhi Mochagatari

Reiko looks like he wouldn't like people to play with his light. 

@astroadmiral oh my god that's so perfect I wanna make it canon


 Rina retroleum

Mochagatari Dunno where this came from but I suddenly had the idea that Mocha uses replacement swears instead of real swearing, like "son of a biscuit" and the like :0

braangster oh man that's honestly perfect im imagining her laugh in my head too

Montgomery Romero braangster

@astroadmiral hmm rina seems like the type who would belly laugh when someone got hurt! not like, seriously hurt but like, if someone fell off a chair or tripped or something haha

Bryant Jutta


I feel like she would drum her fingers and pencils on desks idly, and tap her feet to match the drum beat of songs she listens to

Edienne Vresk Modwri

Bryant definitely likes messing with his imaginer when they're asleep.  Mysterious bruises?  Sometimes.  Glass of water spilled?  Sometimes.

Sometimes he helps though, like whispering the location of a lost object.

EDIT: v Me gusta.

Wylie ninjashield5

Modwri The dagger she carries is an heirloom passed down in her family.