Character voted least likely to...

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 7 months, 4 days ago) by hedgemaze

Hey, I'm back with my first new forum game in... a while!

This one's a silly variant of games like "Most Likely To...". In this game, we'll do the opposite!

In this game, the first person will post "Least likely to..." with a prompt for the next person, who will post IC as their character who is least likely to do that thing, along with a new prompt for the next person.

Person A: Least likely to go skydiving?

Person B: My character [NAME]; they're a huge scaredy cat!
Least likely to settle down and get married?

Person C: Oh, that's [NAME]; they love playing the field too much to settle down!
Least likely to rob a bank?

And so on. Feel free to be as mundane or outlandish with your prompts as you like!


  • This is an all-ages thread, so please don't post anything NSFW or sensitive.
  • Let at least two people post before going again. Try to vary the OCs you post, if you can.
  • Please do not skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

I'll start with a prompt: Least likely to win an Olympic medal?

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Jackson Aukerman Zaten

jack heavily dislikes physical contact and would rather be left alone


least likely to use rideshare services? (e.g: uber)

Raven Cinnamon_stars

while he can fly and probably wouldn't be around people, he'd be very cautious about it

Least likely to help the poor grandma cross the road? 

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Keen-Ears/Tavey/Tamnais Scottie

This fella. He's not too picky when it comes to animal matter, and can and will eat bone. And any plant matter he doesn't eat Jaee will steal right off his plate without him so much as batting an eye.

Least likely to learn a new skill

 Cove TalonsCreations

This guy takes too many risks to learn something new.

Least likely to start a fire in a fireplace?

Rayne Shadowzim777

Seeing as Water doesn't mix well with fire...Her.


Least Likely to start a Rock Band?

Ezekiel Pražák Hemlawke

He holds some pretty strict views, so he'd probably be the type of person to think that rock music is somehow connected to the devil. So probably him.


Least likely to say "no" to making a deal to a mysterious cloaked stranger.

 gamble SteenTea

if the price is right! they already deal with tons of shady characters, being one themself too :D and if it’s a good deal who is gamble to turn down a potentially new “business partner”?


Least likely to be solid 👍

Dag Dag hedgemaze

He's a ghost!

Least likely to dance in the rain?

 Churro miss_samychan

His body is made of magma.

Least likely to dance in lava?

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Blythe Shadowzim777

Oh my gosh, Blythe is the sweetest and kindest character I have. I feel like she would always be saying sorry if she did anything impolite, accidentally though. She is still part frog so her froggy instincts tend to kick in from time to time.


Least likely to become an artist?