Character voted least likely to...

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 10 months, 6 days ago) by hedgemaze

Hey, I'm back with my first new forum game in... a while!

This one's a silly variant of games like "Most Likely To...". In this game, we'll do the opposite!

In this game, the first person will post "Least likely to..." with a prompt for the next person, who will post IC as their character who is least likely to do that thing, along with a new prompt for the next person.

Person A: Least likely to go skydiving?

Person B: My character [NAME]; they're a huge scaredy cat!
Least likely to settle down and get married?

Person C: Oh, that's [NAME]; they love playing the field too much to settle down!
Least likely to rob a bank?

And so on. Feel free to be as mundane or outlandish with your prompts as you like!


  • This is an all-ages thread, so please don't post anything NSFW or sensitive.
  • Let at least two people post before going again. Try to vary the OCs you post, if you can.
  • Please do not skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

I'll start with a prompt: Least likely to win an Olympic medal?

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 ✦Jack Sacks✦ LBP

Jack has a casino to take care of, he's no man for that. He can't even draw a damn stickfigure right!


Least likely to get into a romantic relation with someone! (not by being aromantic or something, just really because they're bad at it.)


Exe, not because he's demiromantic, but because he's anxious and socially awkward and lacks confidence in himself.


Least likely to commit a crime?

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Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

Zoom doesn't exist in 2007, he doesn't have a job that involves meetings, and hey, he's a mysterious terrorist.

Least likely to explore an abandoned building?

Ikato JayBird375

Ikato does not crave adventure. He also strictly obeys rules so no trespassing for him. An abandoned building is none of his business except for reporting it to the proper authorities.

Least likely to be a teacher’s pet?

 Skiv Adiere mossyrocks

skiv. she's so disruptive and disrespectful, and is pretty arrogant as well. she's decently smart in school (in canon, this is with learning with her trainer) but she lacks respect and isn't willing to learn lots of things if she thinks they're useless.

least likely to sing in the shower?

Vardah Lasout Lonestarcelt

Has a terrible singing voice and knows it so she ain't gonna sing


Least likely to clean unless ordered to

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 Sam Wasteland CreativeRed

Sam does not have a license. He just rides his bike everywhere


Least likely to get drunk

Izzy hedgemaze

He's straight edge.

Least likely to be part of a police chase?


He would never get into a situation that would lead him to that! he's a nervous wreck so he's always following street rules to a T.


Least likely to drink dairy?

Drakkar Sagethewolfblooded

Besides the lack of access to dairy, Drak likely wouldn't drink it even if it was available to him. He might also be slightly lactose intolerant but he doesn't know that


Least likely to climb a tree on a dare?

Mrs. Petersen hedgemaze

She wouldn't do any silly dare at all.

Least likely to help an old lady cross the street?

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