Character voted least likely to...

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 10 months, 6 days ago) by hedgemaze

Hey, I'm back with my first new forum game in... a while!

This one's a silly variant of games like "Most Likely To...". In this game, we'll do the opposite!

In this game, the first person will post "Least likely to..." with a prompt for the next person, who will post IC as their character who is least likely to do that thing, along with a new prompt for the next person.

Person A: Least likely to go skydiving?

Person B: My character [NAME]; they're a huge scaredy cat!
Least likely to settle down and get married?

Person C: Oh, that's [NAME]; they love playing the field too much to settle down!
Least likely to rob a bank?

And so on. Feel free to be as mundane or outlandish with your prompts as you like!


  • This is an all-ages thread, so please don't post anything NSFW or sensitive.
  • Let at least two people post before going again. Try to vary the OCs you post, if you can.
  • Please do not skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

I'll start with a prompt: Least likely to win an Olympic medal?

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Shura LocalSnowi

food is food, best eat it while u still can


who is least likely to grow their hair out?

Aron Dean Jank ranchbottle


he is bald LMAAOO and he never wants to go bact to having hair 

who is least likly to know how to swim LMAO (its okay i cant either)

Hazel Meyers creatfran

she immediately comes to mind, probably can't swim for crap


least likely to finish high school / college?

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Unitas Smudged

I'm assuming you meant least likely? But yeah, Unitas is incredibly independent and moved out as soon as he was legally allowed to. That way, he can focus on doing what really interests him.

Least likely to have money in their savings account?

 Scrimblo allcapsoff

scrimblo would absolutely have spent his last quarters on arcade games, monster energy and candy. luckily hes got a partner who helps keep track of the important things in his life

least likely to be afraid of public speaking?

Polychrome sleepycharm

THIS goober. i know not a lot is on their profile but they're super rash and outspoken. if asked to give a lecture they'd do it in their wild surfer accent and act like a cool aunt the whole time

least likely to make their bed every morning?

Kat comedy_pink

she honestly doesn't give a damn if her room's messy in general. girl hobby

least likely to solve a rubik's cube?

Kiran silket

i think he'd get frustrated after about 30 seconds and toss it across the room

least likely to keep someone else's secret?

Andrea Antimony CometTheMountainLion

Andrea would probably straight up include it in the lyrics of a song or something.

- - - - -

Character voted least likely to survive this flash game?

Aalto Smudged

Unfortunately, lacking the limbs to do that stage, Aalto wouldn't *stand* a chance. (I'll see myself out)


Character least likely to be a pet-sitter? 

 Ezekiel Wey _Deadweight_

Yeah- I would not leave this man alone with anyone's pet. He's not the greatest of individuals, especially because that pet would be leverage against them-

Character least likely to go into an abandoned, supposedly haunted house?