Random thoughts on the OC above [HIGH EFFORT]

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by kirchhoff

I got Zinkyzor’s blessing to remake their random thoughts on the OC above game, except with a higher effort requirement!

This is meant for more in-depth thoughts on others’ characters. If you’d just like some quick fun, go visit the thread without the effort requirement.


1. THIS IS A HIGH EFFORT THREAD. Try to go for 5 thoughts AT LEAST! Of course, more is always welcome, but try not to go for any less, especially if the person above you wrote a lot. Try to match the user above’s effort!

2. Avoid simple lines without elaboration— “nice design” doesn’t work for this thread, but “I like this design because X Y and Z” works better. If you’d like to add a few basic thoughts, please have them with higher-effort thoughts! Just a whole bunch of basic lines won’t work— quality over quantity. Reading the profile is required— simply making comments on art or design is NOT enough.

3. As for what the thoughts are, pretty much anything goes. Headcanons, what this character reminds you of, questions you may have, songs you think they’d like… etc.

4. No sexual NSFW. Gory stuff is fine BEHIND A SPOILER— and only if the other user has stated they’re fine with it/it’s just a gory character to begin with.

5. No need to write essays. This is just for thoughts that go into more complex detail, but it doesn’t need to be super duper thoughtful!

6. Cooldown is 2 people. [You] [X] [Y] [You]

7. If you make a claim, please fill it in 12 hours.

8. Once again, this is a HIGH EFFORT THREAD. You may play on the thread without the effort requirement if you aren’t sure you can give out the proper time and care for the user above’s character, but please respect the regulations here.

Of course, feel free to DM me at any time with any concerns about this thread. I'll do my best to moderate it, but I'm not always active on forums.

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Creek Whitebelle dazey-the-goat

terrence hi! pinging due to the month wait, i remember marjorie’s in leon’s lore and i can’t wait to talk about her! :D

  • AAAAAA i love the sparkles in her profile!! it has a little bit of a nice hand-drawn look, pretty cute!! :D
  • the whole profile was an aesthetic in general :O
  • AND OKAY SHE’S SO PRETTY I ALREADY LOVE HER LOOK AAAAAAAA- again, in love with the monochrome palette!! anf 
  • i find it silly [in a good way] that she just wears a hat with the word milk lol LIKEi know is her job but still
  • ahhh a fellow extrovert!! i love a good people person :]
  • awww she loves cows!! i agree though cows are just so real
  • national milk day is real?
  • she has a best friend!! :D woahh both majorie and magaret are unique names in my opinion, and sound kinda cool when said together
  • WAIT NOOOO MAJORIE- i feel sorry for her D: it must’ve been hard losing touch with her bestfriend like that, you could tell they were really close. hope she get’s to make more friends :’D
  • ohhh i wonder if she ended up being close with jessica and murray? how’s their relationship like? 
  • hehe did she ever played chess with jessica?
  • ohhhh so that’s how she met leon! tell me, what motivated her to help finding murray as well? 
  • leon how could you >:(
  • gahhh i feel bad for her, it seems like there’s been many close relationships that just 
  • i wonder, did she ever get to interact with magaret after the fire at some point? or maybe talk with her one last time?
  • SHE HAS OBIE!! that’s nice atleast, girl deserves friends
  • man i really love your choice of photos for her wardrobe tab- AND honestly i just love the fashion she has??? it’s very nice in my opinion :O
  • “she doesnt have a voice claim someone help me” mood help- HHHH I WISH I COULD BUT i’m just as clueless about gettig voice claims <\3
  • SHE IS A LITERAL CHEESE WIZARD??? SO THAT’S WHAT CLASS MEANT- but anyway looking through her powers and it's kinda goofy/pos but like in the good whimsical way if y'know what i mean
  • THE PART ABOUT THE BLOOD THO- girl ain't just triggering lactose intolerance, she would clogged up their arteries/veins
  • no actually i wanna be friends with her BECAUSE she just seems so nice and friendly y’know. 
  • PLUS SHE CAN MAKE CHEESE as a fellow cheese lover this is so
  • OVERALL SHE’S THE CHARACTER EVER- i love her so much she is amazing i love 

ahh thank you for the thoughts! as for some responses :]
  • a child indeed 
  • "people to stop doing something because it was "dangerous" or "not in the rules"." yooo i think you just explained a trait creek has better than i did! it's cool actuallyyy :O
  • he’s denying it ‘cause he’s clueless  :')
  • yes he's autistic! it wasn’t planned at first but once i was writing him i some point realized that alot of his traits aligned to that and thought “might as well make it canon then”. same thing happened to my other character lucas
  • we could ask him about plants and he could explain them in quite detailed  
  • but really thank you so much for the thoughts! i’m glad you enjoyed it while it lasts :D
Akari Cobra421


Ok, so, im going to write this as i go along...

  • So, he's 11 years old. That's a baby man. A child. I have a 10 year old character, so I'm always looking for more babies oml, adorable :)
  • A pessimist I see. Relatable. And honestly, thats pretty unique. I don't see many kid characters with pessimistic qualities in their bio or backstory. This immediately drew me in.
  • Oh, so he's that type of kid. The kid who always told other people to stop doing something because it was "dangerous" or "not in the rules". 
  • OH ITS ANXIETY POOR BABY. I get him. Anxiety sucks bad, and it's terrible that a little kid like this would suffer with such a thing :(
  • Ohhhh he doesn't like change! Me neither buddy... Give him a hug for me.
  • protective baby boy :)
  • plants are pets he can be a plant dad why is he denying it lol
  • Is he autistic? Is he doesn't like change, and doesn't get sarcastic tones... follows a routine... overwhelmed by loud noises... certain textures bother him...
  • Relatable, with the loud noises and textures and not getting sarcastic tones.
  • Tomatoes are cute :)
  • I feel like it'd be nice to get him to ramble about his interests. I feel like i could listen to this small child talk for hours about plants. He needs someone to listen.
  • School is dumb, I agree.
  • The hidden text is a nice touch :)
  • All in all, this is such a wonderful character! Please keep up the good work! :)

AAAAAAAAA thank you so much! you have no idea how much that means to me :)
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Terrence BewareOfTheMenace


- I saw his playlist, I LOVE KALI UCHIS!!! Also, you got her name wrong and it makes me think of urchins. Is Kali Uchis a urchin????? Really I love her songs especially when she collab with Tyler the Creator and Daniel Caesar.

- I love ENFP, happy fellas!

- His design looks so wonderfully cool! I mean like look at his wings, the gradient and the fluffy textures is so good and cool! And those rose around his outfit is just chef's kiss worthy!!!

- His favorite genre is romance? Dude I was making a cheesy romance story while skimming around his profile. I love romance too tho.

- Oooo he lives in Las Vegas? What's he doing there, playing pokers? Or just chilling in the Nevada desert lol.

- I thought he was a elf at first until I read his species and he's a fallen angel. Tho I still thinks he's a elf.

- I check out Oriental Shorthair cats and wow, they look like the House Elf from Harry Potter but feline version.

- He look one of those singers from the 40s where they would sing some old song in the jazz lounge.

- I bet he plays SimCity or Cities: Skyline since he likes the cityscape. Ngl, Las Vegas' cityscape looks amazing to look at.

- "His wings are hidden to the eyes of human beings. Animals can see them, though." Kinda reminds me of how dogs can see ghosts and spirits but we can't.

- I like this guy, he seem chill and fun to hang out!

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Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

1) i adore the design!!! the shading on her avatar is v lovely and the palette all works together!!

2) babysitting her as a kid might be a nightmare but i'd honestly risk it bc she's so cute

3) GHOST HUNTER BESTIES!!! thats so cool, i'd love to see the shenanigans they get up to

4) i'm glad she's got a bodyguard, she's very adorable (as i've said a TON) but i feel like she kinda needs one LMAO

5) was she born with that pink eye, or did something happen to her?? :O

6) hell yeah, gaslight gatekeep girlboss your way outta every problem!! you go girlie!!!!

7) maybe she'd benefit from knee braces??? who knows


9) i still feel like cage doin all that to her is a lil gray though, cage cmon you can just put her back in prison for life or smth

10) why'd she even start doing that in the first place?? like what messed up stuff happened to her that she's turning to THAT for entertainment?

11) maybe cage could convince her dad to stop bailing her out?? esp bc he hired him in order to no longer bail her out -

but yeah!!! :D vv cool character design overall, i vibe with all the drawings of her!! she doesn't seem like the type of person i'd like to be around tho SOB (had to edit bc idk how to censor stuff on here SORRY)

colleen abesque


- I’m curious on who she was to be wed to! I love arranged marriage tropes, they’re such a cool concept I love when ppl use it with their characters. also love the thought of a noble, highty tighty woman disobeying those she’s always listened to. Ate!

- oh... Sibling angst💔 this poor girl let her see her family!!!

- the SONG... oh my god I want to tell her everything will be alright. Stand up girl. U r enough.

- I love how she’s very proper, but still stays humble and kind. Love that love love love

-  her follwoing klothys makes so much sense 

- I like how she’s more chaotic than predictable.. but more cautious than a daredevil. I can see her overthinking a lot, but only after she does something stupid lol

- poor child allisriedia. So unfair for such a sweetie

- the whole battle tab .. omg her wings.. ah. so cool!! And she’s a sorcerer!! ( >> wizard)

- her birthday! That’s so clever

- don’t know if I can handle listening to her playlist if her theme was that sad.. but it loooks cooool  I love doing that with my characters too

- her ambitions 💔💔omfg I need to see her in a flower shop that’s perfect

- love how she has a huge fear of deep water but is also dating a mermaid

- also, very intrigued on her relationship with freldurth.. they seem so different. Love those sorts of dynamics 

Prince Shard Cobra421

Ok, so I'm writing this as i read along

  • First off, I really like the name ! It slips off the tongue easily, and is easy to remember!
  • Likes luxury? Who doesn't... 
  • I had to look up what "bogarting" is, but thats a cool concept!
  • I like the concept of her having 3 past lives!
  • I don't see many Canadian characters! Good job!
  • "Doesn't like her impending doom" This in itself would make sense, as most people don't like dying, but it's even more spooky knowing that she's died multiple times. I don't know if this was intentional, but it's a cool detail!
  • I would like to know if she remembers her past lives? Or if parts of the memories start to fade after a time in a new life?
  • The art of her as Colleen got me good...
  • All in all, I love your artwork and storytelling! Keep it up!
Terrence BewareOfTheMenace

- I love this artwork! It kinda reminds me of a children's show, especially something I'll see on Nickelodeon! It looks simple but vibrant!

- What's a Voidian? Wait, since when the void has people on it? How do you live in the void? How do you even colonized them???

- I can't tell if Shard is his first or last name tho I assuming that Shard is his first name because most royal families normally use first names instead of surnames.

- What kind of workout does Shard do? Push-ups? Jumping jacks? Carrying dumbbells?

- I've listen to his theme song, it's uh...I vibe with the beat even the metal part but the lyrics...I feel bad for laugh a bit but a bit scared at the same time.

- I gotta say again about this artwork, it feels so nostalgic like something you see in the kindergarten where kids would showcase their drawings.

- I bet he has a ego of a hot air balloon.

- He look like he could be a protagonist of a roleplaying game but more of a anti-hero, like Terrence!

PAL lezbtron

- okay just in general i really like his name ! I don't think i've seen it a lot so ! it's a nice n unique name :) 

- bro is a busy fella !! has quite a history too, love to see how he deals with it all ! i'm sure it's gotta catch up to him eventually 

- i also like how his story name rhymes, very nice to say ! (saying the name i mean!) 

- he seems morally gray to me, which I like! i love morally gray characters! I do wonder if that'll change later on or not ! (see ic)

- did his allergies just pop out of nowhere or has he always had them? 


- makes me wonder if he regrets any of his crimes or bad decisions ? or is it just 'oh well" 

- when did he get his hors !! i hope he takes could care of her :) 

- it's nice to see all his inspos laid out! it really helps gauge the character as well just giving a nice reference! :3 

- DOES Mildred ever catch on that he likes her ? his fear is totally justified and admirable though! 

- does he clean up his targets once he's done practicing or naur? 

- Does he ?? ever take off the eyepatch ?? Or has he grown so used to wearing it that he like . it feels weird taking it off ? 

- overall cool guy ! forum game icon, very much a cool dude !! certified cool dude 

if pal doesn't interest you check her wife

Kannon Elkof MarcieMai

• First, I love TV heads (/screen heads I guess?? Just characters with screens as faces) so much omg - and the colour palette is so cool :00 I love the blues and purples and how well they work together, gives it that futuristic vibe its cool

• Actual girlboss I love her, from the about section, it seems like she's one of those characters where it depends on the pov whether she's evil or not - like humans would think she's a big villain but if she's made a successful society for robots then they'd see her as a heroic leader so I think that's interesting to think about

• omg a bit way reading through the background info, the story reminds me of The Mitchells Vs The Machines but like 10x better lmao - love the idea that she's just completely bored after killing the whole human population, I love violent characters

• Wait just read the tags, it is based of mtvstm lmao I thought they were kinda similar, I think it's so cool how you've adapted the story, you can see the similarities, but it's not just a carbon copy - yk what I mean? Like, my initial thought was just "this is kinda similar!" And not thinking they're the exact same - so that's pretty sick!!! :D

• Aaaa ik this isn't really about Pal, but her wife looks so sweet <33

• Pal carrying a photo around of Bucket is so cute what😭 I want what they have

• There's either one of two ways the shoulder pads impaling thing works, either she picks someone up and stabs them onto it like a kebab, or she lines herself up and falls sideways on someone - honestly it's probably the first, but I think the second one's funny to think about

• No way romance novel fan I actually love that so much😭💕 she may be evil, she may enjoy killing people, but she's so sweet I love her

• We love war criminal girlbosses!!!! Actually in love with her


@np I pray for your sanity, there's a lot of writing on Kannon's profile😭😭

Akari Cobra421

Claim! I'll edit when I'm done reading (I love reading)

  • Status: Dead. Yo, same. Me when the loud noises.
  • Kinda sad that he can't form emotional connections with people :( I really wish he was able to.
  • Also murder isn't ok, but he's a silly man so i'll allow it
  • Oh no he's good at lying :(
  • spoiled baby man
  • Oh, his sister took everything he wanted. Dang.
  • Mans just wanted to par-tay
  • Be gay commit arson
  • Is it bad that i want to hug him
  • I wish he was a better guy. Like, he has such power, and he only used it for his own gain. But i love the trope of "evil royalty", so kudos to you :).
  • Overall, I loved this character. Please keep it up, and have a nice day! (and give him a hug for me)