Random thoughts on the OC above [HIGH EFFORT]

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by kirchhoff

I got Zinkyzor’s blessing to remake their random thoughts on the OC above game, except with a higher effort requirement!

This is meant for more in-depth thoughts on others’ characters. If you’d just like some quick fun, go visit the thread without the effort requirement.


1. THIS IS A HIGH EFFORT THREAD. Try to go for 5 thoughts AT LEAST! Of course, more is always welcome, but try not to go for any less, especially if the person above you wrote a lot. Try to match the user above’s effort!

2. Avoid simple lines without elaboration— “nice design” doesn’t work for this thread, but “I like this design because X Y and Z” works better. If you’d like to add a few basic thoughts, please have them with higher-effort thoughts! Just a whole bunch of basic lines won’t work— quality over quantity. Reading the profile is required— simply making comments on art or design is NOT enough.

3. As for what the thoughts are, pretty much anything goes. Headcanons, what this character reminds you of, questions you may have, songs you think they’d like… etc.

4. No sexual NSFW. Gory stuff is fine BEHIND A SPOILER— and only if the other user has stated they’re fine with it/it’s just a gory character to begin with.

5. No need to write essays. This is just for thoughts that go into more complex detail, but it doesn’t need to be super duper thoughtful!

6. Cooldown is 2 people. [You] [X] [Y] [You]

7. If you make a claim, please fill it in 12 hours.

8. Once again, this is a HIGH EFFORT THREAD. You may play on the thread without the effort requirement if you aren’t sure you can give out the proper time and care for the user above’s character, but please respect the regulations here.

Of course, feel free to DM me at any time with any concerns about this thread. I'll do my best to moderate it, but I'm not always active on forums.

Evan Hart merf
  • as a fan of men with questionable morals i'm holding nikita gently in my hands actually. i think hes very neat
  • when i saw his voice claim i kinda just nodded in understanding??? like i'm Very behind on genshin (i don't think i've even finished the chasm quest yet) and i've done my best to avoid as much as i can ??? so even wo having heard dottore's canon voice i can assume that it works really well for nikita
  • also staring at him being a 6'5 vampire. i don't have many coherent thoughts on that i just think it's neat
  • as for personality ?????? deceptive and cunning characters my beloved <3 <3 <3 i'm always really fond of characters who at a glance are super trustworthy and seem like they have everyone's best interests in mind?? like they seem like the kind of person you could go to for help w anything and they'd try their best (and even if they're not actually particularly helpful or easily approachable as long as they're not outwardly suspicious and hostile they'll fit into this category in my mind) but when you look closer they're very much not. there's just smth about characters like that that always pique my interest
  • SOMEONE STABBED HIM AND LEFT HIM FOR DEAD IN THE WOODS ?????? OVER HIM BEING A LITTLE OBNOXIOUS ABOUT HIS MUSICAL ABILITIES ?????? i knew that music is a competitive industry but this is too much orz /j
  • i was gonna comment about him losing his parents at a young age but man. genuinely lost my train of thought over that poor guy </3
  • anyway gotta love it when characters take the name of their long dead kind of a deadbeat uncle after almost dying good for him <3
  • oh he's a deadbeat himself orz
  • i read through his relationships quickly and man . he really only has like two people who like him and one of them is kinda very . as you mentioned in the little explanation it's kinda toxic. poor guy really needs to get some more friends 
  • also !! i saw at the beginning of his bio you mentioned he's the antagonist for a story of yours :0 i'd be super interested in reading it whenever/if you ever post it anywhere ^^

quick note that everything is kinda really old and needs to be rewritten :')

also evan has a few more hidden tabs !
i don't think they're very necessary since almost all of them are just more personal rambling ???? but if you want access to them for this i can either give you the keys or authorize you :0 !

MARK kirchhoff
  • but he's so much more than a flirt 😭
  • his piercings are clip-ons, not actually pierced? can't even commit to his accessories damn okay i see
    • I;M I;M so sorry i couldnt pass up the chance to crack a dumbass joke I DONT MEAN IT LMAO
  • might derail a little but i was just reminded; i do not like parties either my guy. so loud. so many people. and you only really like maybe what like two of them max? rest are just taking up space :(
  • evan my boy. im so sorry. you deserve better than your dad
  • huge props to his brother for literally raising a kid at 13 though wtf. i thought i had it rough as an older sibling when i was 13 (had to cook for my siblings once. now that im older though i think being the eldest is kind of the shit)
  • will his cooking kill me ?
  • also i have experienced the whole "though he may lie about his romantic feelings often, his care is always genuine" thing like. Once before. extra sucks because you know that person is going to be very hurt when they find out you do not actually love them but it's just the easiest lie to tell
  • would he be interested in psychology? liking literature and being good with language helps with that, i think
  • "my siblings are my best friends" people unite. they're the people who have no choice but to love you LMAO. friends forever yaaaay
  • i can just imagine him telling people he can dance and then they ask him to dance. and then they put on some classical. and then he loses his shit
  • read music and got excited. then saw he doesn't like the piano 😭😭 very sad day i cannot get along with him
  • did his father ever hear about the situation of evan ?
  • yes yes dogs are very nice. i think i wanted a german shepherd at some point
  • also the name evan reminds me of a certain funny thing but i cannot remember what it is :(


NP: i’d appreciate if you checked out the “full profile” tab since i’ve spent a long time working on it! this isn’t a must though, but please at least read the “extensive profile” if you don’t want to go through the full profile.

naur he cant do that with his organs lol. no regrowing for him. only reattach

Fisk Fontana Yamroll

^^ damn too bad- wouldve been cool if he could like, donate organs whenever he wanted to and just regrow them LMAO 


- Honestly the whole idea of him being "nauseatingly beautiful" is pretty interesting, most chars that i see like that have like 16936194776 love interests lol

- Yoo the both of us have the same mbti (but im terrible at math)

- "Strangely optimistic" this makes me think he got shot once and thought of it as nothing more than a scratch whdjwbfmnedk

- Scary how hes basically unkillable, bro could probably survive getting nuked. Makes me glad he isnt some evil guy who wants to kill everyone cos he could probably take down a whole city if he wanted to 😭

- ik this is a high effort thread but i'll say it anyways: fellow men kisser 🤝🤝🤝

- Honestly as much as i hate to admit it im just as bad at comforting ppl as mark 😭

- Dang, i feel really bad for him. Imagine trying your best to understand people and they just bully you in return- I'd probably beat them up lol but heres Mark being the gentle lil guy he is

- Ok i honestly adore how well written his profile is, like i wish i could write that much THAT WELL but most of the time i barely have any time and i cant write things down the way i want to 

- Yk if you think about it, he could be a great help to hospitals if he wanted to. Like he can regrow his organs and donate his blood to anyone- 

- NAUR I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO HUNT HIS OWN FOOD- On a side note, how good are his barbeque skills? 

- Nice detail of him sticking to monochromatic food lol

- Lmao when i read he wakes up at 7am sharp i just imagined him opening his eyes just exactly as the second hand reaches 12

- noooo mark smoking is bad for you. Then again he could probably replace his lungs so like- smoke as much as you want i guess 😭

-  ok but i find it funny how some parts of his profile sorta narrate him and his actions like some kids show- like "No mark, dont tell innapropriate jokes to the waiter! 😊" "No mark, put away the gun! 😞" I also read it in a british lady's voice for some reason

- Might write more later 👀

np: fisk has a lil easter egg on her profile with more info, so if you wanna check it out, click the "authorised access" pagedoll to find out more :00 not a must but i'd still appreciate it :] 


My girl needs her paycheck, imagine evading the authorities and all they give you is $200 😔


Abbey Kamstel ZeCrazyAngel
  • I always enjoyed how you did your code layouts, seriously XD I love the plane theme
  • I just clicked on the authorized access thing and absolutely love how it works! I'll check if theirs other stuff on the profile first, though XD
  • Man I feel them on pushy employers, they suck!
  • "Outside of work (or all the time really...) Fisk enjoys having fun, and takes joy in seeing other people's happiness." Awh I love how she enjoys making people happy <3 Sounds like a sweet heart!
  • I was checking her voice and I love how they put the god damn mii channel music xD Also love her voice!
  • "Come here my portable friends" hee hee
  • For some reason, just because I had Kjaya watch spongebob with another oc in the forum games, I can just imagine her briefly mentioning spongebob and all of a sudden it's just your character rambling about how the new cartoon sucks and the older was better for hours and Kjaya is just there like, uhuh, uhuh, but like, she still loves the newer stuff XD She just wouldn't know how to pull out of this situation.
  • "The tail of her anemone terror is translucent, and the organs can be seen." Dude, that's actually kinda cool!
  • "She doesn't like skirts though" It's ok, I also don't like skirts.
  • Dude, Sammy and Shelley are so cute XD
  • I absolutely love your art style, you got a pretty art style!
  • Bruuuuh, so much for being trusted by your collegues!
  • BRUUUH, I love how you can click on buttons and it makes some parts disappears. Ahem. Neat code.
  • "Agile and fast. Known to have outrun (and outsmarted) an entire security team in one of her missions. Though it is preffered that she stay incognito. [Note to self: Please talk to her about this]' Girl be a tricky one!
  • "Rather good at concealing her identity despite her methods of "making an entrance"" LMFAO, I'D LOVE TO SEE THAT
  • "it couldn't hurt to take away a couple of other employees paychecks..." I mean, of course we want to be well paid but come on! XD
  • Seriously, I love that character and I especially love that second code! Might use it on an oc, it's way too neat!

I was a hair dresser at some point and depending on how you got your hair bleached, theirs factors to take into consideration before bleaching hair. If you already had other chemicals that can be bad, if you did it on your own you may have left it out for too long or put too much or something might've been done incorrectly.

What I always suggest is to rather go see a professional to bleach your hair and be honest with what you had in your hair even if it's been a year or more, sometime theirs still traces of things. Like you can't do a perm and bleach, that is going to destroy your hair. But their are things that can be done, lighter colors from a few tones without using bleach. Either way, if one day you wish to try again you could check with a professional to check the state of your hair and check the state of them and check if it's doable. If you have coarse hair, you might want to check with someone who has experience on that. My customers were all caucasians, I didn't get to explore POC hair that can sometime be more coarse or harder to bleach.Theirs hair treatments that can be done too, softer bleaches, etc.

Tarus ArtisticTiger


Edit: Thanks for the hair advice. Very helpful :3

-Hey I have a friend that’s named Abby too! Of course they’re two very different people. But I think they’d get along kinda if they met.

-I wish I could pull off duel colored hair like Abby. Unfortunately bleach destroys my hair alone so I can’t really dye it.

-Also her hair kinda reminds me of one of our old family dogs. He had the same two colors, light brown and black.

-First hell vampries then Vitae vampires. Dang she really brings all the vampire species to the yard huh.

-Since Abby is a vampire I’m guessing she likes a very specific type of sushi. She Probably likes very freshly raw sushi dribbled with blood.

-Man she’s taller than me Aw no fair! 

-I don’t usually think of a vampire having wings. Hell vampires and Vitae vampires sound pretty cool.

-where’d the zombies come from lol

Romeo Day dazey-the-goat

claim! been a while since i did these so let’s gooooo
- tarus is a name i’ve haven’t heard of yet, we’re of with an interesting start :O
- okay so he’s a monster, but the contents in his bio is surprisingly more wholesome than i’d thought it’ll be?/pos like, okay maybe his backstory isn’t all sunny, but his personality is!
- like i’d expected something a bit more sinister or chaotic [even just a tiny but of it] at first when clicking this, but it turns out he’s actually a polite, gentle and empathic character, which honestly that’s just sweet :]
- and he plays the piano! i don’t see many characters that play the piano around toyhouse, so i just think that’s really cool
- he likes seafood and i agree.
- hot temperatures suck tho >:(
- another interesting thing i found is that it was mentioned how his pale skin makes him more prone to skin cancer and severe burns. i don’t usually seen any mentions on health concerns like that when it comes to non-human characters [or most ocs in general]!
- aww it’s sweet he’s looks for a lifelong partner [again, it’s probably just me but i don’t remember seeing many ocs that has wished for lifelong partners], and i’m so glad he found it! i skimmed through adrina’s profile and she seems noice so far 👀
- i just realized that was goop the whole time and not hair help skxkksks-
- but it works as hair does it counts lol
- and turns out the goop can heal/aid as well! the tidbit about it was quite detailed, but cool nevertheless :O
- i found that him helping his parents during their grief very nice, but i’m curious, what about his own grief? was he close to his sister as well? or he wasn’t so attached?
- man i love the items in his wardrobe just yeaaaaaaaaa
- overall a sweet character and gentleman, and i love that! [i mayhaps might also have a soft spot for wholesome characters in general xkskxkxksk]

you brought some interesting questions, which i don’t get alot so thank you so much! here’s some answers :D:
- he was a farmer mostly to fill in a role i had orginally hhh [a farm manager on some farm the main characters works in], and yeah he wasn’t suppose to be much of a character even. but i got attached to him and developed him alot more now haha
- i already have his flaws stated mainly on paragraph 2! but in a summary: he’s self-critical and a perfectionist supposedly, who’s has high standards for himself that are too high and fears dissaproval, mainly from others. he’s also prone to self-blame, and sometimes pushes/overworks himself too hard, to the point of forgetting to take care of himself as well. he’s worked on it now luckily, so he’s kinda doing better. :]
- i don’t think he has a preference necessarily, any weather feels the same according to romeo! even tho seasons would pretty much affect his work anyway [there’s still always work in the farm even in winter tho, like winter crops and animals]. but he’d probably the kind of weather that won’t negatively affect the farm y’know [especially extreme weather] :]
- definitely farm, while he doesn’t mind cities too much he’d probably find it overwhelming if he’s in there for too long

This user's account has been closed.
This post has been removed.
 Xarxus Sakjutarést Rilameth

(The post immediately above me is 'removed,' so responding to the next one up.)

  • The "old sport" thing is highly amusing to me, it reminds me of some British dialects - also makes me feel like she may be British or have a British accent.
  • I can see her having accidentally woken up the neighbours on occasion, just from forgetting that it's nighttime and then being her usual loud self.
  • "Smells like bananas" - I have this mental image of her bathing herself with banana-scented shampoos, and using banana-scented perfume. Does she really like bananas, or is it just coincidence? (Or both?)
  • It's been a long time (close to a decade) since I last saw anyone mention The Great Gatsby. Would Wynona also mix silver with gold for her clothes and accessories if she could? What sort of parties does she attend?
  • I like the way her tail is drawn - it's so fluffy~ What breed is she? What kind of clothing does she prefer? Does she like silk, cotton, wool, or some other fabric more than others?
  • The name "Wynona" means "first-born daughter" - does she have any family? What was her life like when she was growing up?

  • His first name, I originally pulled from a random generator, but have been working on a language it'd've lore-wise come from (currently, the definition I've tentatively settled on is "leader of warriors," though "warrior's honour" and "valour in war" are contenders). Zar's surname is from a constructed language of mine, and means "blood fang."
  • The fight between him and his instincts is usually more of an undertone - it was much worse when he was a child, something he got a lot better at with age, and now is something he mostly keeps repressed. It does still crop up at times when specific triggers occur - such as encountering other planetouched (especially other tieflings, as hierarchies are something their instincts scream at them about). Xarxus does feel the occasional drive to do something objectively evil (for instance, actual cruelty), but reacts to that drive with revulsion - a reaction that originally did not come naturally to him, and was something he kind of mentally trained himself into. He's also gotten pretty good at redirecting his thoughts, so people usually don't even notice when he's having issues (unless the pride thing gets triggered - tiefling pride is a major thing, and even Xarxus can't entirely tramp it down).
  • Xarxus more enjoys eating food than cooking it (he's got a very fast metabolism, so he needs more than a human of his weight and activity level would), though he's happy enough to help out in any way he can (he'll also volunteer to do the dishes). For cooking skills, however, he's nothing special for most of his early story (only really having experience with making military rations palatable over a campfire), up until a new friend he gets starts teaching him more of how it works.
  • The Spheres of Power are a major driving part of the plot of Against All Odds (a WIP series I am working on with a co-creator). They are extremely dangerous - if all are created and gathered together at the right spot, they are capable of destroying not only the planet, but completely wrecking both magic and the very laws of physics themselves for numerous other worlds too.
  • His social ability wasn't even something I planned, he just ended up turning out that way in writing and RP.
  • The glow of Xarxus' eyes actually just makes him colourblind to that very specific shade of red - his eyes filter it out so that he can see accurate colour past it. It doesn't do anything for his ability to see in the dark, though he has good low-light vision and can see in infrared.
  • The tattoo on his right wrist (his right, our left) is his family heraldry, which gets tattooed on every child born to his family's bloodline. It's a cultural tradition for the nobility of Shakia. The tattoos on his left wrist (his left, our right) are military tattoos - they denote what physical weaponry (swords/bows/etc.) he is trained in and if he is trained to wear/use armour (he is), while the gem-and-staff one denotes that he is a mage (specifically, one that specializes in magic based on kinetic force) - the colour of the diamond is the colour his magic appears in (magic colours are personality-based for mages from his world).
  • The Infinity Bag doesn't have truly infinite space (the name is a bit of a misnomer), but the only size limit is its capacity limit - though it can take some finagling to get a particularly large item into it. Capacity limit is currently undecided - my co-creator and I have been going back and forth on that one (Xarxus belongs to me, but the universe he lives in is a joint project).
  • Ty~ ^.^ And thanks for all the questions, lol. Xarxus does have a tendency to just...draw people to him, and I have no idea how I manage to write him like that.
MICHAEL kirchhoff

(removed post was me lol, just had to do moderation stuff but it was resolved so i deleted it)

  • he has an interesting name. is it tied to some sort of naming convention? what does it mean?
  • man so determined he refuses to die lol
  • he seems like a genuinely good person and someone who enjoys being good; how intense is the fight between his character and his heritage as a tiefling? does he ever get the urge to do a little evil or is it more of an undercurrent that he is bothered by?
  • he likes food, is he more of an eater or a cook? cooking a meal to provide for others seems like something he'd do, but cooking can be a challenging skill
  • how dangerous are the spheres of power?
  • being able to form close bonds with people is a good skill, envious of him a bit ngl >:( LOL
  • might be a bit of a silly question but do his glowing eyes help him see in the dark...
  • noticed some cool-looking tattoos near his wrists! are they tied to his magic or otherwise carry significance?
  • assuming the infinity bag is a bag that doesn't run out of storage space, is there an upper limit to the sizes of things it can carry? like will some things just not fit into the bag's opening at all?
  • i like him so much. for being literal hellspawn he is anything but LMAO
Acai Fallen-Down

Here you go ^^

  • Karoline is an interesting name, really unique though [in my opinion] and that's cool.
  • I live for the aesthetic the Rabbits Burrow puts out, sounds like a good place to read a book or something
  • "In any case, Karoline's dead and the shop doesn't exist" Betrayal. This line made me laugh though, I wonder what the story is behind this character even more now.
  • I like the slow build to the rebellion [that might be the wrong word there] against the corrupt politician. The way Karoline spread information was really clever and I like the addition of him being an artist and drawing caricatures [Political cartoons hit hard and are a great way to spread information in my opinion]
  • This character sounds super clever, but he also has character flaws that make him more realistic
  • Looking at his design I like his clothes, they give him a studious vibe that fits with the surroundings described in his bio [the cafe attracting higher-minded folks]
  • Overall he has a really nice silhouette, it's relatively distinguishable from other characters and provides a lot of interest without being over-crowded

Thank you so much for your response. Acai was names after acai berries, which probably could be made into syrup so you might be right

I can imagine him taking apart mechanical pencils like that although he might loose a few parts here and there haha

I never even thought about movies yes oml that would be him haha

This post has been removed.
Kon Yamroll

claim SoullessArtOfficial sorry if i might take a while!

  • Thats a really interesting name! I dont see it much, and for whatever reason it reminds me of a syrup or smth? Idk i forgot the name of the syrup but they sound similar 😭
  • Aaa cis female with he/him pronouns 👀👍
  • I like the shades of blue and white on their fur, gives them a sorta ocean-y vibe? :00
  • Makes sense he's constantly on the search for new running shoes, imagine how fast they break if hes part of a track team 😭
  • Running in rain is absolute hell, like your feet sink and you keep slipping afdggfdasf
  • SAHGHDS THE QUOTES- really shows his personality well! He sounds so fun and goofy to hang out with ffgdajhgfd
  • "assumes everything costs less than it usually does, because he was always able to afford general neccesities and rarely payed for anything like that for himself until he went to college." the pain of growing up and realising how expensive everything can be 
  • Ooh, didnt expect him to study for engineering! He sounds like he'd do a good job at it though, being all hardworking and stuff. 
  • ok we would relate to each other sm? Like the whole sugar-coating thing, and forgetting to take care of himself. EVEN HATING CONFRONTATION. 😭
  • I feel bad for him, hes really trying his best but he isnt good at sustaining relationships :(
  • Kind jock trope, i like 👍
  • "Taking things apart ond repairing them or improving them in some way" Have they ever taken apart a mechanical pencil and put it back together
  • Actually thinking about it they probably  do that all the time
  • Aw, the over-empathising audihaxj- Does he ever cry over like, movies and stuff? He sounds like someone who'd do that wihsihais
  • I think its sweet that they wanna make their loved ones happy!
  • I find it quite ironic that they take part in (and enjoy) an activity that could possibly get them injured, yet have a fear of geting injured and going to the doctor
Ashka starstruck_critter

. kon is a really nice name oml :o short and sweet, nice nice

. oh they are part of an original species oml! that is very interesting!! and the species lore is also pretty good!! honestly i love when people mix hell and religious things with more modern stuff such as corporations and markets, love that love that,,

. and from what i understood from the species lore, kon fits a really interesting role,, a higher up in sheol sounds extremely interesting for a character!! i would love to find out how kon became a higher up, was it via the kings game or something even more gruesome? :eyes:

. also i LOVE the double face thing they have going on, holy shit, i love characters like that. cheerful and gentle but still killed countless people without a second thought, sign me in baybeee!! everything for work... god i love that, sooo interesting

. i bet they use pet names for everyone too,, like just saying hi sweetie smile to every passerby while they are covered in fucking blood lmaoo

. also im pretty curious about what "their time in sheol" entails,, maybe its just me not having understood a part of the lore but im pretty intrigued on why they would kill humans too and not just mytmis..

. damn u got me googling what konpeitos are and now u got me hungry aswell, they look sooo good,,, i love that they are part of their name too,,, i wonder if kon just sometimes starts licking their tail just because its so tasty lmao (they do seem like the type to adore sweets after all)

. oh there it is, they only eat sweet foods, nice! i am also curious as to why they hide their employee of the month awards,, they do seem to be very attached to their job afterall, but again, this might just be because of necessity and not outright liking of the job (i dont think killing could be very enjoyable after all lmao),, if that is so, that is very interesting,,, i would love to hear more about their relationship with their boss and job as a whole

. now last but not least, their design oml!!! im honestly in LOVE with it, i love how well the colors go together,, blacks and pastels are some of my favorite combinations ever,, and the konpeito thing is such an original little detail!! i would never have expected to see a character with sweets as horns and tail but there it is! and its AMAZING!!!

. oh!! that question is answered in the history section of her profile ;] but for a summary they basically got this curse because they wanted to steal an artifact that was capable of reviving their recently deceased lover,, it all went to shit and that is how he ended being a sphinx,, he did the artifact tho, at least

. she does have a pretty deep voice yes!! i dont know about booming, she wants to stay of out sight as much as possible after all,, but he can strike fear is he wants too!! 

. well, it is mostly because of him traveling, but he also cut connections himself due to being ashamed of his actions,, she also didn't have many friends and family to begin with (her parents were pretty much at the verge of death, her siblings were out doing their own stuff and her distant family wasn't too close to her + her friends were mostly friends of lylac, her lover, and she fucking died lmao),, so losing them wasn't too hard. there is also some prejudice against people with fullbody magic transformations such as her, since they were mostly the result of a pretty high magic usage which meant having to do some pretty gruesome things, such as sacrifices and shit,,

. oh, she is not too happy with it at ALL and she constantly dreams of going back to the old life she had

💚🧡🧪CONWELL🧬💚 Zinkyzor

- oh, im seripusly curious about what she wandered into for such a consequense. I could not find many specifics pertaining what got her into this mess, however, i remain curious.

- i feel as if she has a deep booming voice. One that sends a line of awe stricken power into its listeners, one that instills fear. Which i think is rather cool. 

- her family left?? Due to the accident?? I dont see why. Constantly traveling is one thing, yes, but being a spinx makes me wonder why theres such a distaste coming from relatives.

- what does she think about her new life?? Is she scared?? Excited?? Is it preferencial to the old life she had?? Or would her old life be preffered to this new one?? Im genuinly curious to know.

- i must say, in the more humanoid art, i really enjoy the lip-teeth! Its a very cute addition to an overall elegant design