What Would Your OC Tell Their Younger Self

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

It isn't an uncommon thought to think back and wonder what you would tell yourself knowing what you know now. Everything from simply saying what the lottery numbers would be or what stocks to pick up to life advice such as things you wish someone told you when you were younger or something to easy a rough time in one's life. So wouldn't it stand to reason that your characters might feel the same way? That they may, in some way, wish to have the means to speak to themselves in the past. Of course some might literally have that ability, I'm not here to judge, this is more for the ones that can't but wish they could. In this thread I am asking you to look back throuh your OCs eyes and get a good look at their past. How they grew up. The things they wished someone told them or things they would want their youngerself to know from them directly. Essentially I'm asking you the simply question of "What would your OC tell their younger self?".

Before posting please keep in mind that this thread, due to it's nature, might contain possibly emotionally strong or triggering moments as well as allusions to potentially sensitive. As such, if you are made uncomfortable by certain topics and you see blacked out text? I suggest not looking through them at will. That said? While this thread is meant to be as sort of a source of thoughtful character self-introspection? Please keep in mind that it is an all ages thread. This thread is not listed as mature because not every single thing needs to be something potentially upsetting. Other things such as the afformentioned lottery numbers to a character simply wanting to tell their youngerself to have a good day have just as much a place as anything else. As such. If you are posting a comment that could be potentially upsetting to other readers? Please observer the following rules.

  1. Any sensitive text must be blacked out as such. Example text
  2. Not explicit or graphic mentions can be made in regards to the text. For example, Your character saying they want to kill someone is fine. Your character talking in vivid gory detail about said murder is not. Practice common sense and acknowledge that certain topics are sensitive and could risk the mental well-being of others if you do the above. 
  3. Keep things PG-13 at worst. Alongside the above? NSFW topics are not permitted. This isn't a mature thread. Watch what you post. 

Violation of these rules in particular will result in a warning on a first offense and a ban on the second

Along with that please keep in mind these additional rules just to make the experience more fun for everyone

1. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.

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Person A posts
Person A posts
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Person A posts

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 011 Varyag Ledokol

"Don't be so overly concerning only about yourself, you lucky bastard. Worry about Slava. You left him without realizing all the bad stuffs you imagined would befall on yourself instead happened to him."

cassandra donahue melchior

"You're going to meet some.. questionable people. Some are going to change the way you see things, no matter how hard you try to brush them off. I don't know if you've noticed this about yourself, but you're far too arrogant for your own good - you're always looking at the end result, paying no attention to the consequences or the procedure.. sooner or later, it all comes back to bite you and you'll end up in trouble. Deep trouble. And you'll hate yourself for it, you'll run away, maybe even try to take your own life one too many times for you to come back in one piece. You'll do a lot of stupid stuff, and it'll alter your perception. You need to think about things more before you do them; 9 times out of 10, they'll end up a mess. Lastly, I suggest you touch up on your Cyrillic - you're going to need it."

Julia Wright/Henry Newman Cliodna

"Good job girl. Keep honing that emotional control and bodylanguage. Soon enough even you yourself won't be able to tell what gender you are without checking and it'll feel like the greatest accomplishment.

PS: If you ever meet this gal named Jane Parker don't let her out of your sight or she'll disappear forever. You'll know what I mean when the time comes."

 Asumi Koroquinn

"Stick guns in your shoes. Pockets, jacket, slacks- line them with knives. The bobby pins in your hair? Deadly. Make your body a living weapon. Carry at least three swords with you- no, make that four. Four swords. Swallow a knife. Swallow a gun. Actually- don't do that. Carry them. Run into battle with more guns than you can carry. Overwhelm your enemy with guns. Don't shoot anyone. When the time is right- bury your foes in your amazing weapon stash."

🔪 alan Shiemi

"Stop being a little bitch."

uh... but with fancier words.. probably..

For c$ Accela

"You are a literal fucking idiot."

This post has been removed.
Taro Watanabe (渡辺 立楼) (Human AU) Milkweed

"This isn't anywhere near as good as it's going to get. Happiness will come for you -- although, yeah, it's going to come in the form of a violent yakuza leader who will take you under his wing for reasons known only to him and enlist you to traffic massive quantities of heroin. Life's funny like that. 

"Also, while I'm here, eat as many chicken nuggets as you can. Just stuff 'em into your mouth whenever possible. Slather them in plum sauce. Takoyaki, too. Get some of that. Street squid? Eat some street squid. I realize you have absolutely no access to food and that's a major problem in your life, but make it happen anyway. Rob a McDonalds if you have to." 

Chika Naldran

"Stop hiding behind your laptop.. tell him about your feelings you will make him happy and he will help you to get away from you problems. Make sure he didn't get hurt from shyla tell him you love him before she does it!" 

 olive littlebirby

"Tiny me! Ok, listen, you're gonna meet some strange people. Your classmates are going to think you're crazy for wanting to hang out with them. That's ok. You don't need to stay up hours fearing that everyone you know will be gone the next day. Also, that weird girl who never takes off her hoodie? Cherish her. Seriously. She's your sister, kind of. Also, another person, kid with red hair and pretty blue eyes - you're gonna love him, keep an eye out. Also, you're going to become the World's Best Rambler. It's awesome, really."

Xaanik Aarix

"Ah, little Zâni-el... 

Don't break yourself to make other people happy. You're more than what your nature dictates. Do not listen to Lord Vunekt when he says he knows what's best for you. Do not listen to Archmage Kellen when he tells you what to do. Do not bow to Felony, or to anyone else. They will say that they love you, but often they do not have your best interests at heart. 

I know you think it doesn't matter, but it does. I know it's hard without that connection to our Goddess. That void might threaten to destroy you, even. But one day you'll learn to become an individual and think for yourself. When that time comes, you'll regret ever subjugating yourself to other people.

You starve for that command, yes. I can't tell you it gets easier --it doesn't. You might not ever be glad to live, but live you must. The world will need you. You'll find purpose in that duty, at least.

--Also, you'd do well to develop a sense of humor. Trust me, humans are into that sorta thing for a reason."

 Lucifer Aarix

"Sick headshot brah! Keep grinding these noobs into bloody paste in both CoD and meatspace 'till everyone fears your name. I know you can do it 'cause you're me and let's face it I'M HOT SHiT - - then again, that's hardly gonna be news to you."

 Sidor Sukhoi Ledokol

'There is no need to pay your boss that much respect because gradually you'll realize he doesn't deserve it. What he actually deserves is a kick on the shin and constant nagging so that he'll cut down his slacking. And I'm warning you...watch out for his prank to get you into the sea. Your crazy boss has this insane idea that aircraft serving with the Naval Aviation should be able to swim...

Oh, and it's best to be nice to your helicopter buddy as soonest as you can start. He's your life saver and I mean it literally. 

Also, learn the geography of the European part of your country, dip sh*t."

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Aethea kirakiraprince

"You're gonna make one of the biggest mistakes of your life one day. But also make a good mistake. You'll be destroyed. Terrified of everything and overthink all of the mistakes you've made. But don't fret. You'll gain an ally. One might even call him a friend. But he will work with you. He will help you when needed, but you must help him in an important way first. He'll see you as someone worth protecting. Never fight alone. Never tell him you want to fight solo, as he will have your back in a fight."