What Would Your OC Tell Their Younger Self

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

It isn't an uncommon thought to think back and wonder what you would tell yourself knowing what you know now. Everything from simply saying what the lottery numbers would be or what stocks to pick up to life advice such as things you wish someone told you when you were younger or something to easy a rough time in one's life. So wouldn't it stand to reason that your characters might feel the same way? That they may, in some way, wish to have the means to speak to themselves in the past. Of course some might literally have that ability, I'm not here to judge, this is more for the ones that can't but wish they could. In this thread I am asking you to look back throuh your OCs eyes and get a good look at their past. How they grew up. The things they wished someone told them or things they would want their youngerself to know from them directly. Essentially I'm asking you the simply question of "What would your OC tell their younger self?".

Before posting please keep in mind that this thread, due to it's nature, might contain possibly emotionally strong or triggering moments as well as allusions to potentially sensitive. As such, if you are made uncomfortable by certain topics and you see blacked out text? I suggest not looking through them at will. That said? While this thread is meant to be as sort of a source of thoughtful character self-introspection? Please keep in mind that it is an all ages thread. This thread is not listed as mature because not every single thing needs to be something potentially upsetting. Other things such as the afformentioned lottery numbers to a character simply wanting to tell their youngerself to have a good day have just as much a place as anything else. As such. If you are posting a comment that could be potentially upsetting to other readers? Please observer the following rules.

  1. Any sensitive text must be blacked out as such. Example text
  2. Not explicit or graphic mentions can be made in regards to the text. For example, Your character saying they want to kill someone is fine. Your character talking in vivid gory detail about said murder is not. Practice common sense and acknowledge that certain topics are sensitive and could risk the mental well-being of others if you do the above. 
  3. Keep things PG-13 at worst. Alongside the above? NSFW topics are not permitted. This isn't a mature thread. Watch what you post. 

Violation of these rules in particular will result in a warning on a first offense and a ban on the second

Along with that please keep in mind these additional rules just to make the experience more fun for everyone

1. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.

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Person A posts
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 Antheia Papes

"OHOHOHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAN. KID, YOU'RE GONNA BE A HECKIN MEME and you can't really avoid the memes either. Also, your friend Kero is still her same scatterbrainef self. Protect her, you two will be besties and it's great."

 Chel unused-account

"Try to keep that spark alive as long as possible. You'll miss that energy and happiness someday."

This user's account has been closed.
Kim 'Kimiko' Madison YunaNoire

"Don't give up. Everything will be daijobu! I can't say Mom and Dad will be proud of you from the get go... but don't let go of those dreams you have, no matter how impossible they may seem at times! And never be afraid to be who you wanna be! Be whatever you want to be ok? People might think you're a little odd... but a lot more will love you for just being you! And have as much fun as you like too! Don't let people judge you for that either! Things won't ever be easy for you, but they will get better!"

Feng Wu Pahoehoe Bum_Bear

"Yo. You made the right decision. You aren't dad so I am happy that you,we chose music over tea. Stop worryin' about it."

Tara Ahearn Lonestarcelt

"Tell her how you feel. She won't judge you. Tell her." 

Lavender Pearl unused-account

"Run. Run as fast as your legs can carry you. She doesn't love you. She'll toss you aside like trash. There are gems who will accept you out there. Just run."

This user's account has been closed.
Akiko jetsetspy

"It'll be difficult but try not to feel guilty over the things you'll do in the future. It wasn't your fault."

Higgy Nardin bulgariansumo

"Do us both a favor and stop embarassing yourself, you spoiled brat."

Dr. Rube and Munster Melon Azrael

"You might feel lonely..but, just know that it won't last forever. You can do it, just have faith."

Carrtier Jacobson Lonestarcelt

"The lotto numbers are 12, 46, 8, 3, 7, 26. Use them."

This user is not visible to guests.

"Don't trust Auntie. Don't follow her blindly. If she does something weird, speak up. Tell Mum and Dad. Just don't let her do what she wants..."

 Yvalhaell Aurhovala Papes

"Nothing you do could possibly prepare you for what will happen after you turn 18... I've thought if maybe I didn't go out that night I wouldn't have been... but sometimes I wonder if it's as simple as that. If it wouldn't have happened some other way anyway... other than that, some time after you escape... you'll come across someone. He may not look it, but he's going to make such a positive difference in your life, and you'll be absolutely smitten. Having someone you care for so much you want to hold on to and protect them... it's a wonderful thing."