What Would Your OC Tell Their Younger Self

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

It isn't an uncommon thought to think back and wonder what you would tell yourself knowing what you know now. Everything from simply saying what the lottery numbers would be or what stocks to pick up to life advice such as things you wish someone told you when you were younger or something to easy a rough time in one's life. So wouldn't it stand to reason that your characters might feel the same way? That they may, in some way, wish to have the means to speak to themselves in the past. Of course some might literally have that ability, I'm not here to judge, this is more for the ones that can't but wish they could. In this thread I am asking you to look back throuh your OCs eyes and get a good look at their past. How they grew up. The things they wished someone told them or things they would want their youngerself to know from them directly. Essentially I'm asking you the simply question of "What would your OC tell their younger self?".

Before posting please keep in mind that this thread, due to it's nature, might contain possibly emotionally strong or triggering moments as well as allusions to potentially sensitive. As such, if you are made uncomfortable by certain topics and you see blacked out text? I suggest not looking through them at will. That said? While this thread is meant to be as sort of a source of thoughtful character self-introspection? Please keep in mind that it is an all ages thread. This thread is not listed as mature because not every single thing needs to be something potentially upsetting. Other things such as the afformentioned lottery numbers to a character simply wanting to tell their youngerself to have a good day have just as much a place as anything else. As such. If you are posting a comment that could be potentially upsetting to other readers? Please observer the following rules.

  1. Any sensitive text must be blacked out as such. Example text
  2. Not explicit or graphic mentions can be made in regards to the text. For example, Your character saying they want to kill someone is fine. Your character talking in vivid gory detail about said murder is not. Practice common sense and acknowledge that certain topics are sensitive and could risk the mental well-being of others if you do the above. 
  3. Keep things PG-13 at worst. Alongside the above? NSFW topics are not permitted. This isn't a mature thread. Watch what you post. 

Violation of these rules in particular will result in a warning on a first offense and a ban on the second

Along with that please keep in mind these additional rules just to make the experience more fun for everyone

1. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.

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Person A posts
Person A posts
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Person A posts
Person A posts
Person A posts
Person A posts
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Person A posts

2. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.


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  • None, let's keep it that way. 
Lucent Tendo64

"If you ever see a skeleton necklace lying near your friend's house... do not put it on!!! YOU WILL REGRET IT!"

Scotty Marritime

"Ahh, Scotia, you little dummy~. Not everyone likes being told that their efforts are mediocre! Remember that, ok?"

 Aika Imamura meltylandnightmare

"Yo, don't go running around all over the place, yanno? You're a smart girl, no need to fuck about like ya did. Some mistakes are learning experiences, but some, ya can never come back from, yanno? Don't end up like good ol' future Aika, 'kay, champ? Go on and pursue your interests, nobody else can do shit about it. Better start early."


"Rosie, please... Don't use your powers. Not everyone needs love. Not every couple that could be should be. You're going to end up hurting people if you do this... Please, Rosalind, do it for me. Do it for a better future, one where you haven't ruined lives or created your own stalkers or driven others to murder and suicide... The feeling of love our powers create is wrong, artificial and insane. It hurts lots of people. A 'cute couple' isn't at all worth it."

 Riella (Ria) Semeki

"This is only the beginning. Do not fear death for it will awaken your true self and belive that you will find him because you will." - For Riella


"When the time comes, you will know your Sephlin. But you mustnt split him apart! If you do, you will instigate a war! For your sake and the people around you, you must not dig deeper into your past and please, child, live a full life." -For Semeki


"There will be a choice that has to be made and you will die if you choose the wrong one. Always keep in mind what your goal is or else." -For Drew.

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Shou carbon8tion

"Wear a condom, damnit! Noone want's a demigod neko middle schooler running around, this isn't a fucking anime."

Franz Friedrich Ariquar

"It's still difficult. It's going to be difficult for a long time. But trust Eddie. He'll help you through things."

 Mateo birbutt

First looking around, making sure no one is watching...grab that demon, look him straight in the eye, "I don't care how you will feel at the time, don't shave the facial hair...just look at me--look at me. Baby-faced son of a...you know what? Just don't fight that fucking angel...and you'll know the one when you see it...!"

Adrian Kuzuryu HowlingCat

"You're going to lose someone you love, Adrian. When it happens, your life will fall apart. You will question a lot of things, mini me. You will question if how you could allow her to die. You will question why this happened. You will question if your weakness is why she died. You will question if this world is as beautiful as you assumed it look. You will question if you should take that knife and stick it in your heart so you can see her again. 

Don't be scared, little one. I know my words might come off as being horrifying but you must be brave. As sad as this may, her death gave you strength.  It gave you the strength to want to protect others. It gave you the strength to grow stronger. It gave you the strength to grow up. I know you were always scared of growing up. You always had the tiny fear that you will grow up to be a failure that rely on others. Let me just that won't be the case so try not to be worried about that.

Oh, mini me, don't push the people you love away when you lose the one you love. I know you always hate the idea of others helping you since it makes you feel weak. I should know since I still suffer from this. However, as your older self. I want to save you the hassle of becoming a shell of who you used to be. Not everyone in this world wants to consume you in the ball of hatred. There are people out of there who wish to help..espesically during your time of need. You will meet them as time comes.

Ah, I only have one thing to tell you before I depart. Please take these rules to your heart. Do not treat your mask of rebellion as just your tool for dealing with the shadows that lingered in the world opposite of ours. Used the mask to try to strengthen that heart of your. You won't admit it but your heart is quite fragile and the only thing that is keeping it from falling about is Ku and a...Fool you will meet. Trust me when I say that strengthening out heart will help you forward past the tragedy you will deal with.

And that is all I have to say. I wish you good luck on your journey. You can do this. I should know...I am you, champ."

 Mr. Heartley D0ZEoff

"I know you won't listen to me, and you probably even think I grew up to be a pathetic disappointment, but... treat your kingdom better. Your cruelty will come back to haunt you, otherwise."

Mari Rowe LuciieSpirit

"It gets better. By Gods it gets so much better. Just believe in yourself. You are worth so much more."

Flora Highwater Fursecution

"If I can tell you anything, it's to roll with the punches. You're gonna meet some kids that have the same kind of magical interests as you and you're even gonna be coven leader but it's gonna be the most frustrating job you'll ever have, and you're gonna work at the only McDonalds in town. Sure you'll be hanging out in graveyards, skipping school, and smoking weed - hold your gasps you sanctimonious little shit - but it'll all be worth it. There will come a day where you know, deep deep down in your heart, that you'd die for your coven.

Also smoke more weed, it'll help things roll smoother and you get real creative when you're high."