Create A Backstory For the Character Above You

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 10 months ago) by teddiebearie

just thought this would be a cool idea! ;v;


  • it doesn't have to be super specific! just a general idea for the person below you to develop.
  • try to have some information about either the character or the story they're part of!
  • it's okay if the person above you doesn't use it! you don't have to, this is just to give the person above you some ideas.
  • keep things civil!
  • feel free to claim before actually writing the story! actually please do so you don't get ninjad.
  • don't just write like one sentence, put some effort into it!
  • you can PM it, you can comment it or you can just put it into the post! just make sure it's clear you've sent it.
  • there is a 10 day limit, so please post your part within 10 days of claiming.
  • if you do not do your part within 10 days of claiming without a valid excuse (where the person you've claimed for is aware of it) then you will be added to the banned users list.

banned users:

  • none yet.

last updated: 18 nov. 2018



 Izzy Whiona

Claim! This seems fun~ EDIT: Done!

Riku didn't grow up in a very good home - his parents were neglectful and his older siblings were cruel to him. Because of this, he developed a bitter and reclusive personality. He died as a teenager when one of his siblings' pranks went too far and he ran out into the street, crying - and not noticing that a truck was on the road.

When he awoke in the Forest of Lost Souls, he ran into Akai, who was the first person to truly show him kindness. She listened to his story and soothed his fears about the afterlife. He quickly developed an unhealthy attachment to her and now becomes incredibly jealous - or even violent - when other people get too close to her. He's terrified that she'll abandon him and he'll lose the only good thing that ever happened to him. Now that the Vitam aut Mortem are targeting children in the Forest and trying to judge their souls, he's even more scared that they'll get separated - what if she goes to heaven and he goes to hell? His goal is to escape their judgment along with Akai.

(Hopefully everything I came up with meshes with your universe!! If not then I'm really sorry ;; You can ofc make any changes necessary, or not use this at all if you don't like it!)

Izzy literally has no story rn so go wild AHH WOW I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU CAME UP WITH <3 The idea of him growing up with his grandparents is great!! I could definitely work in a bit of sad stuff there (obviously his parents are either dead or out of the picture), but I still think it's sweet because the rest of his family stepped up to look after him.

Frettchen marinehaddock


What if Izzy grew up in a large family raised by their grandparents? Izzy didn't get to know his parents but his grandparents were lovely. Izzy and two of his siblings shared an attic bedroom due to a lack of space and they would cover it in different kinds of fairy lights, weird art pieces, different music players (iPods, walkman, record players, etc). When one of his older siblings got a house, they let Izzy move in with them and Izzy's grandparents decided to get him his cat since they always kept animals and they felt a home wasn't a home without one. Izzy made friends with a young singer who lived next door and would invite him over to watch him dance while they sang.
I don't want to go too tragic on a just for fun character but you can definitely slip some tragic stuff in if you want

If you need help, check Spitzmaus's profile


//not a claim but bump!

also Whiona I freaking love that hh thanks so much! >w< <3333


Because of his need to help people, he once got backstabbed by his friend by using his own words against him. This has made him wary of people, and he often likes to stay by himself and not get attached 


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 Maya chiliechii_inactive

maimai Unfortunately Bae didn't really know his parents. His father walked out when he was still in his mother's stomach and when he was around 3-5 his mother died of an illness. He was then taken into the care of a distant relative on his mother's side-- distant being a key word as the relative was not very close to his mother to begin with. Growing up was strange as Bae and the relative never really was close but it's not like they hold ill will to each other. They basically have a neutral, tolerant  relationship. This kind of leaves Bae to pretty much do whatever he wants (like stay out late with friends and wearing a shirt that says hentai lmao). 

Aha I hope that was good enough :'>. Hopefully Maya isn't too hard! I have nooo idea what her backstory will be so be as creative as you want! 

Aaaa I really love that Beed! It fits her fairly well I say! :D Tysm! ❤️ 


Wren Hag

there's nothing extraordinary about Maya (i mean, beyond being a demon, that is). she lives a normal life, with a normal family (and had an uneventful, decent childhood). it's really her friends that are extraordinary, in her eyes. she's not jealous in any manner, because there's something to be said about being the calm in several storms, so to speak. she's just who she is-- maaaybe a little bit of a grump-- but still just living her life to live it. and she's fine with that. ♥

↑ hopefully that's not too... disappointing? i liked the idea of a chill, stable, yet 'deadpan' demon ahaha ♥

ommmmmg........ i'm over here :'( and :') AT THE SAME TIME. LOVES IT TBH. thank u!!!


//not a claim but bump!


Robin was abandoned by his parents in the forest when he was a very young child. He was found by a travelling band of human bards, who raised him as their own son. He developed a love of music and stories from them, listening to their ballads and the joy they brought to others. He dreamed of being able to make people happy with his music when he got older. His adoptive fathers taught him how to play lute, and gave him his own brand-new one on his 16th birthday. A few years later, he decided to leave to make his own way in the world.

(aa I hope this is good ;;v;;)

I actually really like that? It fits him very well! (I also really like the self-defense portion, since Loppunys have a lot of fightng moves!)

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