Character Trait ABC's!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Fvhn

Using the letter's from your character's name, use the chart to list some of their traits!

Examples below, here's the list!

Crazy Memory
Goals and Heroes
Jokes & Sense of Humor
Never will they ever...
Odd Fact
Physical Trait
Tattoos, Piercings, & Scars
Unique Talent
Voice (link or describe)
Where were they born?
Xrays & Medical History
Your Inspiration for Creating this Character
Zzz... Weirdest Dream?

Examples: (expand spoiler)

A- Amy's attitude is usually pretty good, unless you give her a wedgie.
M- Morally, Amy is opposed to the clubbing of seals. (And you should be too!)
Y- My inspiration for creating Amy was... you guessed it... for this example.

or sometimes, a letter will get used more than once! Think of a different way to interpret it?

H- Hannah's hobbies include knitting, sewing, and yodeling.
A- Hannah can have a seriously bad attitude when she doesn't get her way.
N- Never will Hannah ever get caught pumping gas naked again....
N- Never will Hannah ever exist outside this example because she's a terrible character.
A- Hannah's bad attitude can vastly be improved by giving her a piece of cheesecake.
H- Hannah's other hobbies are spelunking, reading, and teaching turtles how to speak.

And if you really have no idea how to answer one, you can make up a different "question" or "theme" for the letter.
Also- Hard Mode- Use last names too!

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Mietka Esterofila

Morals - Minority has quite a few morals, but her biggest one is making sure people are happy, even at the cost of her own happiness. Being in a stressful workplace often means fights, anger, and just pissed-off people lurk everywhere. So, Minority finds it upon herself to make everything better. Plus, being an older sister to TONS of siblings means she's quite the peacekeeper. 

Intelligence - Minority isn't smart, but she isn't dumb. Her skills are just sharper in other areas. She will always know your emotions, so she has the intelligence of observation, and somewhat good grades, when she was in school. But, she is mainly just observant.

Never will they ever - Minority will never make herself feel better at the expense of someone else. The only person she could do that to is Elynys, and that's about it. And, it would take up a lot of her energy to do so.

Odd fact - An odd fact about Minority is that she, along with the rest of her species, have the power of Light. (Toootally based of the Draenei, from World of Warcraft) It's only a strong power should the Lekkar pursue it, but they all have a base power of Light. 

Routine - Minority works in a Gateway Secuirty Station, as a guard, and Gateway Perserver. So, she gets up at 7:00 a.m., makes herself a sweet, sugary breakfast, showers, and leaves her home at about 8:30. She then takes the train to her workplace, slacks off the whole time, and goes home at around 9:00 p.m. All day, everyday, for 3 years.

Intelligence - Already did this one, but she is also skilled in The Color Theory. She loves to draw and color, even if she isn't particularly amazing at drawing, her coloring skills and blending of color are phenominal, and she can make quite beautiful works of art if she has the patience or the attention span to stick at it.

Tattoos, Piercings, Scars No scars or tattoos, but Minority does have an Eartag with her first inital on it. Growing up in a huge, near identical, family, Eartags were necessary to keep track of one another. So, she has a small golden Eartag on her left ear. 

Your inspiration for creating this character - Goats are cool. Triclopses are cool. Monsters are cool. Boredom during class is not cool. I sketched her out one day, and since I needed characters for my comic series, Minority was born. Although, her original name was Tagalong. I decided on Minority because she was uspposed to be more of a background main character. But then I grew attatched to her. Oops!

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 Gavriil Mikoyanov Ledokol

G -- There is no one he views as ‘hero’ or whatsoever. Everyone just does their own job, no one is above others except for ranks, which don’t necessarily reflect anything regarding whether or not someone is heroic. He mainly focuses much more on the ‘goal’ aspect - as he swore his goal is to ‘never disappoint the submarine colleagues again’.

A -- Usually, warfare androids are considered dangerous to some degree by default, as they possess enhanced strength even for a ‘light’ unit like him. Gavriil’s case is rather special, as he has a very negative opinion over some aspect of humans. He’s extremely distrustful toward human personnel in the base, even hints that he won’t hold back on physically harming them if he catches them ‘betray’ the androids for their own gain.

V -- Leans toward low tone, sounds slightly younger than his age appearance.

R -- As an android, he doesn’t necessarily need any ‘sleep’ for a few days. On such days, he can mainly be found settling in the radar room of the air base, putting pressure on the air base’s radar operators while acts as the ‘second set of eyes’ to catch any abnormality in the sky over the Kamchatka Peninsula. After a few hours he’ll a take a break to stretch his joints outside, enjoying the air, checking on his android subordinates or even chase off wild bears that stray into the territory of the air base. :p

I -- Not a genius by any mean but he’s certainly has more data of local geography of Russian Far East memorized than most humans possibly can.

I -- As the division commander of Yelizovo Air Base, he of course knows a lot concerning aerial combat strategies. As well as his own interest to befriend the submarine androids in a nearby naval base, he tends to understand in-depth information regarding submarine androids deeper than average aircraft androids in Air Force.

L -- Yet another aro/ace android. Whatever sense the closest to ‘love’ he can comprehend, he only has to give to his fellow androids. None is spare to human - no matter as a friend or colleague.


M -- His sense of loyalty and protectiveness cover his android colleagues primarily, but he accepts the role of serving for humans’ benefit in war. Due to some incident happened to his older ‘family member’ (android from the same manufacturer), he imposes a steep wall on humans warning he doesn’t wish to interact with them outside of duty. Unless they betray him or his fellow androids, he may hiss at them constantly but will not physically assault them. If they cross the line though, he has no problem hunting them down even if in exchange it may mean they could brand him as ‘danger’ and cease his existence.

I -- He has a particular interest in geology and volcanology. While he can never study them academically in higher education institutes, he learns what he can from books and documentaries. Because of the location he’s based in, occasionally he gets to see volcano eruption in action flying the length of the entire peninsula where there are still close to thirty active volcanoes.

K -- “You humans leave me alone. I don’t care whatever weird behavior you like but keep me away from it.”

O -- Every now and then he runs 60 kilometers (roughly 40 miles - 120 kms for a round trip) to visit the submarine androids. With how he can sprint up to over 200 km/h, it doesn’t take very long to cover the distance.

Y -- MiG-31 fighter jet is possibly my most favorite out of the entire MiG productions. With how I’m such a fanboy of their ‘rival’ counterpart, Sukhoi, I need android OC from the MiG clan to deepen the story with my Su-33 android. Also, MiG-31 is the fastest aircraft deployed in Russia at present, that just adds more interesting tidbit to it.

A -- Unlike his hostility toward humans, to other androids Gavriil can be described as caring and approachable. Although the incident that created a rift between the air base he commands and the submarine base was none of his fault, he strives to atone to it with his best.

N -- Allowing any kind of danger to harm his submarine colleagues, if it’s something he has the possibility of preventing it. He will make sure the air base will do everything to prevent it. His worst fear is to fail his close colleagues and old friends like Podolsk and Garya again.

O -- As much as he’s in a feud with Sidor for how Sidor often demeans his family members, Gavriil is more than willing to drop their rivalry the instant Sidor gives up on his childish hostility toward MiG clan.

V -- ...I run out of what to say to describe it. As a tradition(?), it’s voice claim sample time! :p

Brooklin cinnamon_bun_puff

B - she believes that there's no need for her to come out to anyone
R - 
wake up, go to school, come home, homework, and if there's time, record a couple of videos
O - 
impulse buys succulents
O - 
has a sweet tooth and is vegan
K - 
L - 
pretty gay
I - 
she isn't in honours classes, but she's not in the lowest class. when it comes to botany, she knows a lot, but not as much in math or english
N - 
never will she ever wear a dress

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 Želimir Jovanović Ledokol

(((here we go again with the inaccurate Latinized form of Slavic alphabet -  the Ž is more like ZH so that'll be how I refer it)))

Z -- As a supernatural being who lives over 2,300 years, while he doesn't necessarily need sleep every day, he still rests every now and then. So, that means more than 500,000 nights of sleep roughly. He should have more than thousands of weird dreams. The ones outrageous enough to be stuck onto his mind longer than usual are mostly those where his other half does something totally out of his character. Like how Branimir suddenly told him he was happy being under the Ottoman Empire because Istanbul is Byzantine's capital Constantinople after all. (Želimir probably woke up full of sweats because this would mean really bad news during the 18-19th centuries)

H -- Strolling at the quay next to the Danube in his neighborhood, feeding the swans, reading, writing a diary or letters to other towns who are in a good term with him.

E -- 'Capital city body double'?? Is that even a job... throughout history though he has been both soldier and merchant but more often the latter.  So he's highly efficient at handling budget planning and logistic-related tasks.

L -- It's a mystery whether he has ever loved anybody, being that his 'kind' can live for thousands of years but can also perish by being ravaged in wars. Falling in love with the 'same kind' is unpredictable when they might stand on the opposing sides in war. Falling in love with human guarantees a hurtful end because he's most likely outlive his lover.

I -- With his tendency to be attracted to knowledge and reading, he's more clever than his other half - at least in the fields like economy, diplomatic, arts, languages and culture.

M -- You can probably call him conservative. He's cautious around new changes but tries to find the middle ground instead of outright rejecting what he doesn't agree with. Will much prefer conducting a lengthy negotiation than to rashly do something and hurt others, whether physically or emotionally. In the past he didn't worry much about hurting others during wars. As wars slowly becomes frown upon in present day, he by now feels the guilt of hurting people easier, especially those who didn't participate in the fighting but suffering as collateral damage.

I -- His weakness lies in geography, as he has been absent from taking part in battle strategy planning for several hundreds years already unlike his other half.

R -- Checking his schedule before leaving his home, drives to the office an hour before work hours to prepare for assignments and tasks accordingly. If he sees something he feels his other half needs to be made aware of, he'll ask to work from outside of the office then takes whatever paperwork needed with him and drives to Branimir's place. After that, it's just him coercing his other half to take his responsibility seriously. If Branimir wins(?) for the day then Želimir will just handle the paperwork on his own.   

⚡ haruo lovett b0ykult

Hobbies: he likes reading; mostly fiction, from oscar wilde to stephen king to haruki murakami. he also likes travelling; even if it's just by himself taking a train to a different town and wandering around in art galleries or markets. he believes the best things in life are free after all

Attitude: his attitude towards work; he doesn't actually enjoy it, and despite his organised and dedicated persona, he can procrastinate a lot. but he always gets the job done because he has a fear of letting others down.

Routine: he doesn't have a set routine per se, just things he does daily which tend to be in the same order every time. he doesn't wake up at a certain time for example, just anytime in the morning i guess.

Unique talent: he has an incredible way of making others feel good about themselves. he doesn't even realise how good he is at doing it, it's just a second nature sometimes.

Odd fact: he lives by a canal and goes down there to feed the geese if he can't sleep at night. (not bread! dont feed ducks bread! feed them corn or grains and stuff like that)

surname in spoiler cause Long.

Love: was engaged when he was very young (like,  22) but she passed away. he hasn't really dated since but he's had  intimate relationships. they never go much further than friends with  benefits though. he thinks everybody is too good for him.

Odd fact: if he had a pokemon team, it would be the following: glaceon, vulpix, swablu. weird combo but they're cute :'3

Voice: voice claims are so hard to find. his voice is real soft, deep-ish in pitch, nice to listen to. :3 he usually speaks at a quiet volume.

Employment:  he's had a few jobs but no careers. he's good at organising himself so  he's suited to freelance stuff; almost everything is done from his home,  but he petsits occasionally too. freelance stuff he does ranges from  editing (for journalists and writers) to tutoring people (he's fluent in  japanese and english so he can help language students).

Tattoos,  piercings, scars: he's got a large burn scar in the middle of his  face. in his original canon (fallout 4) it's from a broken laser pistol  but in his modern canon it's from hot liquid (haven't figured out the  specifics yet as one may tell). he's very lucky his eyes weren't  damaged.

Tattoos, piercings, scars: he has scars on his chest/shoulder area too from surgery to remove shrapnel.

Ransom Ratliffe RabbitJaguar

R - Ransom's workdays typically consist of sleeping past noon, then making his way to the nightclub where he works and finding his boss abusing the hottest new substance.

A - Ransom is very self-confident, and even when he isn't, he pretends that he is. 

N - Never will Ransom ever betray his boss, Nico. The man has done far too much for him.

S - Ransom suffers from face blindness, and it's very difficult for him to recognize people in the dim lighting of the nightclub.

O - When Ransom gets emotional, he starts letting his southern accent slip out.

M - Ransom is pretty morally ambiguous. One has to be in order to get along with Nico. Although he cons gamblers out of their money at the poker table, Ransom considers that a victimless crime, and would never do anything truly harmful to another person.

R - Ransom is often in charge of getting Nico and his friend, Bebop, home safely. Since Ransom never drinks and Nico and Bebop drink a lot, he is typically the one behind the wheel.

A - Ransom is overly polite to people he doesn't recognize because he never knows where he might see them again. Whereas most people would recognize someone with enough political power to ruin your life, Ransom would not, and so he must be extra careful.

T - Ransom has no tattoos, piercings, or scars, however he does have a magic 8-ball in place of his left eye.

L - Ransom has had several girlfriends in the past, but none of them have been able to keep up with his lifestyle. He is no longer looking.

I - Ransom is a very bright young man, and although he only got a B average in high school, and he dropped out of college, he is very street smart, and even graduating high school at all, given his home environment, is impressive.

F - Ransom considers Nico and Bebop to be his family. They took him in when he was a teenager and gave him a place to stay and a job to work. They are better friends to him than anyone he knew back home, even when they can barely stand up.

F - Ransom's biological family, as well as pretty much everyone he knew in his hometown, exploited him for his ability to predict the future. They didn't mean to, but when you have a friend that could tell you what's about to happen, sometimes you can't help but ask. What's the harm, right?

E - Ransom works as a croupier at the Nightlight Nightclub, where he gives gamblers a prediction on the outcome of the cards for a small price, and shrugs and says "tough luck" when it doesn't come true.

Kalron ducclord

Kinks? - Haha fooled ya, he has none. Hounds don't got time for that.

Attitude - Angery boy, feisty, quick to temper. He's a rebellios punk who's also kind of a little shit on purpose as he likes attention.

Love - No romantic love for him as hounds have priority in keeping the Underworld's gates safe. But he do love spicy food!

Routine - Wake up at ungodly hours (either 3 am or 2pm) and then does his job. Afterward, he'll hang with his siblings and maybe annoy the hell out of anyone within his range.

Odd Fact - He turns to smoke when he gets flustered. Like, literally dematerialises into gas. He doens't handle his emotions well.

Never will they ever... - Admit that they like anime. Or J-pop. Or that they have a shelf full of figurine collections of their favourite character and a cosplay of Hatsune Miku in their wardrobe that they only wear to sneak into cons. 

Raphael Fuchs Vapor

R - He has a pretty regular routine? He wakes up, he drinks a pot of coffee, and he works. He also honestly does literally everything else while he works, and hardly ever leaves his office/room if he's not outside the base.

A - Outwardly, he's not too bad. Though he isn't secretive about his more distasteful actions in the war, he's polite in formal situations, and takes great care to come across as a proper nobleman. He's normal. He doesn't act like he goes on Reddit to complain about politics.

P - A long-running joke OOC of my friend thinking Raphael looked like Walt Disney turned canon :') It definitely doesn't show in his icon, but if I ever picture him, like, as a real life person, I just... see him as a buff Disney.

H - He likes to spend time outside, so he's taken up hiking and hunting as hobbies! As a teenager, he used to hunt the game foxes that belonged to his family. As he grew older, he settled down a bit and took on reading as another hobby, and he especially likes political and crime novels/thrillers :'V He also collects wine... Disgusting...

A - Though he is polite with most people, towards some he's a bit more... blunt? A bit more cold? Truly depends on who he's chatting up.

E - He was once a colonel in the infantry before being discharged. Afterwards, he worked as an overseer of a tobacco farm alongside his brother-in-law, as well as wrote a few political essays, though these aren't mentioned in his profile because I'm forgetful :pensive: He took on another military duty when the rebellion started, however, and quickly rose to power in Laojin.

L - He doesn't care for romance anymore with the death of his wife. The only reason he would ever wed again is if it would benefit him politically...

 Morgan hydrangeas

Morals-  he's a very upstanding person despite his outward demeanor- he really can't leave a person in danger when it comes down to it, even at his own cost. he's less inclined to help in less serious situations, but only because he figures others should be able to handle it. he cares for others more than he lets on, and he often brings leftover food to other street urchins who need it. he's also... incredibly honest. he might not say anything, but he certainly doesn't lie. 

Odd Fact- he's always had an interest in horses, however, they fear him. he's long since given up on ever riding one, given that fact and his acrophobia, but he still thinks they're very interesting. 

Routine- fairly regular,, he sleeps through the day and leaves to work on his own at night. sometimes he's in the library, or even the training fields, but for the most part, he likes to stay in the streets that are familiar to him. none of the knights confront him for being up too late if he's not on the grounds either. he eats one meal big enough for three adults and then works until he falls asleep on the floor. 

Goals and Heroes- the person he's latched onto the most was his own father. he was anxious for his approval at every corner, and was more than elated to have a parental figure who made him feel like he was doing something right- and he never even had the memories of his father holding him. he'd like to reach the potential that his father always said he had, and he'd like to help others. there's a little part of him that wishes he might be able to catch his absent mother's attention with it. 

Attitude- he's definitely got a lot. he uses it as a defense mechanism, and so he's quick to snap at anybody. he doesn't care much for others' personal affairs, and genuinely considers his own work more important because he feels anxious about time passing. he's impatient, sure, but he doesn't do anything half-assed. tends to come off as very self-absorbed to others, when he really just doesn't know how to express his thoughts in any way other than bluntly. 

Never will they ever...- admit how much he wishes his mother was around. as much as he brushes others off, he really cannot live with the idea of criticism, much less the concept that his mother had not come back for him because he had been too slow to hone his skills. on the other hand, he isn't sure how he'd be able to take it if his mother came back just to put that idea into words. he's very much a confused boy who wants family, but can't bear to let people in at this point. he misses his father dearly, and hopes that she might still be alive. 

Rayne Shadowzim777

Routine- Rayne usually gets up, has a nice cup of tea and a biscuit she bakes (Secretly, Rayne's kinda of a baker but doesn't like to admit it), reads her email on her phone, plans for her next job for hire by meeting up with the employer, then she spends most of the day locating the target, getting a good feel of what the Target is like before she stealthily kills the target. Checks her bank account on her phone after giving out the call that the job is done. Slips by and heads home, makes sure her cat is fed, takes a shower then prepares for a nice sleep. 

Attitude- I would say she is pretty vindictive, having no remorse for her actions. She's quite bitter but can be sarcastic at times. Tends to think of herself more often then not, except for her cat who she loves. 

Your inspiration for creating this character- Well I adopted the character, but I inspired her to be more like Shego from Kim Possible (Personality) meets Hydro-Man from Spiderman (Powers)

Never will they- She will never forgive her once friend Lyra. She blames her for making Rayne into a living watery being.

Employment- She's a hitman for hire, so she tends to get hired by various businesses who need someone killed. 

 Augustin Medvedik comrade_dragoslav

A- his attitude is normally very cold. He rarely ever smiles or laughs. But when he does, it’s terrifying.

U - he has 20/10 vision. If you don’t know what that means, here’s an explanation. This is assuming you have 20/20 vision(what is considered normal or average). Imagine you’re looking at something from 20 feet away. You can’t quite read it clearly, so you try looking at it from 10 feet away. Now you can read it. But Augustin wouldn’t have had to move closer. He can read it clearly from 20 feet away. Basically, the first number is how many feet you’re standing away from something, and the second is how many feet a person with normal vision would need to stand away from that thing to see what you see. Therefore, if the second number is larger than the first, it means that your vision is worse than normal, and vice versa.

He also carries a gene which allows him to function perfectly fine on 6 or less hours of sleep - something very useful for his line of work.   

G - he doesn’t have any specific goals in mind. He just wants to avoid getting caught by the authorities. As for heroes, Augustin doesn’t idolize or even fully trust anyone.

U - Augustin has an unusually high resistance to forming addictions. Well, mostly. I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say here so I’ll leave it at that.

S - His alcohol tolerance is extremely low. One shot of vodka(or even less) and he’s already likely to pass out. There’s a reason why almost nobody knows this about him.

T - He has no tattoos or piercings. He has a few scars from fights with other criminals, but none that are instantly noticeable, or that he pays much attention to.

I - His IQ is likely above 150. His logic and decision-making skills are exceptional. He looks down on a lot of people in the criminal world, because they often get too caught up with the idea of gaining power, and make stupid decisions that result in their downfall. Or, they reveal their identity to one too many people, and the next day, they’re being sent off to jail. He knows how to do crazy things and evade the consequences at the same time, something that most people can’t do.

On an unrelated note, he quite literally looks down on people, because he is 6’4”(195 cm). 

N - Augustin will never reveal his face or voice to someone who has no significant reputation in the criminal world. He will just visit them with his whole face(except his eyes) covered, and he will write down whatever he wants to say. This is to protect himself from potential undercover cops. If the person in question is known for several crimes, he may be more lenient on this, but it doesn’t really matter either way. Even if the authorities do get ahold of a description of him, he has a very “generic” appearance. He has no unique fur markings, no unusual facial features, and usually wears dark or muted colors. The only thing that kind of stands out about him is his height.