What does your OC envy about the OC above?

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by Echo knightofpherae

( 2020 october edit; how and why is this so popular cool tht y'all r having fun though. i still hate how i worded this post but it was like 2018 or smth ) ( this thread was made like 2 years ago, i literally hate how i typed back then hfdjvddjnf )

Pretty self-explanatory. You post IC *and also say it in-character* and look at their character (backstory n stuff, or just appearance) and say what your oc would envy about that oc. Optional: Edit your post saying how your character would respond to the OCs envy.

For example...

Echo: Hi (starter post idk)

Azazel: You have so many weapons and handy tools, dude, you gotta have one for like, every situation right? I'm so jelly man-


Rules: You can post again after 5 posts please do it with a different character or different version (( although after the second post of yours is uh,, well posted, and after 5 posts you can use that chara again! )) If you/your oc say(s) anything offensive, please put it as a spoiler, make the color white, or black it out. You can access the black out thing by using the color tool and going to background =P (( I regret using that emoji in my past, please end me ))

That's all I gotta say really. Hit me with your best shot~!

all of my forum games fail i swear- (edit: except this one apparently.)

(Wow, you people really like to be envious of each other.)

//////////// ( response; True, I-i suppose. All that robots really do need is an engineer, a-after all. Though a bad thing is that all of my friends who aren't immortal like some of my friends, i'll eventually see their d-death. Though, i could be reprogrammed to forget the friend(s) in question, but t-that'd be horrible!... )

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I mean, to be honest, being away for a while from everyone else would probably be beneficial to me. I would get to practice my dancing without disturbance. 

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"YOu're so CUTE!!" Toni cried, his voice cracking. "If I were that cute, I'd probably die!! Which, I don't want to do, but I'd love to be half as cute as you! I bet you're a great dancer, too, but I can already do that."

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"Oh my! You have such an alluring presence if you don't mind my saying so! There's just something about you that makes it hard to not take an interest. I would imagine that works in your favor~! If I had such an aura..." She sighs and nods to herself. "Oh well, somethings just aren't meant to be~!" 

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"damn, you have everything, dont ya? Money, power, anything you could of ever wanted, and you're still so young. Wish I had all that, kid."