What does your OC envy about the OC above?

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Echo knightofpherae

( 2020 october edit; how and why is this so popular cool tht y'all r having fun though. i still hate how i worded this post but it was like 2018 or smth ) ( this thread was made like 2 years ago, i literally hate how i typed back then hfdjvddjnf )

Pretty self-explanatory. You post IC *and also say it in-character* and look at their character (backstory n stuff, or just appearance) and say what your oc would envy about that oc. Optional: Edit your post saying how your character would respond to the OCs envy.

For example...

Echo: Hi (starter post idk)

Azazel: You have so many weapons and handy tools, dude, you gotta have one for like, every situation right? I'm so jelly man-


Rules: You can post again after 5 posts please do it with a different character or different version (( although after the second post of yours is uh,, well posted, and after 5 posts you can use that chara again! )) If you/your oc say(s) anything offensive, please put it as a spoiler, make the color white, or black it out. You can access the black out thing by using the color tool and going to background =P (( I regret using that emoji in my past, please end me ))

That's all I gotta say really. Hit me with your best shot~!

all of my forum games fail i swear- (edit: except this one apparently.)

(Wow, you people really like to be envious of each other.)

//////////// ( response; True, I-i suppose. All that robots really do need is an engineer, a-after all. Though a bad thing is that all of my friends who aren't immortal like some of my friends, i'll eventually see their d-death. Though, i could be reprogrammed to forget the friend(s) in question, but t-that'd be horrible!... )

Kyanite Jellysideaccount

Kyanite seems to sigh and looks up, "First off, my skin is made from light, do you know how amazing it would be to have tattoos, that are permanent? That would be so cool!" She sighs, "To have long flowing hair, to be a little taller." She laughs, "An most importantly, two eyes." She lifts her visor to reveal her one left eye to Alex.

Lan Turner PicklePantry

"Life of no responsibilities or expectations - freedom. I have never known the feeling. Can I be envious of something I do not truly understand? Alas, you do not truly understand it either, do you? There will always be something you must do, something you are responsible for, be it being perfect like the others you grew up with, or taking care of the one you have now. Sometimes your responsibilities lie even further from that."

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Yuumei sighed and pouted, "Wow, you are SO tall. I'm envious of it, I'm only 5'5" and it's a pain in the butt considering I get made fun for being short. Plus you seem really fit like wow.... I have spaghetti arms and you're over here being all lean. No fair"

Rosalyn gummy

"I really love that hair of yours.... It appears so soft, and the bows that you put in it look beautiful. You can do a lot more with it that I cant with my rough hair, and it cant even cover my eye well........ I wish I had hair as beautiful as you hair is."

Jane “Amne” Doe mooniee

"W-wOw! You .. You can really see in the future?! It's so cool !!! If only I had the same power maybe I would not have become amnesic? Hahaha what do I say all of a sudden? Hahaha ..."

$50/Trade/Art Sleepy-Thunder

"You have such beautiful red hair, little one! The Ajanese do not have this color."

 Nephi sovereign_blue

"Ahh... You wouldn't mind me ...safekeeping... that jewelry you have there, would you? And your money, too?"

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"yer got both of yer eyes back?" He huffed. "Just like that!?" He crossed his arms.  "If yer ever see dat deity again, please hit me up"

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Kaine Arkanus PicklePantry

"Your powers are incredible," praised Ark. "Even with the better part of them stripped off, you have this unfathomable skill to grant wishes. Of course there are limits, but it is still an incredible feat nonetheless." He smiles. "If anyone were to have that ability, though, I'm glad it's you. Such a good heart and a smart mind, you could only be the one that could handle such a responsibility so well. Although I'll admit, I'm a little curious about how I would handle it myself," he laughs brightly. 

Phildel Oriel (A.K.A. Vera) YunaNoire

"You... are at least very ambitious, i'll give you that much. You must also be very cunning to defeat an embodiment of light all by yourself..." She purses her lips together and opens her eyes, revealing the hellish red beneath. "I think those are perhaps the only enviable traits you posses unfortunately... I hope you understand, that if you continue down this path you have chosen, I will have to stop you..."

 TBN Peppercorn

"Ohh there's so much, you're so beautiful." Minan fumbles with her skirt a little. "I bet if I was as beautiful as you..well perhaps, I'd get more respect..since you look so much more like the mother of stars than I do." She glances down at her childish figure. "Perhaps.."

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