Respond to the fact of the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by  Mircalla Karnstein colorful

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you." 

I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hello, this is my first thread in the whole Toyhouse Forum. Well, there's many variants of "above you" games here, and here's one of my own

First, we get to spout a random fact about our characters and the next OC will make his remarks about your character and solely only the fact that was spouted about him. Here's an example:

  • Damien: Mackerel is my favorite fish.
  • Aros: I'm sorry, I don't know how it feels like to eat fish. I killed my girlfriend and I'm guilty about it.
  • Mirca: Whaaaa!! Bad boy!! You shouldn't kill your girlfriend!! I also have a friend named Xavier and we're marrying... as friends!
  • and so on...

I do have a few rules and it's the usual ones:

  1. After posting, just wait every 3 new posts before you could post again
  2. Stay in character as much as possible. If the other person's OC is canonically rude, please do not take it as an insult
  3. You can claim your spot to prevent it from being ninja'd or snatched
  4. You can edit your post when an OC responded to the fact about you
  5. Please put effort on your replies

Well,  let's begin!

"I said d**k at the front of my BF! By BF, I meant best friend! He was so shocked when he heard it and he was so funny when he reacted!"

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Elian-Bray Appleby AlleycatIrony

"That seems rough, kid. I'd ask to know more but it's really not any of my business and I also can't say I care all that much. Hope you figure something out or get them removed... I guess."


"I live on a large farmland in central Australia and the only people that I can see or talk to are either my many siblings or my copious amount of cousins and extended family. We all work on the farm and we need to take a small plane if we want to go anywhere where there's other people - but even then there's not many out near us. I always wished I could find new people to get to know, spending time with your family 24/7 is kind of a drag, after all."

Emyra ChickieDee

"I don't think I've ever been to Australia, but if it's anything like my home, I can relate to wanting to meet new people! I have about, um...I think it was 32 cousins last time I checked? I don't have any siblings, but growing up were the only people you know are all family is very tough! I hope you've gotten to meet more people since then!"

"Let's see...what should I talk about...Oh! I know! My fur and hair aren't actually pink! They're actually dyed. In my culture, we have a tradition where the mothers pick out Guiding Colors for their kittens; they represent different wishes the they have for their children!'s honestly just a way to help tell babies in a litter apart...b-but the tradition is still very sweet! The ones she picked for me were pink and yellow, so it's tradition to color my fur like it!"

Pete PurpleAsters

"That's so sweet! I we had some type of tradition like that! All I got were powers handed down and when they finally manifested my grandma smudged ash on my face and made me drink this foul tasting root tea. "


"Hm...well im actually scared of squirrels. So when I was very young my brothers took me to a park near our house after a bad doctors appointment to feed the squirrels and ducks, when I was trying to feed one baby squirrel the others saw me with food and ambushed me! Been afraid of them ever since."

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Eoryth Xelephise AlleycatIrony

"Ya got some guts there kiddo. If ya got any kinda thieving expeditions or what-not planned for the future ya can count me in if ya don't mind - I'm always up for expandin' my hoard."


"Yeah, I basically run a bar but I guess by a normal person's standard view I do a pretty shitty job at it. Though, it ain't really a normal bar. It's where all the misfits hang out and it's damn tough keepin' them in line so sockin' some dickhead in the jaw over the counter ain't really somethin' unusual that I gotta do often. The bar's also in the middle of the desert, but who gives a shit about that?"

 Olivia Owens [OWLMAN] Filfi

"I can only imagine the kind of pains in the ass customers you encounter! I work minimum wage as a waitress, so I get enough annoyances as is, but serving an entire bar of misfits? I'd quit day one. You have some serious dedication and a great work ethic to put up with that stuff."

"I hate pizza."

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Mara Vangeist dogstarlite

"Ugh, you know, I don't get the whole controversy behind pineapple on pizza? It's just food, who cares if you like it or not! I think it's just okay, but apparently that makes me a monster to some people. Whaaaatever."

"The place I used to live, food ended up so scarce that a bunch of us turned to cannibalism to survive. I... don't have to do that anymore."

Liliac Bronza BlackEmpress

"Uh.....o-oh my....."

"I once had to lead a group of Hunters back home after they chased a rabbit miles away from our temporary campsite...."

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Lord Tenebris DCLXVI CaptainRobi

"Oh really?  I think it's the opposite of what I believe in. Also, there are multiple gods in the guild and rumoured to be mere mortals who found themselves blessed with considerable power, only passing it down to worthy inheritors. Such is the way of life, sadly, also im the stark opposite of what he represents, only I destroy what he creates.

"I once brought an entire planet to its knees by cunningly killing off their military high command and key politicans."


reply to @RobiTribal onegai

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you."

After this reply, I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hayato thegrumpydruid

"That seems rather... Overkill to me... a bit much, don't you think? I see no reason to do such things. Then again, things have always been relatively peaceful on our little island. I see no logical reason of why that would even be needed other than to swell one's ego. Ego is a downfall, it is not fitting for anyone and is a swifter killer than a true arrow on mark."

"I have once killed someone through a wall... Though stabbing a sword through washi isn't all that difficult, trying to pinpoint where they were and what way they were facing was more difficult."