Respond to the fact of the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by  Mircalla Karnstein colorful

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you." 

I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hello, this is my first thread in the whole Toyhouse Forum. Well, there's many variants of "above you" games here, and here's one of my own

First, we get to spout a random fact about our characters and the next OC will make his remarks about your character and solely only the fact that was spouted about him. Here's an example:

  • Damien: Mackerel is my favorite fish.
  • Aros: I'm sorry, I don't know how it feels like to eat fish. I killed my girlfriend and I'm guilty about it.
  • Mirca: Whaaaa!! Bad boy!! You shouldn't kill your girlfriend!! I also have a friend named Xavier and we're marrying... as friends!
  • and so on...

I do have a few rules and it's the usual ones:

  1. After posting, just wait every 3 new posts before you could post again
  2. Stay in character as much as possible. If the other person's OC is canonically rude, please do not take it as an insult
  3. You can claim your spot to prevent it from being ninja'd or snatched
  4. You can edit your post when an OC responded to the fact about you
  5. Please put effort on your replies

Well,  let's begin!

"I said d**k at the front of my BF! By BF, I meant best friend! He was so shocked when he heard it and he was so funny when he reacted!"

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Eisla Summers -bluejay-

"Oh, wow. That's...sad. But, hey, uh, it's okay! You didn't mean to kill him, right? So don't worry about it! If anything, it's HIS fault for going deeper even when he knew his suit wouldn't handle the pressure."

"I knowingly killed two people, and am responsible for the deaths of thousands more. I don't feel bad about it, and it scares me."

"Oh boy. It's kind of a long story, but if you really wanna know..."

"I stabbed Sayumi because she killed my mom and showed no remorse. I chopped Finn's head off because he was the leader of the group responsible for burning my village to the ground. I don't necessarily wish I hadn't done it. I strongly believe that they both deserved it. What terrifies me, though, is that Finn was in tears. Right before I did it, he kept on apologizing over and over again, saying that he didn't have a choice and that he'd hated every second of it."

"I didn't sleep for days afterwards. I hated myself. Not because I killed two people, but because I didn't feel bad for killing two people. I'd enjoyed it. Eventually I became so overwhelmed with confusion that I let a demon who'd been haunting my dreams for years take my place in my body. I'd known that I shouldn't have trusted them and that they probably had ulterior motives, but I let them do it anyway. I just had to escape, and I didn't care who had to get hurt for me to do so. They unleashed hell on Earth. Thousands of people died because I couldn't come to grips with my emotions and move on. When I finally got back, and I saw what they'd done, I just felt numb. I saw a child crushed under the weight of their burnt home, and I felt nothing. Looking at them, I didn't see a person with thoughts, feelings, and memories. It was just a husk. Everyone around me seemed empty. I felt like the only person with a mind of my own. I've been lying to everyone, telling them I had no idea what they'd do and that I feel horrible for what happened. I don't, though. Should I? What's wrong with me? I'm just so tired and confused all the time. There isn't room for anything else."

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Maverick Dohmalore

"Well, I can't say I don't do the same.  I like to hope that seeing what a disaster my life is will help motivate people to take my advice to heart, lest they end up like me."  He huffs a quiet chuckle, half in self-deprecation and half at the image of his anti-authoritarian mother disapproving of his next few sentences.  "What's that saying?  Do as I say, not as I do?  When I was younger it just pissed me off, but I get it now."


"A fact for you to react to."  He says, flatly, and grimaces for a moment, wondering how much he really wants to say about himself to some random stranger.  Apparently he decides on a lot.  "I have a back yard full of animal skeletons.  I use them for necromancy.  Is that good enough for a notable reaction?"

Rhea Byrne Thanaturgist

She grins, seeming amused by this. "Oh, what a coincidence! so do I! Do you have a preferred type of animal you like to work with?" If anything, Rhea seemed excited about this, eager to see someone else who dealt with less-traditional necromancy.


"I lost part of my right pinky finger at the first joint when I was escaping a burning building. Didn't even realize it until I stopped running."

Zaleos muwi

He bends his pinky and stares at it in fascination. "Wow, the human body is fascinating. I dunno how it works and all, but adrenaline sounds amazing."

"When I find a girl I like, I want to give her the best halo in the world. I wanna put it on her head like a tiara. Is that cheesy?"

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Sneaky Sneakyy

"Whaaaat? How does a marker change colors? How da heck does that work?!"

"I'm addicted to stealin' things! I'd say it's a problem but I got nothin' else to do anyways!"

Kove moryonenn

"If you steal stuff from me or my family, I'll smack you one."

"Well, I don't want to tell you anything, but... I... can't cook?"

Colette ChickieDee

"You do not know how to cook...?" Colette's brow scrunched a little in concern. "...My mother always said that it is important for everyone to know how to cook, at least a little...Perhaps I can help you learn to cook something simple? you prefer eggs or pasta? Those seem to be to best place to start."

"A fact about myself...? Well...I have always wanted to start my own garden. That...sounds like a very small thing, but growing up, my mother grew the most beautiful plants in her garden, and I have wanted to try to make one similar. Though, I have never been able to do it since I have always been traveling. It would not make much sense to start to make a garden that you would not be able to take care of, yes?"

"...I am sorry; I know that probably was not the most exciting fact."

Tevyn Dohmalore

"Oh, you should!  Gardening is really fun."  They clasp their hands together, excited to convert someone to their hobby.  "I actually used to travel around a lot too...It was such a relief to just settle down in one place.  My parents garden too, mostly for food since we were basically homesteaders, but even doing it for fun now is nice.  It helps me feel closer to them, and it's just so....fulfilling, to nurture something and watch it grow, even if it can't love you back."

"I'm sure you could find a place that is more accepting of witches.  Maybe you could come to Belvite?  We actually have a witch, right outside of town I think.  I don't really know him, but I've heard he's kind of...not great to be around?  But I'm pretty sure nobody ever tried to burn his house down or anything.  I know that doesn't sound amazing but you seem really nice, I'm sure people would like you.  At the very least they wouldn't hate you just for being...whatever you are?"  They blink, and their face goes redder than the sunburn on their cheeks already is.  "S-sorry, that came out rude."


"I...collect glass jars?"  They start, ducking their head a bit and fidgeting with a loose string on their dress.  "I feel kind of bad because I don't even put anything in most of them, I just keep getting more because I like them too much to leave them at the store."

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"A lil collecshun never really, hurt someone, did it nigh? don't be ashamed av de things yer like. Be proud. I 'collect' stuff too yer know. I'll jist grab anythin' dat catches me attenshun" Roswell said as he petted their shoulder.

" Can yer show me yer collecshun?" He then asked with maybe, just maybe a hint of 'fatherly pride in his voice.


"Me sister  wrote me a letter, I haven't talked wi' 'er or any av me family since...years... So I'm not sure if I should respond an' what I should say.. in al' 'onesty.. I'm scared."