Respond to the fact of the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by  Mircalla Karnstein colorful

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you." 

I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hello, this is my first thread in the whole Toyhouse Forum. Well, there's many variants of "above you" games here, and here's one of my own

First, we get to spout a random fact about our characters and the next OC will make his remarks about your character and solely only the fact that was spouted about him. Here's an example:

  • Damien: Mackerel is my favorite fish.
  • Aros: I'm sorry, I don't know how it feels like to eat fish. I killed my girlfriend and I'm guilty about it.
  • Mirca: Whaaaa!! Bad boy!! You shouldn't kill your girlfriend!! I also have a friend named Xavier and we're marrying... as friends!
  • and so on...

I do have a few rules and it's the usual ones:

  1. After posting, just wait every 3 new posts before you could post again
  2. Stay in character as much as possible. If the other person's OC is canonically rude, please do not take it as an insult
  3. You can claim your spot to prevent it from being ninja'd or snatched
  4. You can edit your post when an OC responded to the fact about you
  5. Please put effort on your replies

Well,  let's begin!

"I said d**k at the front of my BF! By BF, I meant best friend! He was so shocked when he heard it and he was so funny when he reacted!"

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Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

"Haha, it reminds me so much of a fellow knight by the name of Adelbert Steiner but he's grumpy as f*** and is all about protecting the princess and s*** but i bet you're not like him."

"Do you know that I once help stop an alien god from rampaging on my homeworld?"

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Hiromasa Moto finalboykun

"That's... um... impressive. Not to mention highly reprehensible. To be frank, you don't seem like the sort of person I'd want to associate with. Or encounter in a dark alley... I certainly wouldn't want to cross you and stick around to see what happens."

"If we're telling secrets, however... There's a curse I inherited from my mother that spans back countless generations, and because of it I am fated to mark the end of my bloodline."

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NW-13 Jaystripes

"hmph. Caring for animals that cannot care for theirselves for is a waste of energy. Let those animals die or learn to survive on their own without you intervening, and then you will have more time to use for important things. That is an impressive amount of birds to own, however."

"Speaking of animals that cannot care for themselves, I have allowed many to die, despite them pleading for me to help. Many more than I can count. I can actually count that amount, but it would be a waste of time."