Respond to the fact of the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by  Mircalla Karnstein colorful

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you." 

I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hello, this is my first thread in the whole Toyhouse Forum. Well, there's many variants of "above you" games here, and here's one of my own

First, we get to spout a random fact about our characters and the next OC will make his remarks about your character and solely only the fact that was spouted about him. Here's an example:

  • Damien: Mackerel is my favorite fish.
  • Aros: I'm sorry, I don't know how it feels like to eat fish. I killed my girlfriend and I'm guilty about it.
  • Mirca: Whaaaa!! Bad boy!! You shouldn't kill your girlfriend!! I also have a friend named Xavier and we're marrying... as friends!
  • and so on...

I do have a few rules and it's the usual ones:

  1. After posting, just wait every 3 new posts before you could post again
  2. Stay in character as much as possible. If the other person's OC is canonically rude, please do not take it as an insult
  3. You can claim your spot to prevent it from being ninja'd or snatched
  4. You can edit your post when an OC responded to the fact about you
  5. Please put effort on your replies

Well,  let's begin!

"I said d**k at the front of my BF! By BF, I meant best friend! He was so shocked when he heard it and he was so funny when he reacted!"

Odil yonah


"A split personality, huh? I guess you're never bored then? Wait, you can't talk to yourself...that does seem hard. I wonder if that gives you a bit more control, though?"

"I wish my hair were a bit longer. It used to be, but then I accidentally set it on fire..."

This user's post has been blocked from this thread.
Ivy gummy

"I mean, I feel like yer son would be happy to see his father happy. Even if the situation is very uncomfortable. Which im sure kinda is."

"from what ive learned from my flirtin experiences, ladies like bein compared to mermaids nd stuff, which I can get from the fairy tales, but every mermaid Ive ever ran into have been super stuck up. Don'a wanna tell a pretty girl shes a prick though, ya know?"

Runa ChickieDee

"I couldn't agree more. I don't really want to be one to gossip, but whenever I've done business with mermaids, they definitely seem to be that way. Always insisting that they should get free samples of the hair product I sell just to make sure it's 'quality'." Runa lets out a little huff of annoyance, putting her hands on her hips. "As if I don't already ensure quality of my products. I made sure that they paid a pretty penny for that quality, after all. As for your issue...maybe try comparing them to flowers instead? I know I'd like to be compared to a flower~"

"Oh, I keep a jar of candy ready for any little ones that may come into the shop~! They always get so excited when I offer it to them, it's simply precious! Of course, it isn't free, though; I just slip the price into their parents' receipts at the end."

Eoryth Xelephise AlleycatIrony

❛❛Oh man, ahahaha-- that's great! I wish I thought of shit like that. I'd add somethin' like that to the bar but we don't exactly get kids in because... ya know, it's a bar. We do get a lot of them dumbass idiots that'd fall for that crap though. Might incorporate it anyway and see how it goes. Hope ya don't mind me stealin' ya little gig there, girly.❜❜


❛❛Because I like talkin' about the bar, I'm the best worker there is. Or one of them, got a little succubus gal that's around sometimes. This ain't about her though. Anyway, I'm the best worker and I'm hardly ever doin' my job. My boss doesn't give a shit if I knock the lights out of anyone who's annoyin' me and he also doesn't care if I drink myself into a fuckin' slump behind the counter. Guys be stealin' from the register when I ain't lookin' too. Makes me wonder what kinda shit business we're runnin' here.❜❜

Tiamtu (Tia) Bahrain FruityParfait

"Wow you can get away with a LOT, can't you?" Tia giggles, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the bar in between the two of them. "I know I can get away with quite a bit at my own bar I used to work at, but nothing like what you've gotten away with. Mama Moira would've kicked my ass twenty times over for the shit you've pulled. Though I guess the difference is she actually cared deep down past her prickly exterior." Tia looks a bit wistful, for a moment, before she quickly covers it up with a flirtatious smile. "In any case, it'd be nice if we could share bar work horror stories together. Why don't we share a drink sometime? I'd LOVE to get to know you a bit more... intimately." 

"Fun fact about me, boys and girls and others- I'm not entirely self taught when it comes to music! When I was little, I knew a pi-" She pauses, and coughs to cover up her stumble. "...person... who worked with my dad that played the lute. I picked up the basics of guitar and music theory from him, though I mostly taught myself how to play and picked up my own musical style once I got older. I've been trying to teach the bozos i'm travelling with how to do music in turn, but some of them are picking it up better than others..." She shudders, and mumbles to herself, "...our rogue has the musical capabilities of a rusty spoon." 

Rema MoringStar Jazzy_J_Wolf

"Why Darling thats amazing. You must be quite a fast learner to pick up on music so well, And thats very sweet of you to teach your travel companions music as well, hehe, even if their not so good at it" 


"Though it pains me to say, my fact is a little dark. The over the overwhelming pain of the fact that I can not have children of my own, has let my mind to some very dark places" Rema goes quite, rubbing her hands together "Once, when I was younger, I almost did something terrible. I almost stole a baby" Tears start to form in her eyes. "It was horrible, all I could feel was my sisters (Envy) energy. My envy for those who had a child almost lead me to making a mistake, I would have regretted the rest of my life"  

Ash Liu (애쉬 리우) DrawingwithSydney

"WHA-- YOU ALMOST STOLE A BABY? Dear, if you went a bit further, I'm sure you could've regretted it your whole life- but be strong..! It's a save that you didn't steal'em! Fighting!~" Ash makes a fist and throws it in the air.

"Hah. So, there was this one time when I was trying to see one of my favorite singers, AKA, BAEKHYUN, MY HOMIE, MY EVERYTHING, he was backstage and I had tickets to go seem him, but there was too much paparazzi smothering all around him, so I simply just waited out at the stairs where everyone gets in and out of the stage. After the paparazzi left, my idol, Baekhyun, was simply in front of me and kind enough to give me a hand for seeing me lay their- what was that word? Ah- YEA- "Dead", he said I looked dead.. Dude, you guys, this is, like, a one time chance with your damn idol- like- why not? So I simply took his hand, got some merch ;DDD and WALKED OFF WITH HIS PHONE NUMBER... YEA.... ;;;DDDDDDDDD ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)━☆゚.*・。゚ "

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"You got his phone number?! Okay, okay, that's really impressive. I have to know, did you call him after or text or anything? Because I don't know if I could work up the nerve the text one of my favorite singers, oh my god..."

"Okay, so this is a funny story. So in one of my routines, I had on a pretty tight outfit right? Well, the outfit actually busted a seam in the middle of the routine and just tore open. The crowd really seemed to like it, but I had to change up my entire routine on the spot to try and fix it! I'm telling you, it was one of the most nerve-wracking performances I've ever done! I'm still a little sad that costume was ruined, though; it was a really flattering one, you know?"

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Xitoya aerilurus

"Wow! Being able to explore different planets sounds like quite an adventure of a lifetime! Condolences for your phone and such, but have you discovered their perspective on high-end technology? I'm not a tech savvy myself, but I wouldn't be able to live without such modern stuff!"


"Couple of years ago, I was a captive subject of bizarre experimentation. Needless to say, the facility was nice and surprisingly well equipped and modern, but uh... the scientists didn't quite reflect its hospitality. They actually took my original lilac-colored eyes! Think of my current magenta eyes as a, uh, gift from the heavens? Egh, they believed that my old eyes harbored the ability to read the aura, the intent, and the mind of an individual. I don't see much use for it anyway, now that my eyes actually do have them. All because I'm the spitting image of the goddess that had this power!" 


(Bump ;>)

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"Don't git me started about losin' an eye or two," he said while making a waving gesture with his hands. "Did yer any nicker for dat? seein' aura's,  fake or not, and whatever they may be, sounds pure..pricey." he scratched his chin. 

"So'tiz always super cold in Drakenburg. i'm wearin' like two pairs av socks an' I canny still feel me toes" he said. As he made a disapproving snort after that. " I'm also  wearin' dis scarf but those bleedin months ate from it, de nerves those lil' critters 'av."

Yukimura YunaNoire

"Deal with it. It's not that bad... I've dealt with way worse wearing only my leggings and a pair of boots. You're way too soft if you let a little cold air get to ya." She shakes her head and rolls her eyes dismissively. "So just suck it up! Plus... two pairs of socks doesn't always make things better. Get some merino wool if your toes are really giving you problems."

"Man... it's been a long time since i've had some Beef Sukiyaki. Although... hehe." She smirks a little as she seems to recall something. "I remember this one time a girl at Gessen forgot to add some more of the broth to the Sukiyaki pan... she ended up completely ruining it! Geez... talk about a waste of good Sukiyaki!"