Favorite Character of the OC Below (IC)

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by bulgariansumo

This might be a bit far-fetched for a game idea, but, here's how it works: Go through the above user's ocs and pick a character that one of your characters would be interested in, and as your character, say why they're interested in the above user's character. Remember, it can be any character from the above user's gallery, not just the one that they're posting with.

Character A: I like [one of User Z's OCs] because I think we would get along very well.

Character B: I would like to meet [one of User A's OCs] because I think they'd make a good sparring partner.

Character C: I feel like [one of User B's characters] would make a good employee for my company. 

These are just examples. Reasons a character may be interested in another can be varied, but try not to get to rude, even if it's in character. Also, try not to get too NSFW, since I plan on keeping this forum open to the general public. Hope you enjoy!

[Please tell me this thread posts OOC]

White Home (Weiss Heim) horseradish

Weiss flipped a quarter and hid the front facing side with his hand.
"You! You look like a wise young lady, a lady, whom, maybe could hold such knowledge on what side this coin flipped on? Do you think it's heads or tails?" A smug grin formed on his smug bastard face, continuing to tease like a middle school boy.
"I think tails."

Alas, whatever faulty trick he was trying to pull on the poor woman failed; the coin rested on heads. In a fit of unkept rage, Weiss frustratingly threw the coin across the room, causing it to bounce off of a wall and roll around on the floor. Shucks.
"Well, whatever. I guess you are really wiser than I thought," he sang, as if Odette had some sort of hidden psychic ability that controlled which side the quarter would land on, ".. Or, maybe? You appear quite sickly! Have you eaten today? You look mighty scrawny, I'm sure there's some chips or some shit stashed around here I could give you." Heim rose from his seat, further looking down at Odette with beady mole rat eyes.

".. Do you like chips? You seem kinda .. hoity toity. I don't got any canned soup or any of that fancy shit laying around," he put his filthy rodent finger into his mouth, nonchalantly picking at his teeth. "Mm, but I guess I could respect that, eh? You look smart. You seem smart. But there's something that's telling me to pity you, ain't that weird? You happen to suffer through any weird childhood trauma or some shit?" He scoffed. "Hell, probably just some weird instinct. You look mangy, that's all."

How nice.

"Some broad left some tea here, too, if you're into that. I don't know what 'Goo - long' is, but it sounds disgusting. She was weird as fuck, anyway, I don't drink tea -- so on your way out I'll give you the lot." Weiss shrugged and shuffled towards the end of the room, bending his scrawny ass over to pick up the aforementioned quarter.
"Maybe I can give you this, too. Get yourself some fucking ramen or something, you need that damn weight .."

pssst, np, most developed ocs are in the stories folder!

 Minou kafkaesque

Minou was a simple bird with simple priorities. If she was around another screaming avian entity, she went apeshit.

Now, there was a different, more important question to be posed. Was this a good thing, or basically a recipe for disaster?

Her owner, Brown, didn't seem too fazed by the potential ordeal as she gently stroked her avian companion's feathers and grunted, "Well, this is... Certainly new. I am surprised that Johnson did not take one of those damn 'demons' for himself, but..." She drew her lip back while shooting a wary glare at the griffin. Was it going to eat her? Or her bird? Because the aristocrat's subsequent reactions would've honestly depended on that. "... Then again, he is a rather stuffy fellow. You might like it better here, snookums. At least here, you can get all the food that you want." Oh god. Was she giving this screaming griffin a pet name? She was one step closer to giving him a real name...

"Actually, give me a second," the aristocrat piqued in before getting up to her feet and walking off to the kitchen. Fatal mistake. In her sheer negligence, she had left Minou behind in the living room, and the bird was absolutely fucking devastated. With a hiss, she puffed out her feathers at Brown, expecting her cry for attention to be noticed so that Brown could just… Get the fuck back over here and give her the food that she deserved. That’s right. Her. Not that griffin that Brown had probably hauled in out of pity… Her.

Uuuuuugh. This was going to be a long wait, wasn’t it?

In the meanwhile, though, Minou stared at the avian creature and… Hissed. Of course she did. She could’ve expected the griffin to start screaming on a whim, which she would’ve gladly joined in, but… Not yet. For now, Minou could afford to just give him a death glare and hiss every so often, as a treat- Speaking of treats… The bird’s concentration was frequently broken by the sound of footsteps - Brown’s footsteps to be specific. They fluctuated in loudness, causing her to ruffle her feathers each time they grew louder… Or quieter, for that matter! When was she going to get this damn food!? Minou let out a squawk and shuffled her taloned feet in an attempt to be intimidating. Oh.

It was so damn tense, in all honesty. The best-case scenario would’ve been Brown coming back to see the avian creatures staring each other down. The worst-case scenario… Was probably best left up to the imagination.

@ NP: if choosing Minou for your response, know that she's Brown's pet bird, so you're free to throw the murder woman into the mix if you find replying to a feral, non-sapient bird awkward!!

NP maaaay also get a follow-up if I have the time??

Tooth yanderechips

(So sorry this was short, I had an idea and then forgot about it.... But in the meantime, a shark likes an old woman and wants to protect her.... As a treat.)

Oh boy. 

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Tooth stared down the way smaller lady before him, eying her smaller figure. He was definitely intrigued. 'How cruel could this husband of hers be just so that he could benefit for himself?' The shark thought to himself. He shook his head. He wasn't going to ask her anything. Yet.

".......Hey- uh, do you want to go somewhere to do something..?" He then backtracked. "I mean- how has your husband been doing lately? He seems like an okay person," He lied through his sharp teeth. 

"...Do you like shrimp? Here, I brought some, not like your going to eat it, but.... It's there." He smiled for only a second.

"..Maybe one day we can just.... Take a day off and talk about how your husband treats you..?" His voice trailed off as he looked to the older woman for an answer.

Brown (Human) kafkaesque

“You know, dearie,” Brown teased to the gardener with a nonchalant wave of her hand, “You might as well be depleting your own garden for something so senseless if you keep spoiling me with these Venus flytraps… Even if I do appreciate them.” A sneer appeared on the aristocrat’s face as she continued to coo, “Why? Do you think that I am that fucking incompetent with my plants? You know how proper fellows like myself tend to react to criticism. I thought you would know better by now, dear.”

Which was… Sort of a lie, in all honesty. While it was true that Brown herself didn’t like it when people talked shit about her… There was definitely so inherently amusing in how the other party conducted herself that the aristocrat found herself tickled by intrigue. A terrible thing, really!

But alas, Brown kept her lips pursed shut on the matter as she hummed with a wave of her hand, “By the way, though… You can place your latest fucking Venus flytrap somewhere in the study. I like having plants to accompany me when I deal with my fossils, you know?” She paused before starting to chortle. “Wait! I didn’t clarify which study!” the older woman suddenly cried out in mock distress, before waving her hand to beckon over her guest, “Just… Give me a moment! I need to collect myself- Oh, how amusing people like you are…” Which, again, was a terrible thing. Brown didn’t deserve one Venus flytrap, let alone several of those fuckers.

She also didn’t deserve to be laughing her ass off as she held a hand to her head and let out a melodramatic sigh. Every Romantic poet would be losing their fucking minds if they knew the sort of disrespect Brown was paying to them, but alas. Alas alas…

The aristocrat eventually got up out of her recliner and hummed, “... That asides! I could just… Fucking lead you to my study myself. Wouldn’t that be sublime - mm, sweetheart?” Please stop with the shitty pet names. It wasn’t even like Brown meant anything she was saying; all of this was clearly just witty banter to throw ad nauseum at her poor guest, just to test her. Was she going to stop giving her Venus flytraps, or plants in general, if Brown annoyed her enough? Hopefully!

At the same time, though… Brown would’ve been distressed. Boohoo. She was just starting to perfect her methods of cultivating these carnivorous plants, after all.

Thus, with a wave of her hand, the aristocrat hummed, “So, if that is the case, follow me. I’m sure that flytrap is itching to get some real fucking nutrients around here!”, before breaking off into another laugh. Wow. But Brown was indeed going off into the hallways, her heels making a typical click-click sound against the only thinly carpeted tiles while she occasionally peered over to see if the other was following. “Don’t worry,” Brown reassured her with a chuff, “I do not keep my bird in my study- Studies, for that matter. The worst that can happen is that you find sweet Tabby in the hallway, mm?” Finding Tabby actually wasn’t that bad - at least compared to literally everything else. Brown could get some credit, as a treat.

I'll try my best to do a follow-up for NP if I have the time??

White (Topaz) PolarisStorm

Spoiled for a few non-explicit mentions of serial killers and the like, as well as slightly more explicit details of child abuse.

“Thank you for allowing me to talk to you, Brown,” Topaz said with a small nod. “Now, I’m sure you’re confused by the name Vermilion mentioned. He mentioned a Carmine, correct?” He paused for a few moments to take a deep breath, then continued, “I know you’re under the impression that my brothers and I are triplets with the same name. Well, the thing is… That was somewhat a lie. I apologize. I understand if you’re upset over the fact that my brothers, Sanguine, and I would lie to you, but please understand it was for our sake. It’s not something we trust people with easily. Is that understandable at all?” Once again, Topaz paused for a few moments, then continued once more, “Do you know what Dissociative Identity Disorder is, Brown? If you don’t, it’s essentially a mental disorder, per se, that causes multiple ‘personalities’- or people, as we prefer, because that’s what we are, for the most part- in one body. I don’t know what the media perception is like here, but where we live, people with this disorder tend to be depicted as serial killers. That is why we’re so hesitant about discussing it. We aren’t serial killers. I sure do hope that is obvious. I can’t say we’re not murderers, because I and one of my brothers work as vigilantes, but we aren’t insane serial killers with no control. Now, about the things you have to know, now that you know this secret… None of us actually go by the name White. It is the body’s name, but none of ours. My name is Topaz, the talkative brother of mine is Cyan, and the mute brother is Carmine, the one Vermilion mentioned. We use the rose on our hat to discreetly identify who is controlling the body at the moment. I wear a peach one, Cyan wears a yellow one, and Carmine wears a red-orange one. We’re typically called White around strangers who do not know our secret, so that we don’t have to go through, well… This. So, I respectfully ask that unless specified otherwise, refer to us as White in public. One more thing… The body can talk, but Carmine can’t. DID is caused by trauma at an early age, which for us, was severe child abuse. Carmine is the only one who remembers this. He has no voice because of this trauma. I don’t know the exact details of it, but it was a severe blow to the throat that took away his voice. The body healed, but he… Didn’t. We have an entire world in our head for us to communicate, and we all look very different from the body, I believe. If you could see him in there, I believe you would understand, but you can’t. He has a massive scar on his throat, and it looks painful. I wonder if it still pains him sometimes…” Topaz paused for a little but once again, allowing himself to show only a slight amount of vulnerability. He then said, “... I believe that’s it, unless I’m forgetting something. Do you have any questions, Brown? I am very willing to answer them. Otherwise, that is all I came for. Thank you again for allowing me to have a discussion with you. I appreciate it. I think you’re quite an interesting person, and I mean that in the kindest of ways.”

Dog Kicker really fucked with the wrong girl... I'm so sorry. TW for some pretty graphic threats, though she doesn't act on them.

Fuchsia stared at the man as he tilted his head, and growled, “Oh yeah? Well, I couldn’t give less of a fuck, honey. If people think of me as an asshole, what the fuck ever. I couldn’t give less of a shit. And you shouldn’t give a shit either-” She paused as her trauma was brought up. Her expression turned into a growl as she, for once, stayed quiet as Dog Kicker continued to talk. It was only when he was done that she stepped forward, getting nearly toe-to-toe with the man, and growled, “I don’t even know how you know any of that, but you certainly have some balls bringing it up, hun. Too bad I’m going to cut them off with a buzzsaw if you don’t leave right fucking now. If that doesn’t work, I’ll kill you, slowly and painfully. I’ll ensure you don’t run by absolutely destroying your limbs, and I’ll open you up and rip out your organs one by one, starting with the ones you can live without, then we’ll work up to the more vital things, then end with the lungs, heart, and your brain. By the time I’m done, nobody will be able to recognize your corpse. So… Run. Run, sweetie, before you realize how badly you’ve fucked up.”

 Wayde horseradish

SHORT response cause i've had like. this writing burnout .. but also a spoiler because dog is an asshole and he makes fun of childhood trauma in a way. pain.

"Ah, I've heard some shit about you." Dog sniffed and kicked his heel against the floor, lowering his eyelids on the businesswoman that lay in front of him. Further tilting his head to the side to ignore her gaze (because, eye contact, am I right?), his face grew into a disgusting smug expression.
"'Never said that they were good things," he looked back up at her and smiled. ".. you know? You sound like an asshole, not like it's not coming from someone who gets the same shit said about him too though, eh?" And, they're said for for a good reason, you fucking dipshit!

Dog cackled and slouched with his hands in his pant pockets, "Suuuuuucks. I didn't have a traumatic childhood, though. Maybe if you didn't play square dance with your families and just opted out to live out on the streets instead, you could of won in life."

Because .. of course that's something you'd say to someone who very clearly had a much shittier life than you did! Dog Kicker, however, unlike most sane people, didn't care. And there was no way in hell that he was going to apologize for saying something as blunt and .. somewhat immature as that.

"It could of toughened you up a bit! Though, I'm sure the prison yards did a bit for me," Dog stated, nonchalantly flexing his arms, ".. mm? Maybe getting caught for all of the shit you've done might of given you something good? You look a bit frail, I'm sure you could of needed it."
Ignore the fact he's telling this to somebody who could easily kill him.

vv AGAHHHHH STOP THIS IS ADORABLE, their dynamic is so sweet i'd die for it ..

🌸 Sakura [桜] FairySugar

Sakura nervously played with the handle of her umbrella her hair fluttering on a gentle breeze as she smiled and held herself up tall... or about as tall as one could get only being 4'11". Her fingers trailed over the handle nervously again as she smiled. "Well, I hope its not a suprise that im picking You." She said with a nervous tap of her fingers on her umbrella looking up at the very tall male. "I was confused on how you would react to me when I first found you in my garden and I almost expected you to tell me fo go away when I joined in to help you look. But you didn't. " 

She glanced up at him. "You let me help you look. Maybe its stupid but it meant alot to me. I tend to get in the way alot inside my home so I stay outside in the garden where im not in the way. So even if you were annoyed by me you put up with me being there and let me talk I appericate that even though you never gave me your name or spoke very much at all. I enjoy your company. I guess what im saying is I like to be around you!" She paused for a moment. "Don't look at me like im crazy! " she said when looking at his face puffing her cheeks at him in indignation before huffing a sigh. "I'm allowed to like whoever I want! Including you. As for why well.." She thinks about that. "Well I dont think there needs to be a reason do you?" 

She pauses again briefly her smile deflating a little. "I know you probably just see me as annoying. Or stupid or something along those lines... But since you've come looking for bugs in my garden every so often I havent been lonely anymore. So Thank you and I hope I can see you around more often....

"and perhaps somehow get a dance from you again. " she muttered that last part. 


Feel free to pick anyone from the lovely Sadness Folder! ^^

Allegretto PicklePantry

"The castle's graveyard isn't the most romantic spot, is it?" chuckled the prince as he wandered out in front of Cordelia. His arms were folded behind his back, and a somber, melancholic gaze swept across each grave. "Centuries and centuries of royalty; people who tried so hard to be remembered, only to end up just like the others: on the ground, their names covered in vines and moss. Ironic, don't you think?" He paused underneath a tree and sat down with a content sigh, motioning for Cordelia to sit besides him.
"I used to always come here when I was young. Back then I had very little control over my hearing abilities, and the heartbeats could be very overwhelming. Here there are none, nor are there any nearby. I could relax. Even now, there are moments where I come here to relax and listen to myself for once. It's not the only secret, however." He smiled while holding a finger up to his lips, then pointed towards the large bells hanging at the very top of the castle. "Those bells always ring during a funeral of someone important. There's something more to it, however, I can tell. There's something off about their tones. I plan to uncover it, though I've yet to figure out what the castle's funeral bells have to do with anything, much less what it could be hiding. It's often what I think about nowadays when I'm here relaxing."
Allegro dropped his head against Cordelia's shoulder, sighing softly. "You're the first I've brought here, you know. The first person I've brought to relax with me, I mean. In a way, I feel more calm than when I'm alone." He gave her a teasing smile. "Where do you think a good grave for me would be? Will you have yours next to mine? I hope you at least keep the moss and vines off my tombstone."

This user is not visible to guests.
Fulvous PolarisStorm

Fulvous stared down at the not-so-familiar cat in front of them, and let out an extremely loud screech upon sight of just how fluffy the cat was. Oh God, here we go again! “Fluffy kitty!” they screamed, and bent down to pet Cat Ira. He reminded them of their actual cat’s tail, except the fluff was everywhere instead of just the tail. They grabbed some cat treats from the pocket of their lab coat. They usually had these for their actual cat, but Pistachio wouldn’t know if they decided to give a few to this fluffball, right? “Come here!” they cooed, pouring the treats in their hand and holding the hand out to the cat. They reached their other hand to pet the kitty, and softly said, “Good kitty, good baby!” Once the cat was done eating his treats, the poor thing was scooped up in their arms, as they screeched, “You’re coming home with me, fluffy kitty baby!” Oh God, oh fuck. They’re catnapping again.

Breaking news: Sanguine makes me write a 600-word follow up for the third time in a row. Spoiled for length.

This time, Sanguine simply stayed silent for the majority of her discussion, besides some simple nods and ‘mhm’s. Part of it was the fact that Brown seemed to react better when he didn’t react too much or intrude, but if he was going to be honest with himself, he also just didn’t feel like talking too much. He wasn’t having a great day. He was still stuck in grief from the loss of Champagne, and today was an especially bad day of said grief. It felt like it was going to crush him, and yet, he continued trying to push it aside. The only people he really wanted right now were his family, but… They weren’t there. Carmine was still with Fulvous, and Vermilion wanted to go out somewhere for some time to himself, probably some kind of art place. For now, the only person around was Brown, and judging by how the conversation was going, it wasn’t going to make him feel that great… But that didn’t matter. As long as Brown was willing to talk with him, he could push aside his feelings for a little while to listen to her, try his best to help her…

At least, it stayed like this until her sudden outburst. It actually startled him a little, and then he felt even worse. He supposed that he should have expected something like that to happen.

Either way, once she was completely done talking, he said with some hesitation, "Well, I think I'm smart, and my husbands echo that, but I don't actually know if I am or not. I'm just as susceptible to doing stupid shit as everyone else. But no, I didn't know what happened with you two, because they don't talk to me. The last interaction we had was simply me texting them to inform them that Carmine was planning to come over to their house. That's why I asked you to tell me what happened. And… I wish it was that simple to check up on someone from The Company, Brown. Fulvous isn't the only one I worry about. There's a Bishop that is especially close to my heart who seems to be going through a rough patch, but… The way The Company works prevents me from checking on him, and nearly half of The Company. If I did, my role would be revealed to the lower ranks, and that's dangerous. Fulvous is a Rook, one of the ones who know about my role, but every single time I try to talk to them, they push me away. I thought that not only would they be more apt to talk to you about it… It would benefit the both of you to discuss it. Talking helps people work through their problems. I just want to help you and Fulvous both. I know you don’t trust me, but I mean it. If I had the choice, I would help everyone. I know that sounds ironic coming from a man who runs an organized crime group full of murderers, but it’s true. There’s a reason I wanted to be a psychiatrist before Pioneer Creekside happened. I hate seeing people sad or in pain, and I’ve always just wanted to help… But I keep fucking it up and making things worse for those I love most, and… And…” And there goes his composure. He hung his head for a little bit, and covered his eyes to attempt to hide the fact that he was crying. After a few moments, he used his sleeves to wipe his tears away, then shakily said, “I’m sorry, it’s not you. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go make myself a meal. Would you like anything to eat, Brown?”

Brown (The Wolf) kafkaesque

oh god this is.... a bit long??? I'm gonna toss my response into a spoiler box juuuuust in case, which is probably for the best because it turned out angstier than I expected lmao.

Brown traced her thumbs along the intricate filigrees carved into her mug before she sniffed to the CEO seated across from her, "Well, unfortunately for you... I don't have much information when it comes to that Fulvous individual of yours. And if you expect much from me in that regard, you're going to be sorely disappointed." What a promising response.

"Besides," the middle-aged woman explained while drawing back her lip, "all they did was treat me to some dinner, as well as give me their cat to play with. You know that, right?" Not that she expected the enby to prattle to the older man about... Anything particularly personal, but Brown supposed that it didn't matter- Actually, nothing about this conversation really mattered, even if she had to admit that the amenities that the Diamond's CEO offered her were rather delectable. Decadent, even... She fluttered her lashes and leaned back against her seat.

"I mean... As their boss, you should be the one watching out for them too," she sniffed with a slight frown, "I can't do every single damn thing for you, even if you do realize that they have... Their similarities to me..." The aristocrat trailed off and almost, just almost, drew her lip back to form the slightest grimace. Her mind started to buzz, and there was that sinking feeling that was starting to rise up in her chest...

You fucking idiot. You better not do this to me, or you're going to get fucked over...

Brown's back pressed itself further against the seat's satin cushioning as she huffed, "... And besides, from my experience, shit like that - or at least the shit that I face - tends to fuck you up permanently. You can move on from it as much as you want, but there is something that stays with you. My, uh... Inability to exactly feel love, for example." You have a boyfriend? And you love him just fine? Bitch? Either way, Brown couldn't help but silently curse herself out for being so... Vulnerable. Ugh. And even after the supposed "King" of the company proved himself to be a bit of a probe when it came to her emotions. Time and time again...

She sucked in a breath and took a sip. Holy shit, did she need the break. While she sipped from her cup of coffee, though, the aristocrat couldn't help but glare at the other party. The drink, as soothing and decadent as it was, did little to alleviate the dryness in her throat, and it pissed her off. It pissed her off so much that she slammed the cup down when she was done drinking, the impact being so forceful that it almost shattered the cup from the bottom up.

"Not that it fucking matters, of course!" she barked with an abrupt fury burning in her eyes, "You didn't need to bring up my husband, or how we didn't get along before he died!" Brown could feel her fingernails digging into her palm as she breathed in and out, in and out... Her nostrils flared while she almost rasped out, "We never got along anyway, but it didn't matter one bit. It never did. It never will." Emphasis on "almost." The aristocrat could feel the air leaving her lungs when she eventually resigned herself to holding her head and her hands and letting out a long sigh. "... I... I have a feeling that they would be like that too. Fulvous, I mean. Closed off, defensive... Fearful... I would be walking on a thin line if I asked about... Whatever they went through, sir. I'm not stupid, and I sure as fuck hope you're not that stupid for a man either."

@ NP: Brown is meant to be human, so check out her Human tab if you end up choosing her for your response!! I'm just posting as her urban legend tab in case it inspires your response!!

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up if I have the time?? :0c

DMT (Carcass) horseradish

Carcass was a rodent. With that being said, Carcass had a simple mind. Normally when a rodent sees a human being (something that'd be over 5ft+ taller than them, just a fun fact!) they'd fucking dart .. but, as I mentioned, Carcass was simple. She craved nothing in life but attention and the occasional grape and / or piece of graham cracker that DMT fed her. So, that's why when she saw the man whom was roughly six feet taller than her, she did not run. She did not scream. Carcass simply looked up at Skinner and stared, beady rodent eyes piercing through the poor mans very soul.

Alas, this man looked promising to the mere rodent. There she sat, inches away from him. Skinner didn't seem like a cold or mean individual, much of what Carcass was used to being around, instead, he actually seemed ...

.. Normal? What the hell?

Her nose twitched. Simply too many thoughts running through such a tiny mind, it almost gave her a headache. The rodent was here for pets, and pets only, something which she very highly expected out of such a poor soul as this.
She moved forward, seemingly unaware as hell that a fucking rat would probably scare the shit out of any sane person. Maybe? Noetheless, Carcass steadily moved towards him and sniffed at the front of his shoe.

Pick her up and feed her some cheese? Throw her? Anything you do to her, she wouldn't mind. She'd just be happy to be around someone who's not fucking insane for once.

anyone from death conspiracy! please don't choose anybody from 'BG characters!'

Zinnia (Zinnia's cattos) salternate

Tortellini let out a trill, happily hobbling around as she did so. She paraded around DMT, desperately begging for his attention. His hands smelled like rats, and Tortellini wanted to give those fingers of his a nibble. Maybe he would let her...as a treat? Tortellini decided that she deserved it.

As soon as the elder party stopped pacing, Tortellini decided that it was time to enact her plan. The three-legged Scottish Fold hobbled over to the musician, making sure that he was still distracted. When she confirmed that he was, the feline shuffled up to his hands. Pushing herself up by the haunches, Tortellini stood on her hind legs and sniffed at DMT's fingers. Eventually, she opened up her jaw and gently clenched them on his fingers.

"Brrp?!" Tortellini trilled in surprise at his reaction, abruptly toppling on top of her back. There, Tortellini decided to improvise. Hopefully, he would give her belly a rub with his smelly rat hands, too, as an extra treat.

Aminia Jeannet Vapor

Aminia only had Zinnia for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, she would kill everyone and then herself.

"There you go!" Aminia cheered, as she pulled away from Zinnia, "You look so cute!"

In the smudged vanity mirror reflected back the two young women, as the older of the two bumbled around behind Zinnia. Zinnia, whose face was dusted in rosy makeup, cheeks blushed soft pink and lips painted coral. There would probably be more to come, knowing Aminia, but the only thing she seemed to have in mind now was running a comb drenched in vanilla-scented oil.

"I mean, you are always cute, though." she added quickly, as she continued to straighten out the younger girl's soft, pale locks, "I think it's stupid that you aren't the belle of your school, but then again, I never took my education publicly. I wouldn't know how it is, really. It must be difficult, though! You must be smart to have to deal with all of them, though -- the boys, the girls, whatever it is you like. You should tell me some time, just saying."

"And you!" She pulled away, finishing off with Zinnia's hair, and then offering the girl a white bow to tie around it. "Oh, you... I have a little sister, but we don't talk very often! She doesn't live near me, you know. But you -- I think you could suffice for now, even though, ah..." The woman leaned down, staring at both of their reflections. "Well, we look nothing alike. Except for maybe the two of us being drop-dead gorgeous."

Smells like arrogance.

zuri passes out again.

Zuri was but a little old lady, leaned against the counter, her eye closed. It was easy to mistake her for being so close to passing out, especially given the time of day, but rest assured, she listened closely to the younger man. She had almost forgotten she was supposed to be cleaning, though, which... Gods, that needed to happen. Flecks of strawberry seeds and spots of juice and runny icing stained the once-clean counter. She figured she made enough scones for Fitzgerald, but what about the children?

She opened her eye to glance over at him, before hoisting herself from the counter and drawing a rag from the hook over the water basin. As she soaked the cloth in the water, she said to him, "I didn't make very many because of the bout of cradle cough going around. I don't expect anymore than three of them to visit, so I made only nine..." She gestured to the plate before him, where three of those nine scones sat. "I have leftover pastries I can give to you, but I figure you should actually eat something healthy with them." Hopefully she wouldn't forget to half-ass him a sandwich later. [Oh, sorry, his friend. Did he even have friends aside from himself? She wasn't sure.]

The woman looked back at the basin, taking the cloth from the water, wringing it out, and getting on to wiping to counter down. She didn't turn her attention from the task, but responded to his offer nevertheless. "Please do help me, dear. There's other rags in the cabinet, just use a blue one."

Zuri took a step back from the counter with the assumption he would pick up where she left off. She tossed her own cloth down by the basin.

"Remember to pour the water in the basin outside, and leave it out there for the snow to fall into." That sounds unsanitary? "And as for the scones..." She looked to the pan left out. "I'll take care of them. I know Cecile and -- I forgot his name -- her brother should show up in ten or so minutes. They pass by on the way to temple, so..."

She trailed off, pushing herself towards the table and slumping down in one of the wooden chairs. "Don't eat all of them, or you'll skip the next baking session."

Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

Fitzgerald was, of course, annoying as fuck, but he also had a soft spot for older people, so... Maybe this wouldn't turn out so terribly? Who fucking knows.

Either way, he was quick to chirp, "So, miss, you're sure that not a lot of children are going to come over to the estate... Right?", while lifting up the scone that he had just taken a bite out of. Poor scone. His gaze remained locked on the older woman who had made said scones, as if he was attempting to read her expression for... Something. Whether it be a slightly raised brow, or a twitch of her lip... Fitzgerald was going to be watching, for better or for worse.

Oh, and eating. Of course it had to include eating, as he took another bite out of the pastry. Though he probably would've badgered the elder retainer for a more chocolatey treat, the youth - as bratty as he was - supposed that strawberry was decent enough as a flavor. Good for him?

"I'm just asking for a friend, by the way," Fitzgerald quickly added with a scoff, before conspicuously pointing a finger at himself. Uuuuuuuugh. His nostrils flared while he continued to chirp, "Besides, I think they just so happen to be a fan of your baked goods... Or maybe one of the children gave it to them? I can't remember." He conveniently paused to rub his chin in mock thought. "Then again, though... It's just gossip. I don't think one should take it as dogma, but it's the interesting topic to bring up, especially as you get the place cleaned up in the last minute..."

Again, he paused, but this time to hop from his seat. The scone, alas, was still in his hand as he lifted it up to his mouth and took another bite from it. Joy.

"... Actually, do you need any help with that?" he then asked- Wait one fucking second. Fitzgerald, actually being nice? Maybe the sugar from what he was eating was actually getting to him, but he did seem genuinely interested as the young man took a step forwards and fluttered his lashes at the older woman. "I don't want to be patronizing, but-" He took a bite out of the scone, finishing it up that way. His hand almost crept towards the pastry before he coughed into his sleeve and sniffed, "- Maybe, if a lot of children end up coming over... You could use an extra pair of hands?" He paused and shuffled his foot almost sheepishly. Great.

Alas, whatever generosity he displayed in that one moment was quick to disintegrate as Fitzgerald chirped right afterwards, "But if not, then I can just eat all the scones!" He let out a wry laugh before placing his hands on his hips and grinning. "I know it sounds a bit reckless, but come on! I've eaten plenty of sweet things in my life, and nothing bad has happened? What could go wrong, really?" How the fuck did he not get that much cavities anyhow?

maybe I'll do a follow-up for NP if I have the time??