Make up a rumor about the OC above!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago by  Miiero kija

I love games where you make up lies about others and try to guess what's true and false, so here we go!


Person A: -posts character-
Person B: My character has heard that your character was arrested briefly.

etc. etc.

And so on!

Rules for this thread:

  • be kind and friendly!
  • be creative, and have a fun time!
  • wait at least 3 responses or 24 hours before posting again.
 Mary fizzelston

"I've heard that you can turn people into stone with your gaze," Mary said. She inched closer to the crazed pyromaniac and carefully smiled. Mary's eyes darted over Pye's mask. Looking for something relatable. Something inhuman.
"Your eyes are surely something special," she mused. "At least my flock tells me that," Mary added. Vaguely.
"Oh! Can you take off your mask? I want to see your eyes myself!"
Mary smiled. Even the tips of her tentacles curled in excitement.


Yooooo thats perfect!? Just the way you describe the atmosphere, build up and the witch-lore 👌!! I live for your writing!? I'm too busy for a proper follow up atm but know that I loved it 😭🙏!!

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Keegan TheEliBlog

“I heard she sells dolls, but not the fake kind! She sells dolls by taking the souls and eyes of real children and sewing them up into or as a doll. Might explain why those things have such an uncanny appearance…” Shuders…

“She looks way too... nice. I know to never trust one that looks or acts too sweet for their own good, as my father would say, never trust anyone. I say she probably was behind the death of her parents… fire may kill ice but ice turns into water and we all know water kills fire…”


“I’ve heard he’s a- wait for it-“ they sucked in a breath, holding it for a moment before pouncing. “GHOST! he’s a GHOST, yeah! A real life, living- well, not really- ghost, see-through and all!

cackling, red eyes glimmered in the low light as a grin creeped up upon their lips, hands reaching out and flipping a gold coin. ”Plus, who trusts someone like him? Look! He’s just a little thing, he dunno who he is himself!” their chin tipped up, heart racing from the pure adrenaline from telling such a preposterous lie; surely no one would belive them, yet they spoke anyways, sly and mischievous as always.

“Whaddya think? Does he look like one? think so.” 

Sandra Kawaiimarshmallowkit

"Hey, so... I know don't we don't really know each other, but I recently heard a rumor about you that's kind of concerning, to say the least. I don't know if you've heard about this or not yet, but apparently, fish have been randomly going missing at the aquarium. I overheard a few people say they believe that you're the one stealing them. I know this rumor may seem silly, but it might get you in trouble. After all, people are calling you a theif! So, is this rumor true? If it's not, you might want to try and clear your name before things get out of hand. There's a chance that you could go to jail over this!"

Spoilered because the response is a little bit violent at the start due to Sandra's anger/jealousy issues.

"Honestly, I think if it was true, Slappy's actions would've been exposed to me by now. Plus, despite him being evil, I know he's loyal. Besides, if Slappy was cheating on me, I'd hunt the girl down and rip out her heart! <3 Oh, and Slappy wouldn't last long either... :D But luckily, I won't have to do that, because after all we've been through, he wouldn't cheat on me... RIGHT!?"

Sandra then tried to calm down and think logically. She was letting her emotions get the better of her. Cho was simply just trying to inform Sandra that there was fake news about Slappy cheating on her. There was no reason for Sandra to be making threats against her husband and some girl that he probably doesn't even actually know! When Sandra calmed down, she started thinking more logically.

"...and he's demisexual/demiromantic, meaning that he'd only have romantic feelings for someone that he has close bond with, and I'm the only one that has a close enough bond with him to make him feel that way, plus, he's usually hanging out with me or our friends anyway. He really wouldn't even have enough time to develop feelings for another girl and start cheating on me. Actually, now that I think about it, Slappy was at home yesterday afternoon! If anything, it more than likely is fake news. People make up fake news about celebrities all the time to get clout! I wish they'd consider the idea that they might be ruining someone's relationship, or even that person's reputation. I hate fake news..."

"Oh, and... I'm sorry if I scared you. I don't normally act like that. I just... let my emotions get the better of me... I know you were just trying to inform me about the rumor. I'll go tell Slappy, and hopefully, we can stop this fake news from spreading."

Cho Sakuragi Wye

"To be honest, i know that we don't really know each other, but i recently heard a rumor about Slappy, which its totally weird considering that he's a puppet. So, I heard that Slappy is dating a new girl, I'm not sure that you heard of this news before and whatnot, it said on the online news" She ahems "But apparently it says that the rumors takes place in yesterday during the afternoon - some people have noticed about Slappy and that new girl holding hands and is talking to each other so lovingly. and Plus it was also said that the two have kissed a few times, or another during that."

"Ehe, i knoiw that i don't think its true since fake news in online are fake, so what do you think about this new rumor?" she asked

Pastel Philippe Vapor

"You've got to clear something up for me, little miss." Pastel stopped as soon as he started. He looked over the papers on his desk -- not that they belonged to him, though some might also be mistaken as belonging to the young woman accompanying him. Moths were sketched and detailed on the page. His eyes passed over them, though his lip curled. He didn't really like bugs.

Nor did he like Cho, as pitiful of a thought that might be. Worrying, he looked back at her, and brushed the drawings aside. "I was a guard for some time," he told her, "So I feel that I must be vigilant -- especially nowadays, I'm sure you understand... And, I'm sure you know of the rumors that surround you."

His eyebrow now raised, he continued, asking her, "Some say that, while you love your bugs, every animal doesn't receive the same love from you. That includes humans, such as ourselves." Then, he scoffed. "Some say you have a secret desire to experiment on people. I'll give you that it doesn't make any sense, but... you know, maybe all you bug-loving little girls are the same. Some days I feel like my friend's apprentice is going to drug my wine. But, you're better, right?"


" I heard your really good at combat!! Thats really cool!' She approached the person infront " infact I heard your incredibly!! Really nice!!" She gave the person a happy smile " mind telling me if the rumors are true!?"

Wizzy ArtisticTiger

“I heard that Nea is pretty friendly! I bet she loves children!”

Kazue Hyun dandelionfields

Kazue glanced around before grinning, “Don’t tell anyone this, but despite Wizzys size, I’ve seen him completely go off at a group of kids who were polluting the water and throwing trash in the water.” He shivered, “It scared me to be honest, someone at that height can sure pack up some anger!” He snickered, a playful gleam in his gaze. 

 Dabble Audlien

"Kazue???" Dabble takes out xer notebook and jots down xer thoughts on him, but, xey were also a bit bored, why not stir up the pot? Xey doubted it would even do anything for his reputation...

"I heard that he doesn't even like preforming anymore, he just does it for the money, and nothing else, it is all just a set up by him and his press team. One time, I heard that he scoffed at a small group of his fans when they came up to speak to him outside of a consert! And don't get me started on his views of his fellow musicians!"

Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

Saiph leans in close, curiously sizing up the avian-like artificer.

"Hey, uh, if you don't mind me askin'... Were you the one who was swipin' up shiny parts? I heard 'ya get some of your machinery parts from defunct machines that were gonna be scrapped. You're real self-sufficient!" The lad rocked on his feet before inching closer. "Um... I reeeally hope you're not actually... Stealin' those parts like these townsfolk said. J-just as a warning, from experience... The guards around here are ruthless!"

god bless u vapor

"I-is there something wrong, miss...? Do I really look that skittish right now?"

He inspected himself briskly, from his head to his tail. However, he seemed unaware that he just had this aura about him to some people. An intense, horrifying one at that. For such a sweet boy, it was unexpected to the woman.

"Oh, me? Nervous? ...Hmm..." He pondered. "N-Not at all, no. I'm okay, I promise." He grinned, though his bottom lip quivered in anxiety. However, the grin would fade at the rumor he was faced with. "A-an orphan? W-well... If I remember what that means... I don't think I am. I'm just a wanderer, miss... Lookin' for things to do, y'know? There's just so much to do and see, i-it... Excites me." Although the smile returned to his face, it was still clear he was being... Dishonest, to a degree.

"You're worried? I-I'm sorry, miss!" He quickly apologized with a bow. "Please, I assure you absolutely nothin' is astray with me... Ahahah... Nothing." Saiph rubbed nervously behind his neck as he spoke. His face would then sour as Hala's words trailed off. Had she really caught on...?

"W-w-w-well! Considered me chuffed, miss, I'm really honored that you'd wanna take me in, but I... Think it's for the best if I either let 'ya be or just stay a night or two..." As he finished, his stomach rumbled. Being on the streets didn't treat him all that kindly, so he sighed. "I am... Really hungry, though... A bit of cornbread might be in order for me, if you could." He hummed, despite his obvious anxiety. This woman really was treating him too kindly...

The Carolina Column CometTheMountainLion

There was speculation swirling around in the upper floors of the Carolina Column. Something about a crow-man, that he could singlehandedly eat all the grain in a grain silo by himself.

Hala Oidekivi (Divorced) Vapor

zidanetribal forrrrr you

Saiph had a sweet face. Who knows what horrors lied behind such looks?

"You keep getting nervous." Hala said to the boy, less to simply point it out and more to voice her concern. She held her slender hand out to him, but then withdrew it, suddenly just as anxious as she imposed. Nevertheless, she was gentle, even when speaking further to him, "Some say that you're an orphan. That must be so difficult." Did it count if he was fifteen and left of his own accord? Probably. That wasn't what Hala had in mind, though.

"I know you must have a few people who like to speak to you," she continued, "But I can't help but to worry about young men like yourself. It's just something that I figured, with you being..." She trailed off, and then finally frowned. "I don't want to push you, but I'm always open, if you need me. My home, too. Would you like a little bit of cornbread, dear?"

CometTheMountainLion aaaand forrrr you

Hala shouldered her friend's side. To be in such a new, "modern" place was unnerving to her already, but the whispers she heard of the skyscraper put her at further unease. And so, she murmured her fret to her companion, just hoping that he would actually listen,

"I heard that this building -- and others here -- have minds of their own. A sentient, sapient creature like... like... in some sort of story." she told Verrill, even as he dragged her along, "It's so strange. Oh, Gods, isn't it so strange, Laferriere? Let's just get what we need and leave, I'm afraid to stick around for much longer and see if it can actually learn to like or dislike..."

for np: just using hala's post-divorce tab here for fun, you're free to use her default profile if you want to   just let me know!

 Roseville Marclyn

"Rumor has it you are happy?"

"He needs to be more careful... A withering flower should have a delicate touch. Better yet, cared for back to life. Not so roughly handled by such a brute..." The Scarlet Brawler gently caresses her cheeks. His stare is intense and deep. "You need someone more nurturing... My beautiful elegant rose..." As he leans in for a soft and compassionate kiss. Wrapping his arms around her. For a brooding fighter he was so gentle with Haha. He then finally pulls away, carefully, as if Hala was precious delicacy. "Well...I know I can make you much... Happier."


"If you need flowers and roses from my garden to impress your gal. You could always ask. More than happy to share my beautiful garden. No shame in it. These hands are more than just for punching a face... I am very gentle when I want to be. Perhaps you should introduce your gal to me... I can show you two my rose garden..." Smirks.