Favourite artwork from the person above

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 months, 28 days ago) by FellowPigeon

The rules of this game are pretty simple: look through the art of the person above, pick the one that is your favourite and write a bit about why you like it. Whether it's the colours, the composition or just the feel of it, anything works, try to write a couple of sentences.  But remember this isn't a criticism thread so make sure what you say is nice. 

If you have most of your art on a different site (e.g Instagram or DeviantArt) feel free to include a link to your account. Instagram doesn't allow you to insert an image's address so simply linking to the image you like is fine if you are claiming for someone. This is also an all-ages thread so please DO NOT  link to galleries with uncensored or easily viewable NSFW images. If the person above you doesn't include a link you should be able to see their art in their toyhouse gallery. 

Reminder: Please include at least two or three sentences in your reply. It's always great to receive a thoughtful comment so including more than a bare minimum "I like it" level response is encouraged

(If there are any problems in this thread feel free to shoot me a message about it)


I absolutely love this piece: http://chirbinbirb.tumblr.com/image/178630972656

For one, I am an absolute sucker for dramatic lighting. I really like how the lighting was done, especially with the sharper lines. The colors chosen are also really adding into the general mood of the picture. May I also admire how the scratches on the face aren't just clean scratches? There is texture under them and it really does look like a gash. Well done! It's such a good piece for October spooky mood!

My art: https://www.deviantart.com/heradollie/gallery/



I like this piece a lot! The gleam in his eye and expression add to the intense look, the color palette is consistent, and the background is nice and dramatic! Simple but effective in what emotion its conveying



It was a hard choice but this one caught my due to the background/scenery. The varied uses of green and the choice of lilies really make this piece wonderful. I love the scaling on his tale as well and overall, makes me want to know more about this character.


Art http://callmekatzchen.tumblr.com/

(Warning: NSFW)


Even after I went through your whole gallery, I just kept coming back to this piece


What first stood out to be was all texture (since I'm an absolute sucker for texture). Especially the details in the hair strands, and the areas where the lineart thickens at the base of the arm armour plates, near the scalp, and areas where his outfit creases.  Also just the detail in all the armour by itself looks fantastic, all the individual pieces working together to create a fantastic looking outfit. In addition, I love his intense expression, and the scars across his face really showcase how rugged he is, if that makes sense? Like you can't look at this guy without thinking battle hardened warrior, and I just absolutely adore the vibes this piece gives off.  I also love how you drew some loose strands of hair falling into his face, I think it adds a lot of character and really brings his whole look together c: ... just... everything about this piece is just so clean and intricate and beautiful and I love it


I just went ahead and stalked your Dev-Account Fokron ahh ///

You have a lot of really beautiful landscapes and I simply love the vibrant colors you use...
While I really enjoy Living City, Lilypad Village and raiyir (and and a lot of others!) for their unique setting and brilliant colors, this one here is by far my favourite in your gallery:

I do have a big thing for flying marine creatures AND red, so it's no surprise this one immediately caught my eye...
And tbh I just love everything about it, starting from the painterly style you used (the leaves ♥).
The rays look so peaceful and I just get the feeling I'm in some kind of super surreal dreamworld.  It's amazingly soothing to look at, even tho the colors are so vibrant and bright - An really amazingly beautiful piece of art! ♥


Here's my gallery tho ♥

v Thank you very much! ♥

This user's account has been closed.

this one for sure!
love the style and interesting shapes the character takes

my art can be found here


I love your art style! It has this really angular but lively character to it with a lot of personality. I think my favorite is this one! I always really love linework with that real media sort of texture to it, and you've paired it so well with the soft coloring of the character. Plus, the shapes you used give the picture a lot of energy; it's just fun to look at!


Another one that drew me in was this picture! I love the character design; I've never seen anything like it, and you rendered the character in such an interesting and uniquely eerie way!

My art: http://hedgemaze.tumblr.com/


I know I have claimed you in the past at least once, if not here then on some other similar thread, so I looked for your more recent pieces! The one that really stood out to me for some reason is this piece, even though it's relatively simple? I really like the way you use the white space, like it's not too much or too little in the way you cropped the image! And the contrast between the blank bg and the darker toned characters is honestly very eye-catching and pleasant to look at, especially combined with your very unique, lively and thick line work! 

And really, in all honesty, I always enjoy seeing images where people interact with animals, and the whole set with your characters and their pets is honestly very Wholesome and made me really happy ; v ; 


My art




This looks like a really well-done pixel. I know this is a commission you've done for someone else, but the colors are really clean, and the lineart and animation (even if it's just a blinking one) are very nice as well! Really lovely work you've done.


Either my DA or on Toyhouse


Gonna go with this one. There's a lot going on and i love the color choice 






I like this one a lot! It has a very distinctive "dark" atmosphere in a setting I don't really expect to see that kind of mood.


Claim! ... I'm on mobile so it'll be a link 

This piece is sick!! I love the lighting and the perspective of it o.o 

This user's account has been closed.


This one is really cool, and it pleases me, because I just love cool artwork haha. The lineart is very clean, the colors blend in perfectly, and I'm very interested in censored eyes, which in here, you did it perfectly! It just feels so stunning to me.


Here's my DeviantArt gallery, though you can pick from my Toyhouse one as well!