Which of their OCs is the person above most like?

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 16 days ago) by hedgemaze

Maybe this will totally flop, but I thought the idea sounded fun. This is the reverse of the Tag Yourself thread, and related to the "your impression of the person above" threads (and maybe "guess the favorite character of the person above").

In this thread, we're gonna do the opposite. Look at the person above's characters, and decide which of their own characters you think the person above is most similar to. Then tell them why you think so!

By similar, I mean what vibe does the person above you give you? Maybe they seem calm and thoughtful, like one of their characters, or rowdy and outgoing like a different one. You're basically guessing which of their characters you think that person has put the most of themself into (intentionally or not). If you don't know the person above you well, that's fine! You can guess based on aesthetics (their avatar, or the impression their profile gives you), the way the character's profile is written, or just take a wild guess if you're totally stumped.

(Personas/fursonas don't count for this, folks. : p At least, not the kind that are literally "the person but as a wolf" or similar; if the persona can also stand on its own as a character, that's fine. If they can't, you can mention the persona, but please choose another OC you think is similar to the person as well.)


  • BE NICE   -- if you want to say someone is similar to their edgy demon OC, please say why ("because you also seem to be into horror themes") and don't just let them think you're trying to insult them.
  • Leave a comment of the caliber you hope to receive; it's more fun if you explain why that character reminds you of them!
  • Claim first so you have time to look through their characters.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your comment in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again, and feel free to edit your post if you want to respond to the person who picked for you! Have fun!

The first person can either pick for me if they want to, or just claim a spot to kick this off.

All my forum games and threads


I'm gonna go with Bat as I feel there's a slight bit of humor on the surface of the character and it's the same feel I get with you. I also feel you have gone through some tough times and much from yourself has gone int oyour characters, perhaps, particuliarly this one.

(For me, you can choose male or female characters. No Matter!)


Below me, dude you are so right. XD Yep, definitley struggle with some mental/emotional BS and he has a lot of my attributes. ALSO I AM religiou sooo you pinned the tail on that donkey. Lord.


I know his story isn't the happiest, but I think that you might relate to Angel in some ways? First of all, to start with the obvious, he is both an artist and a writer, just like you. The fact that his creations are usually 3D also reminds me of what you do with your action figures! (:

He also belongs to the same age group as you, and, if I remember correctly, you also are also dealing with some mental and emotional difficulties. I don't know the details, but I guess he could act as a comfort character in some way. Finally, you also strike me as a person who is faithful and committed to their morals and beliefs, just like him!

If my number of characters is daunting, there's a quick link to my personal faves lmao: https://toyhou.se/Judas-la-Carotte/characters/tagged:fave


I want to say Judas, mostly because of your username. Also, when I looked at the profile I got a very studious and intelligent vibe from him, which I also kind of get from you! Plus the solo gaming part—that in particular sold it to me.

However, I also kind of associate you with Azraël, mostly because of the attack I did on Artfight!!!


@weltschmerz-drachen (pinging because month old post)

I’d say you’re like Heimdall the most! From my interactions with you you’re just a really fun person to hang out with, in my opinion! Also in the Discord server we’re in you’re pretty chatty in there haha- there’s nothing wrong with that though!

I’d say Sting but that’s cheating since he’s your sona haha

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For the person below me, please don’t say Isabella since she’s my sona; here’s everybody with an up to date bio 

— — —

Oh wow that’s really accurate-

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celestiials (I hope it's okay if I claim this since it's been a while since my last post oof-)

Anyways, after comparing some your OCs bios to what I already know of you + Isabella's bio, I would choose Vega? First of all, her basic info and design seem to be pretty close to yours/Isabella's, ie. you both are teenage girls with glasses, brown hair and a similar fashion style!

Then, I've also noticed several parallels when it comes to personality! For instance, Vega's related powers remind me of your/Isabella's intellectual intelligence. Vega's caring and optimistic personality reminds me of your desire to impact people's lives positively, and of course, Vega's creativity reminds me of yours and your heavy implication in your OCverse haha

I also associate you with Hel, mostly because of your sarcastic personalities. She also seems to be one of your ultimate faves so I guess you relate to her a lot c:

If my number of characters is daunting, there's a quick link to my personal faves lmao: https://toyhou.se/Judas-la-Carotte/characters/tagged:fave

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I pick Lisbet because I bet you’re like a loving mother to your kids even though you think they are super EMO and VERY DUMB. You create cockblocks for your dumb kids to make them suffer more and the only difference between you and Lisbet is that you REVEL IN THEIR SUFFERING. I imagine you to be quite bright considering your art style! 

And honestly if you were transported to your own world that you created you bet the world would favour you not even your emo anger kids can touch you

you are the true god.

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I get a fun personality from  you. A fun bordering on almost... Playful?

Anyways, I would chose Morrígan because as he is doing his job, he trie to make it fun and be happy


-kazan- Ok let me see if I do this right I am also curious what I’ll get -kazan- I think you are most like this character -> (even though I kinda already told you lol guess I didn’t say why though) https://toyhou.se/2397982.demarion 

You seem very passionate and artistic (especially in your writing)- seem like the kind of person that would get lost in there work and may seem serious at first but overall you are actually very friendly and nice 



I couldn't find a lot of information about you on your profile but from what I could tell, you're artistic and seem to have a preference toward female characters. I alos get the idea that you may be a minor.

So for most alike, I'll be going with Eiko Tsumagi. She's young, cute and seems to fit your style.


I am a big sister! Though I don't have tattoos, dye my hair or any of that cool stuff. XD Nice and bubbly would be sorta incorrect and I'm actually quite short but it's so interestign to see what people see in me. And it's actually quite flattering! ^^





Alright then let me see I would go with https://toyhou.se/1832616.holly-shaw

As I imagine you as the big sister type and tall (also the picture gives me the same vibe as your profile pic). Also I imagine you like to express yourself with either tattoos, jewelry, or dying your hair for some reason(?)

I also think you have the same personality as nice and bubbly


sorry if I am wrong