Which of their OCs is the person above most like?

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 13 days ago) by hedgemaze

Maybe this will totally flop, but I thought the idea sounded fun. This is the reverse of the Tag Yourself thread, and related to the "your impression of the person above" threads (and maybe "guess the favorite character of the person above").

In this thread, we're gonna do the opposite. Look at the person above's characters, and decide which of their own characters you think the person above is most similar to. Then tell them why you think so!

By similar, I mean what vibe does the person above you give you? Maybe they seem calm and thoughtful, like one of their characters, or rowdy and outgoing like a different one. You're basically guessing which of their characters you think that person has put the most of themself into (intentionally or not). If you don't know the person above you well, that's fine! You can guess based on aesthetics (their avatar, or the impression their profile gives you), the way the character's profile is written, or just take a wild guess if you're totally stumped.

(Personas/fursonas don't count for this, folks. : p At least, not the kind that are literally "the person but as a wolf" or similar; if the persona can also stand on its own as a character, that's fine. If they can't, you can mention the persona, but please choose another OC you think is similar to the person as well.)


  • BE NICE   -- if you want to say someone is similar to their edgy demon OC, please say why ("because you also seem to be into horror themes") and don't just let them think you're trying to insult them.
  • Leave a comment of the caliber you hope to receive; it's more fun if you explain why that character reminds you of them!
  • Claim first so you have time to look through their characters.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your comment in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again, and feel free to edit your post if you want to respond to the person who picked for you! Have fun!

The first person can either pick for me if they want to, or just claim a spot to kick this off.

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Hmmmm, I'm not sure, but I think of Kiru/Merci because you're also a college student who likes rabbits and takes commissions! I think you're probably not an assassin, but you are a good person. : p

Edit: Oh geez this is like a month later; I thought I replied a long time ago. Anyway I wanted to thank you for the thoughtful answer! I wouldn't have expected Heto at all, but I definitely see it now that you mention it. :')

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Out of all of your characters, Pandora sounds like the kind of person you are.  Both of you seem to be a kind of person who would be memetastic and beautifully chaotic.


I don't personally know you very well so I kind of navigated around with you profile info + what I have seen you in forum games  but maybe Silly Ewe? You have always come across to me as someone who doesn't really care about the opinions of other people when it comes to harmless fun & following your own path regardless of what people think or expect, which I think is honestly a very admirable quality! 

omg this was such a fun and interesting read!! Kennith and I are both really into the same faux artistic aesthetic but aside from that we're actually completely different! 

Rosemarie on the other hand though is probably a REALLY close match especially to what I was like at her age, and the fact our birthdays are only one day apart is a testament to that lmao. I'm not political in the least bit but we're both chaotic good and generally the sort of people who pull others into our own questionable and potentially dangerous shenanigans lol and like to stick our noses into things that aren't our business, but simultaneously feel super strong about helping others and tend to do things our own way regardless of what people think (I guess Kennith also shares that with us, haha)


u take me as someone who's imaginative and artistic, and as someone who's kind, respectful, and can be quite serious at times as u don't imagine u take any kind of shit - i also see u as being like... the responsible one out of ur friends haha
so in saying that i feel the OC that u seem most like (or at least, going off what i think u might be like, i'm probably way off omg) would be kennith? bc he sounds sorta like that in the artistic and kind sense u know?
tho for some reason i'm getting vibes from rosemarie and i can't shake the feeling that u could be like her too i mean, u never know haha

(sorry it took so long to fill my claim i wanted to look thru all ur OCs haha ;w; - like i said tho i might be way off the mark here rip)


i mean, in a way ur right! arinae is literally a copy+paste of what i was like as a 13/14 year old haha, overenthusiastic over everything and pretty cringy 

tho if we're going by what i'm like now, i'm actually mostly like kelion! a lot of the stuff in his profile is actually things i'm like/do - also u weren't wrong to want to pick kiyung, bc he's like... a exaggerated version of me? i'm like kel and ki mixed together tbh

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I read your front-page profile and immediatley Nathair's (https://toyhou.se/1192090.nathair-alder) image made me think of you. After I read all the other personalities, I felt liek he definitley was the one I most related to who I thought you might be like. 

You seem a bit reserved with yourself and your characters much like Nathair seems very soft-spoen and reserved. You also said you aren't "anti-social" while Nathair is "social without actively seeking friends." Those were the main comparisons I gleamed. I'm just curious to know if you think out of the characters I listed, did I even get close? What do you think?


Lol it's funny that you picked Joe because I'm a Southerner too.


oh my that's pretty hard xd

Joe maybe? there isn't many info about her yet, but you look like a very nice and positive person to me, just like Joe ^-^

oh my! thanks for such interesting assumption! <333

tbh the only thing we both have in common is the clumsiness and some of the likes xd also my style is absolutely different from what Pururin usually wears xd To tell you the truth, i have a style which is kinda similiar to Zepar's xd

but thank you for a very nice message dear <33333


Omfg I agree, this game is kinda hard, but fun :")

However, for some reasons I get Pururin vibes from you? She has a very friendly and nice personality, which also is one of the very first things I noticed when interacting with you! Her likes and dislikes also seem like something you may have in common, idk :o I also like to imagine that you may have a similar fashion style irl, or at least it's something you may want to have, haha. ~ Sorry if that's inaccurate ;;

You can pick anyone (even OCs tagged as "sonas" lmao because this tag is quite inaccurate) except for characters in the "Non comic-related" folder ♥

Ooh that's interesting, haha! I actually wasn't expecting that at all xD

Moroni and I sure have some similarities (since all of my OCs sort of have similarities with me so I can connect with them more), but we are pretty different from each other! I'm not a social person at all, and yeah, we are kind of polar opposites when it comes to morals even though I don't drink/smoke either (but that's just because I personally don't like it) :") It's also funny to see that you picked him from all my characters because of his "historical inspirations" since I think he's not the most who was the more blatantly based on history besides the witch hunt stuff I guess, haha :"3

But thanks for the assumption, that was a cool read! :D



I want to Moroni because he is very history inspired and you said you loved history in your profile. I also feel you personalities would kind of syncbut it's kind of more of a gut feeling? At the same time, I feel he's the polar opposite of you lol.


Hahaha related to my villian. Did NOT expect that but I don't hate the idea. :P


I did look through all of your characters.  From the information on your Toyhou.se page, I think Cyborg sounds like the one closest to you.  The one thing that made this connection is the desire of becoming more knowledgeable.  Another is the serious tone.  Looking at this a bit more, you have no humorous characters or anything that would be off the charts and he seems to be a serious character, too.