Your OC is stuck on an island with the above OC.

Posted 6 years, 13 days ago (Edited 6 years, 12 days ago) by Walking Fairtank mustelas

What the title says! Post in character. The one you post as is stuck with the character above. (I'm sort of new to, so please don't bash this forum! I am doing my best here)

example one-


"o heck yeah let's fly out of here!"

example two-


"sorry, kid, but we're eating you when the food runs out"

characters owned by me + siegfried

Try to put some effort into your responses, no two-word grunts. wait until three people post after you to post again! got it? Let's start!

 Picket Whitefence (D&D) fizzelston

Picket’s words echoed through the empty space. The entire world was shadowed in this thick, unpierceable darkness. His footsteps sounded hollow. As if he was walking on old wooden planks, but he was walking on nóthing. Darkness. The same shadows that surrounded him.
Picket was familiar with the dream-plane. He’d always been able to enter it. Even since he was very young. But this time the dream plane felt… Different. Closed off.
“Anyone there?” he tried.
He walked further. Forcing himself deeper into the cloud of emptiness. There! 
Land seemed to form out of nowhere. In a flick of the eye, the emptiness had taken shape. The hollow sound of his footsteps had changed to the sound of shifting sand. He was on an island of sorts. In the middle of the sand sat an ancient creature. A dragon, Picket realized with horror.
“Hey,” he said as he carefully approached the monster. Not sure what to expect. This must be this creature's dream. Picket quickly looked around, at the bright blue sky and the watery sun above them. At the seagulls that drifted high above them without making any sounds. At the waves, frozen in time. Picket’s nose wrinkled. He looked back at the monster and his footsteps halted. On the dragon’s lap lay a dog… No a wolf! Killed. “Oh gods.” 


Picket is able to enter people's dreams! So you can use the 'it was all a dream' excuse freely if you want!!🙏

V AH This is so cute 😭😭 Picket is no angel, he is a gamer..........

Pip Tomatoteddy

Pip was pleasantly surprised when he awoke in his dream.

Instead of the usual oceanscape, with nothing around for miles except the sky and sea, there was sand underneath him. The waves lapped at the shore as he got up, noticing the amount of nature and shrubbery on the island. It was... strange. This had never happened before in the years he had the same recurring dream. He's seen haunting visions, but they were just that, visions. Having an actual island materialize was out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling noise from the shrubbery. He didn't have any weapons in the dreams, he was powerless. So he stood there in anticipation. "Hello?" he yelled out, a bit of worry in his voice. "Is there anybodythere?"

From out of the bushes and trees, came... a teenager? He had pointed ears, but Pip wasn't sure if he was an angel. He didn't recognise him either, usually when his dreams included people, they were people he knew. And he never heard of angels being able to enter other angel's dreams.

Pip nervously cleared his throat before talking. "Wh-Who are you?".