šŸ  The House (IC game, closed, see A/N) šŸ 

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by circlejourney

UPDATE: as of 17 June, this game is closed, in light of stock photo crediting issues and also the fact that it has been very time-consuming to maintain. To everyone who helped create this monstrosity lovely living space, thank you, and thank you for the great art that it has spawned, too! More about it in this post

A game concept that I thought might be fun. Time to put the "house" in Toyhouse??

The House

To start, there's a tiny and rather disappointing house in the middle of the green. Nothing's in it yet; the walls and floors are bare, the grounds are covered in weeds, and it has the bare minimum of facilities.


Your OCs are looking to move into this house. but it's obviously not up to their standards! Before they do, they can make some change to it, big or small. They might build a new room, plant a hedge, take down someone else's ugly decor, or knock a hole in the wall (with their fist!) because they want a better view from the living room. It's all the same house, so you can also make adjustments to others' changes. Sky's the limit!

How to play

  1. Claim to prevent ninjaing.
  2. Respond IC and say what your OC does to the house.
  3. IC commentary is not necessary, but would be fun. And that's it!


  • You can either make changes in up to two rooms, or add a room and furnish it.
  • Wait 2 posts before posting again.
  • Interacting with and building on others' additions is fun, but try to avoid completely eliminating someone else's addition immediately after.
  • SFW additions only!

The house so far


First floor

Whole floor:

  • Smells of strawberries
  • Full of balloons


  • Pretty flowers
  • Trees and bushes (one crushed, all the rest on fire)
  • A tree stump
  • A trail of purple drool
  • A pond with a fence around it crocodiles!
  • Vegetable patch
  • Fountain, frozen over
  • Firepit
  • Hammock between two trees
  • Large cactus garden
  • Carnival tent on a paddock
  • Stable
  • A hole (a bone was found in it)
  • A single very large cat, fleeing the crocodiles
  • Wave pool with slides


  • Morris Minor pickup
  • A pile of boxes
  • Tortekyu's disguise hidden under those boxes
  • Tiger footprints (one on the ceiling)


  • Cat beds and toys on it. Probably cat residents as well
  • Paint cat pawprints everywhere
  • Hot tub surrounded by baby gates

Living room:

  • Floor is made of sand
  • Fishtank by the back wall
  • Ballet rails along the perimeter
  • Cry zone with a beanbag chair
  • Large TV
  • Arcade machines (DDR, Groove Coaster, Pump It Up Zero)
  • Grandfather clock
  • Smells of sea breeze
  • Sandcastle
  • Surfboards on the wall, hula girls and coconuts around


  • White and black patterned walls
  • Oak wood floor
  • Fridge, stove, oven, counter
  • Sinks on every available surface of counter
  • Dining table and chairs
  • Cupcake station
  • Grandfather clock
  • Ceiling, once broken and repaired
  • Pieces of caved in ceiling


  • Carpeted and full of lava lamps


  • One wall almost completely goneNewly-installed windows covered by a He-Man curtain
  • A shower
  • A drain that drains all water to the basement
  • Completely flooded...with poison, drains clogged, taps turned on Puddles of poisoned water everywhere
  • Grandfather clock
  • All entrances blocked by baby gates
  • First aid kit
  • A toilet and sink...finally


  • End table

Bedroom 1:

  • A bed with dragon-themed sheets
  • Oversized Pokemon plushes
  • Glow in the dark stars on the walls
  • A single very large cat
  • Grandfather clock

Bedroom 2:

  • A bed
  • Bookshelves with books
  • Glow in the dark stars on the walls Rainbows on the walls
  • Pink floor
  • Two windows veiled by blue curtains
  • Desk with terrarium on it
  • Grandfather clock


  • Baby gates on every floor
  • Stained glass window on first floor landing

Bedroom 3:

  • Brass bed with blue sheets
  • Desk with bonsai plant on it
  • Closet

Second floor (thanks Suirin!)

Whole floor:

  • Carpeted
  • Smells of strawberries
Main area:
  • 4 macaroni art pieces
  • A giant hamster tangled in Christmas lights
  • A single chair in the middle of nowhere
  • Popcorn machine
  • Gacha machines
  • Shelves with plants
  • Big dog bed and dog toys
  • A grand piano

Candy store:

  • Presumably candy

Movie theatre:

  • Baby gate over the entrance
  • Rainbow-coloured chairs (one missing) and screen
  • Several blankets thrown over the seats
Computer room Gaming dungeon:
  • Desk, gaming computer with 3 monitors, RGB backlit keyboard
  • Art tablet
  • Mood lighting
  • Art corner with easel and art supplies
  • Shelves, one with anime figurines
  • A slight dent in the wall
  • A huge pile of guns


Bathroom 1:

  • Entire room is a single large bath
  • First aid kit

Bathroom 2:

  • First aid kit


  • Wood flooring
  • Ornate table and chairs
  • Golem butler

Basement (thank u Lune)

Main area:

  • Unhappy ducks with no water
  • Punching bag
  • Dad's recliner
  • Two soggy piles of ash
  • Coffee table
  • Several dead koi
  • Soggy giant Pikachu plush


  • Diner counter and stools, charred
  • Kitchen with grills and stove, charred black
  • A rack of baseball bats, charred black
  • A bench of lab equipment with some more up-to-date apparatus
  • A puddle of water and damp instruments
  • Remains of an explosion
  • A batch of fireworks

Walk-in closet



Disco hall:

  • Disco ball
  • Neon lights and light up floor

Clock room:

  • Grandfather clock
  • And lots of other clocks besides...

Note that it takes me some time to update this plan + list, do read the most recent comments as well! Also, you don't have to do this to play, but it would be really helpful to me if you could link top-view solid-bg images of objects you add to the room, if you're able to find them!

Art of our humble abode

Historifrog Lilina

Froggy notices the puddle in the basement. They sat on it for a while, until they realized that something is missing. Froggy noticed that a family of ducks are missing, so they added the ducks on the wet floor, so that the ducks could play on it.

 Butterscotch ShinyM36

Butterscotch arrived at the house , very confused and wondering where he will sleep, he can't go in doors , hes a horse, he walks around the garden for awhile (staying clear of the crocodiles) He decides there is no where safe at the moment and goes into the carnival tent. Where a friend decided's that a stable and paddock should be made outside for all the hoofers to live..

Pyxis MaplesHaiku

Orion walks around the house and puts a first-aid kit in each bathroom. "Now, when people get hurt, you won't have to rely on me!"

Prisma Jade-Everstone

Prisma walked down into the basement, immediately stepping into the puddle. "Interesting..," She commented, viewing over the diner, lab and disco hall in the back, the fire... She walked into the disco hall and thought to herself Hmm... wouldn't it be convinent to have a walk-in closet of clothes nearby? Not many people have disco clothes in this day and age... I'll have it built to the right of theĀ dance floor. just need to carve a room into there somehow...

(edit: ooc but I did some art of the house lol: )


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Lucca MotherRat

Lucca waddles towards the outdoors section of the house, going toward the side near the garage. He suddenly comes upon an idea. A wave pool! With sand and beach chairs and stuff around it. He also imagined some some slides and such heading into the pool. Just what everyone would love. He also scattered some seashells from his collection around the sandy area.

 Candide Alba celestiials

"Y'know, maybe we should have a mini-hospital or at least ain infirmary if something happens." Candide mused. "Now, where to put it? There's not enough room on the first or second floor... into the basement it goes!" Candide started setting up a makeshift infirmary in the basement; let's hope nothing too shady happens in there...

Orchid zinnia

"Hmm, I... you know what? I'm isolating myself from all this. If I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well wall myself in a library, the basement sounds nice. And there's no doors,Ā because I'd prefer to enjoy my peace and quiet from... whatever is happening here."


Bump (iā€™d go again but thereā€™s the 2Ā posts limit)

peaches Joey-D-yvern

"woah, what even happened here??!"

the hybrid wandered the house before sitting near the puddles, watching the ducks. FISH! the ducks need fishy friends! after a few hours, the rabbit returned, dumping bags of koi into the puddle. satisfied and exhausted she climbed up and sat on the baby gate

Uranus Swissy

(Game is too good to die)

"Why tf are everything in this house is messed shit? Dont they know my job is hard as fuck? Geh, whatever" with a sigh, Uranus cleaned the puddles of water and poison, rearranged the balloons in a colourful order (also cleanig them out of the halls and living room), moved the pikachu and the giant cat into the basement. Until he was met with a flooding water and the flamed stove.

Screamed and surprised, he threw the pikachu doll into the fire and then used the water to wash the fire out. It somehow succeeded but the duck wasn't much happy about it, nor was Uranus with the weted laboratory tools. Some of it had a small explosion, leaving circuits and electricity. Hopefully, the other equipments are water, electric, explosion-proof

Sade Esterofila

"Nope. Too lazy to even try to make this house look like something worth living in."

Sade flopped herself down on the aged, creaky floors and sighed, content.

And then half a minute later, half of the ceiling collapsed on her.

"...... Okay, maybe I can get the ceiling redone. BUT THAT'S IT."

Leon angelscarousel

"Hm...oh wow... Ā this place sure does have a lot of character..! I think it's missing something though...." Leon sets up a small art corner in the studio!

 Lucifer Aarix

"Computer room? More like gaming dungeon! First, I need some elite hunting ambience" Lucifer shoots out the lightglobes, plunging the room into darkness, before installing some "tasteful" gaming mood-light instead.

"Also, you need to replace this crappy old man computer with a proper gaming rig (with fully-customizable RGB backlit keyboard)! Oh yeah, and I'm gonna need at least three more monitors in here."

Lucifer also takes the liberty of dumping an enormous pile of guns in one corner, making himself at home.


Mod note: Hello! Thank you for playing this game, I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it and I love seeing the wacky things your OCs have been doing with this disaster beautiful abode.

As you can tell, I've been updating the floor plan by myself, and that's actually quite a bit more work than it seems like! I know the plan is a big part of the fun, so to keep things manageable, there is a new rule: onlyĀ make changes in up to 2 rooms/areas in the house on your turn. This will greatly help me keep the map up-to-date and the game going.

Feel free to continue!