Draw Your OC in the Above OC's Outfit!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by Aarix

This thread is based on the Draw the OC Above in Your OC's Outfit thread, and it works the same, but the other way around! In this thread, you'll be drawing your own character in the above character's outfit! Steal their look   

How To Play

  1. Look at the character above you, and choose any one of your OCs to draw in their outfit. Claim a spot IC so you don't get sniped, and so the game can keep moving in the meanwhile.
  2. Draw your OC in the character above's clothes
  3. Edit your post to show off your cool art!

Some Rules

  • Art has to be a flat-coloured full body drawing at least. You're free to do more if you wanna ;v
  • Your character has to have an accessible, coloured full-body ref
  • Don't.... post characters with no clothes. This is a SFW thread, no nudity please!
  • On the flipside, don't post as characters who are totally covered by their costumes-- the character needs to be identifiably yours, even with the other character's costume!
  • You're free to adapt the character above's outfit a bit so that it can fit your character. For instance, adding a top to a topless design to cover your character's chest if necessary, or changing/removing shoes to fit your character's digitigrade design, etc. But stay true to the above design wherever possible!
  • Try to complete your claim within two weeks. There's less pressure with this as you're drawing... you own character, but still! Try not to leave your claims unfilled. I'll send you a reminder if two weeks have gone by and you haven't filled your claim.
    • If a claim goes unfilled for too long, you can take it to the volunteer thread, where the volunteer will be drawing one of their own characters in your character's clothes instead.
  • Nobody's stealing anyone's clothes forever, it's just a momentary swap for art game purposes :v
That's it! Have fun!   

If you have any concerns about the goings on in this thread, please don't hesitate to PM me!

Masuka BeanedHaze


I really liked drawing this, the outfit was fun to draw...


unfortunately i think my oc will kill me for this

Prokaryo Bluesulfur

Claim (gonna use the outfit from Masuka's 2nd pic) ^v^


Prokaryo decided not to put your mask on bc he didnt wanna ruin it with his goop

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 Piotrek Czernikow its_olsomm




-skip me, please claim for Olson's post :v-

@Olson friend you forgot to post IC :0

all good now! Thank u c:



mog pixiekinz



this was fun

Caramel Semety


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Abelin Arkann cal_alidocious

(note: she has short white sleeves. and yes she does have arms.)



Inkar heftylesbian


This was a lot of fun! This helped me on my process of getting out of art block uvu

Ad KaminooniSeika

Finished~ I mean I don't think he hates it but def wouldn't wear again. I think he just isn't use to showing so so much off xD 


Donner Demonite

Claim! All done!


He looks like a priest or something ^^

Basil Luckyee

Demonite claim!


"Ya'll sure this here outfit wou' actually help yah?"

"I shouldn' drink as much as ah should.."

"'Cause stuff like /this/ happens..."