SKETCH for the person above!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by beforenath

Hey! Prismakry has given me permission to take over the sketch thread. I've decided to cobble together some rules from the original thread, plus some of my own! Note that I've decided to start fresh when it comes to a ban-list, so if you were banned in the original, you can participate here... Just please play fair this time, okay? :)


  1.   All art must be a half-body at MINIMUM  
  2. Please CLAIM a post before you do any art! This way you don't get ninja'd.
  3. @ or name the person you're claiming! Hopefully this helps people getting accidentally skipped.
  4. Post or link your art in your original claim, don't just PM! This is to ensure you've done your part.
    1. Please make sure to edit into your claim instead of making a new post entirely... Posting just to show off finished art can confuse the next poster on who to claim.
  5. You can only claim ONCE per page, and you can only claim ONCE at a time! If you claim another post without finishing your first claim, you WILL be banned. If you want art for free, try the freebies forum.
    1. If more than 24 hours has passed since the last post on the thread, you may claim them to get the thread moving again provided you've filled your previous claim. 
  6. YOU MUST FINISH YOUR CLAIM WITHIN TWO WEEKS! A sketch shouldn't take much longer than that! If 2 weeks comes up and you haven't done your part, you will get a WARNING. If another 2 weeks passes from the time you receive that warning and you still haven't finished (provided no unforeseen circumstances happen) you will be BANNED.
  7. Have at LEAST 3 characters available on your account to be drawn. If you want art of a specific character, there's a thread for that!
  8. These may be sketches, yes, but PUT EFFORT INTO THEM! If done traditionally, on blank paper. The definition of a sketch varies from person to person, so use your best judgement here. If you want something low effort, try this thread!
  9. If you are caught deleting posts to avoid having to draw, YOU WILL BE BANNED.
  10. If a user on the block list posts in the thread, IGNORE THEM. If YOU are on the block list and want to be off it, PM me at my main and we can discuss! It'll likely be as simple as you finishing the claim you originally promised.
  11. If you have an issue with a user on this board, or do not receive art from them, please contact me at my main (dogstarlite) and I'll try to resolve it.
  12. Last but not least... If you do not receive art, and neither you nor I can get them to follow through on their promise, feel free to put yourself on the unfilled claims sheet.
Please feel free to suggest more rules if you think I've left something out!


  • Yeehaw
  • AuroraCelest / N3M3S1S (both accounts are closed, but beware of alts!)
  • Gh0stParade
  • Thelxlbloodlxlprince
  • bird-brained
  • leon071
  • prosciutto
  • BunBoiBun

(the first user to post doesn't owe me anything. have some free art from the next person to claim!)

Watson Swissy

Claim! Aand done!


Watson is preferred. Though if he's not your thing, feel free to pick anyone in Here or here


Claim! (I think that's how you do it???)

Anyone below would be gucci :0 (I don't know how to do the fancy link things kskssksks??)



You can draw anyone who is located in one of my various folders/sub folders. (This include their AU Tabs)

I would prefer if you try to pick someone who doesn’t have much art (like under 4 images). C: Thank you.



You can draw anyone in the Nameless folder, preferably ordered by Newest to Older unlesss someone, in particular, catches your fancy!! Thank you


Claim BlueXia DONE


Anyone is fine , go nuts




(combination bump and a note that I updated my main account info in the OP because it was brought to my attention I still had my old name on there... I'm sorry for any inconvenience that might've caused for people trying to contact me. Keep up sketchin, guys!)

This user is not visible to guests.


Anyone here or here please!




Anyone is fair game, but I would especially like art of the chars

here or here :D


Claim! Finished.


Anyone with less art, please.


Claim moryonenn 



Anyone is fine , Go nuts



DONE! Pmed you the piece

Anyone is fine with me

This user's account has been closed.


Anyone is fine.
