character interaction freebies ( ° ͜ʖ °)

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Gomji

hi I'm bored

I wanna draw our characters interacting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

post which one of my characters you want to be drawn with yours 

feel free to suggest an interaction idea!

or it can be a surprise..... :^)  (can't guarantee that it'll be good tho agh)

edit: I'm probably not gonna be able to draw in order, because some ideas may be more interesting than others D^: sorry about that   

Also, some pics might end up looking like nsfw because of the nature of some of my ocs lmao let me know if it's alright you in your post! (Edit: If you're uncomfortable posting here for nsfw, just send me a PM and I'll look over them as well! It's probably better to tell me how I should draw the interaction because I end up making it fluffier than expected. lol)

You can post more than 1 request js

These are kind of old but they're all the samples i got 








Ooooo Love your Evil guy, Keith! Love see you try Prism~ He's also evil, lot his mind, and love smash stuff! 

So surprise me and have fun what scene you give them~

Or anyone here if you like~

Late Edit: I'm fine with NSFW~


oo I love Lucia! Maybe try Damien? They seem like they would get along!


Android 8 is super great, and well could work perfectly with Rose, as she's also an android, maybe both enjoying a cup of that melon oil that Alena enjoys, and talking about android things. Unless you have another idea, a surprise is fine with me, too~

But heck I saw a lot of great looking characters, and your art is pretty great!~ Thanks for considering~

EDIT: Ah yes, if it ends up more NSFW, that's fine here! Have a good night~

Gail Garm Discordia

I think Gail and ruuunosake would either get along really well or really bad. She’s also a pretty master manipulator so I feel like they would have an interesting dynamic

Regardless- I appreciate the opportunity, good luck with whatever you choose to work in and I hope it brightens your night :)

Edit: nsfw fine. I’m of age and so is Gail lol



thank you! Damien is so adorable :^)

here you go ^^

Saccharin Kirbygal

I see that Ryuunosuke has yandere in his Likes list so I think it'll be cool to see how he reacts or feels with Saccharin, my yandere boi xD Thankies if you consider ^^;;;; 

 Fendril xtoba-moved

maybe this oc with chris drinking together :> 

if his clothes are too much you can put him in casual clothing (like a white button-up or something)

edit: nsfw is fine hehe



tbh i could think of like Smiley and Keith from that hug thread CACKLE BUT YOU STILL CAN'T MAKE ME PICK

Grandfather Milkman

Grandpa and Hades

Just hit me with that hot S H I T

Edit: or anyone i got tbh LOL i lubb every1 of ur characters and your art hhhh

EDIT x2: I'm also fine with the nsfw stuff yes ♡




I love them all help

I'll end up drawing them tmrow tho i need some sleep :^))) ty for posting such beautiful ocs!!

Also please lemme know if you're okay with pics that look like nsfw lmao


Aaah, I don't know if you'll still be open for these freebies by the time I finally get the chance to look further in-depth of your characters and decide on an interaction with my own OCs (I need to sleep aah), but I just wanted to drop by and say that your art is amazing! I really love your style, and the colours you use are so vibrant but yet remain easy on the eyes. They work really well together, and overall your art is just so nice to look at. And briefly glancing through your characters, they all seem so amazing and interesting! Goodness, you have both amazing designs and art that's very #goals level, haha.

These freebies seem like a really interesting idea! I hope you have fun with them (and hopefully I don't miss the chance to drop in my own characters later asdfhjl;).