Posts on MYO and Design Review Start of Thread Parent

- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design!
- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner: iinkt
- owner: floralbled
- character reference image:
- link to character:
- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign): it was for the gacha!
- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits"): common!
- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed):

  • Skin: Human
  • Hair?: Yes
  • Scales: Regular
  • Ears: Human
  • Body Mods: Antenna, Whiskers, Shrimp Tail

Sorry that I accidentally removed the one stuff, I got too excited about your comm being done.


Got it! No worries;Β he is ML #134!