General Questions & Concerns

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 21 days ago) by iinkt


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hello hello! I was wondering if this character was a shrimpshifter, she has a shrimp in her gallery but there wasn’t really anything else so I assumed it wasn’t one? i just wanted to confirm haha


Nope! A while back, spaceshriimp designed a lot of shrimps and hid them as prizes, and a lot of people turned them into humans, before Shrimpshifters was an official species, so I believe that is what happened ^^


ah alright thank you!


if i have an uncommon myo and i wanna give her patchy scales, can i put scales on her face or is that for a higher rarity?


Unfortunately, it is for Rare and higher!




how long does it usually take for a bank acc to be made 


Right now, up to a week? Jay usually runs the Treasury, but she is taking a break so I am managing it for her, so it just takes me a bit to get to everything ^^; If your request is there, I’ll get to it!


ah okay :D take your time :]


i have a legendary myo and i wanna give it extra arms, and i was wondering if i could give his regular arms under abundance and the extra ones extreme overabundance or do all the arms have to have them same scale trait?


He can have both! The legs can be different too, if you want to include scales on the leg :)


ooo yay! he gonna have funky scalesss


hey! I was wondering if I could make one of my already existing characters as a shrimpshifter but just as an alt design if that makes sense. (basically 2 diff characters with the same design but one is a shrimpshifter and the other isnt)


Yes, of course! It does require a MYO, though ^^


Great! I found a few myos in the latest event so cant wait to make them :]


I have another question :] can the horns on them be on the longer side of do they have to stay shorter?


They can be longer, they just can’t curl!


alright! tysm :] i'm working on one of my shrimpshifters rn <3


Sure thing! I can’t wait to see :0


Q: Just to make sure, what exactly is a regular remnant? I can't find anything on what it is


I really need to put this somewhere clearer, but here is the proper description:

“Ancient Shifters are Shifters who have been revived with the use of genetic technology and artifacts called Remnants. Remnants are fossils, and they are called “Remnants” as they are the remains of an old civilization.”

In short, you can take Remnants to the Laboratory to create Ancient MYOs. Spooky Remnants will give you an Ancient Spooky MYO, and Deep Sea Remnants will give you an Ancient Deep Sea MYO.


Ooooh that makes sense, thanks!


Can the rarity upgrade item in the shop increase rare to legendary? I've been in some species where it cant.


Unfortunately, no, we just have “Common to Uncommon” right now ^^


hey, was wondering if rarity upgrades work on other MYOs that aren't regular ones (like spooky/deep sea ones)? :'D


Yes! From Common > Uncommon, at least ^^


okay, thank you!


Hihi I’m super sorry if this is the wrong place to ask! I’m one of the five people that found a Spooky x deep sea MYO during the scavenger hunt and I still haven’t received it! I was wondering if it was because I also got a different MYO (an uncommon MYO!)but none of the others, or simply because it was sent to the wrong person!! Or really whatever other reason there is!!


Unfortunately, I just realized I've sent them to the wrong list of users ^^; You should see a transfer from PaperGhost in the next day or so, I've messaged them about it--if you don't see one, please let me know!


Tysm! I got a tad worried and figured it was sent to the wrong person :3

I just received the character transfer!


From the Halloween event, I got a common spooky myo alongside the uncommon myo but only received a ticket for the uncommon. Are there tickets for the other?


Yes—I still haven’t sent out the Common ones yet ^^; I think I am going to start doing that tonight


alright! just making sure


👌 Thank you for checking in!


hellooo, so I have a lot of myos and want to give one to friend. I know there’s a way to transfer already made shrimpshifters, but I was wondering how I would trade an myo (mine’s an event one that says it’s tradeable ).  


You can just trade it! We don't track MYOs within the Masterlist (as far as who owns them), we just have all of those details on the MYO to make sure it is verified as a real MYO (if that makes sense) ^^


Ok thank you!!


Are we allowed to ask questions about lore here?
If so, does the spirituality religion have something like churches and ranks? If it does, what sort of ranks? (I notice religion is still a wip, so if you don't know yet, you can disregard this.)
Also, what do the water mask devices generally look like? 


Sure! I haven’t worked out the religion yet, but I’m thinking there will be regional differences—so, some countries’ regional interpretation is that there are ranks in the afterlife, and perhaps in a purgatory, while others believe all is equal. And yes, there is some form of temple/church/etc that they go to for worship! I’m thinking that since the religion is so widespread there are a lot of, again, regional differences, so a lot believe differently on the practices within temples and whether they are important. I want to form the religion under the idea there is the same base concept, but several interpretations between locales and even individuals.

For the water masks, I think there are a range, because many different companies are trying to develop theirs the best. Kind of like how there are many different types of vaccum cleaners, how they all have the same function but look different and collect dust different and have different little extra functions and modes. When I envision them, I think of some of the more high-tech ones like the masks from Avatar, while others are clunky and require more of a “fish bowl” shape, like Gill from Monster High (might be a silly allusion but I can’t think of any other characters other than him and the Octonauts that have a bubble-like helmet). Really, all that is to say is, if you want to design one, go nuts. I do have a sketch for the wheelchairs somewhere that mermaid-style and centaur-style shrimp tail shifters would use, just need to clean it up and add some variations before I add it to the page.

But yeah! Feel free to ask any more questions you may have! And if you think it would be interesting, I could also make a lore discussion thread, where people can ask questions :0


Thank you for answering so thoroughly, this was really helpful :D I hope you don't mind, I have a couple more questions.
So, would the existence of many different variations on the religion perhaps mean there may be something on Aqaulis akin to a shrimp nun? If so, what general area(s) do you think they would reside?
Ooo, I'm really interested in the wheelchair, I'll be sure to look out for it when it's finished.
I think a lore discussion thread would indeed be pretty cool! Though, I've only been here for like two seconds so I'm not sure if it should be up to me.


Of course! I’m always happy to talk about lore :)

And yes! There definitely would be, and I don’t think it would be strictly females—it would be a sign of anyone’s complete service to the church/temple they belong to, just like being called to missionary work or something, it would be a similar feeling for those who pursue it ^^ Viradise is a theocracy, so I think that would be the most likely place, followed by Genora.

I made a the discussion thread for it, if you want to move our conversation so it’s more organized!