Posts on [CLOSED] Present Raffle no. 1! Start of Thread Parent

Congrats Lemonmoth

You’ve just won a pack of 10 presents to give away! If you have someone in mind, you can @ ping them! If not, consider giving it through our "The person below me gets" forum game! Remember, presents can be opened at the Open Presents Thread!

Your list of presents is as follows:

  1. (998) Rare Pink
  2. (82) Red
  3. (106) Orange
  4. (827) Blue-Ribbon Pink
  5. (942) Rare Green
  6. (905) Rare Orange
  7. (990) Rare Pink
  8. (130)Orange
  9. (897) Rare Orange
  10. (458) Purple

Thank you for entering and participating! Make sure to give those presents away soon 🙂


PXRTYSTICKERS you get a rare green one