Whispered Rumors (CLOSED)

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 9 months, 6 days ago) by Celest

Did You Hear?

When people gather, people talk. For some, seeing friends and getting  to hear the latest juicy gossip is the highlight of any market, more treasured than the latest catch or the freshest fruit, and for others, it's a necessity of business strategy and intel. Open your ears as you walk the stalls, and you are certain to catch a snippet of something interesting...


This is game where you make up a rumor (eg, a headcanon) about the character above you! Social butterflies who gossip the most will win mutations. Mutations are extremely flexible traits, limited only by your imagination. There will be three winners to start with (one major and two minor), and more may be added if we reach certain participation thresholds.

If you've never played this sort of game, one person posts a character. The person below them makes up a rumor about the character, links a character of their own, and pings the person above them. The next person posts a rumor and another character, rinse and repeat.

Here are some additional rules:

  • Your rumor can be something realistic for the character or totally off the wall and out there! These are just rumors, after all, so have fun with it! The owner of the character gets to decide if they're true.
  • Please keep all rumors SFW.
  • Please no dark content (unless op specifically asks for that sort of topic.)
  • Only approved Enchiron characters, please. (Remember, humans can be approved any time.)
  • If you don't have an approved character for the person below you, you are welcome to use the mascots.
  • Writing the rumor in-character is encouraged, but not required.
  • Please wait at least 2 users or 4 hours between posts.
  • Subscribe to the thread if you want to ensure you don't miss anything!
  • This event ends July 15th!
To start, let's hear a rumor about Ennis.



Celest There's a rumor that Ennis's bioluminescence seems to glow brighter during a full moon.



Shikisei Rumor has it that Florya loves cats, but has a cat allergy! So sad.




Rumor has it that there's a secret passageway in the Onyx Repository that Talmai keeps a pet in!




Rumor has it that Ashwin caught sight of a charming individual during their travels and they tried to get the other's attention by dressing quite out of character...



Shikisei Rumor has it Florya is an excellent dancer!



('tis been 4 hours~)

Celest Rumor has it that Ennis is really lucky at dice rolls!




Rumor has it that Mouse really likes to bake, but always spills something!




Is it true Ashwin is allergic to kelp?

Mascot time!: https://toyhou.se/1331515.talmai



(might actually use that one)

I heard that when Talmai was younger she tried to cook something and it ended up a disaster, which is why she doesn't like to cook anymore.



dragon8pet I heard Ashwin hoardes a secret seed collection.

And with that, this event is over! Shikisei

As the two participants, you both earn a prize. Shiki, you won the major mutation, and Dragon, you won the minor! Both have been added to the bank.


Thank youu!


Thank you!