Posts on [N/A] -> [S] Alaric, the Ignii Start of Thread Parent


     -While on his travels Alaric had kept on the lookout for good places for Lucian to live. He identified the outskirts of a small, yet welcoming, town in Sayil as a good place.

     -When Alaric had narrowed down the options of places to move to to just a few, he and Lucian decided they wanted to start a family. Lucian's cousin Phaedra agreed to act as a surrogate so they could have a child.

     -Alaric and Lucian's daughter Hesper was born, and when she was 1 year old they began their journey to their new home.

     -In their new home with their daughter, Alaric spends less time travelling than he previously did (though he will spend on average a week away every month)

At current time Alaric is 29 years old