What does your character think of the character a-

Posted 8 years, 6 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Muika Hayashi/Kita meltylandnightmare

-bove them? (title got cut off)

 NOTICE: I've been hearing that some people have been giving extremely low effort responses to people in the thread. I want to say that this is not okay, and if you're going to make a post, at least put some effort into it.
From now on, you'll have to have at two sentences in your response. I do not tolerate having low-effort responses in an attempt to just get a reply. Would you like it if somebody gave you a low-effort, two word response? No. 
If you repeatedly break this rule, punishment will be put in place. This is NOT acceptable.

UPDATE: A little thing to know! If 24 hours without a response have passed, then you may respond to your own character with another character of yours. Just a heads up.

UPDATE 2: I saw somebody do it and that inspired me! You can reply to the character above you by editing your post, if you want! 


Pretty self explanatory. You post IC, and your OC says what they think about the character above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other character. For example...

P1 starts off with, for example, Yume. And then it basically goes like this.

P2 (Posting IC as Isamu): A bit too energetic for my tastes...

P3 (Posting IC as Marina): Just another self-righteous, smart alec prick!

You get the idea, right?

I hope this hasn't been done before. This is my first time making a forum game...

Anyway, let's begin, shall we?

Edit probably nobody would see: Wow... When I made this a year ago, I never expected it to blow up like it did. This is just insane... I made one of the most popular forum games (I think), and I didn't even realize how big it would grow when I made it. It was my first one, too! Thanks, all!

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Haimon SuperStar2361

"...You don't get enough sleep...? How... is that even possible...?" Haimon said, before yawning.

Ceres Dionis Sharklore

You're, um... leaking a little bit, there! Just in case you didn't notice. Not that you wouldn't, because it's... a little obvious. Hopefully that's not deadly?

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Luka Lava21

 Oh you look so cute :3 and i love the roses you have in your hair


[WHOOPS didn't mean to post here; skip me please]

 Saki Kishi meltylandnightmare

 "You totally seem like somebody I could be friends with! You're really nice! Do you want to play with me?"

Kisa EeveeDream

"Well, aren't you just darling? Shame what happened to you, though... Here, let me give you a hug!"

Buddy Dohmalore

"Wow you're really nice.  Could I have a hug too?"  

Waldhar Chigai

"Hugs are for babies! Grrraaah!"
"... I can have one, too, though, right?"

Yves Prismakry

"I love giving hugs, come here handsome!" 

"Does anyone want some spicy rice, about to make myself some. mmm" 

Kenzi SuperStar2361

"Ooh, I want some! I love anything that's spicy!"

 Saki Kishi meltylandnightmare

"Is that a kitty?! Oh my gosh, I want to pet the kitty! Can I pet the kitty? It's so cute!"

Maverick Dohmalore

"It's unfortunate you had to die so early.  I hope whoever took advantage of your kindness is rotting in hell, and I hope you're in a good place."